topography of africa

topography of africa. Topography of Africa
  • Topography of Africa

  • rgs3
    Apr 23, 11:35 PM
    Backlit keyboard would take it to another level. Theres just something very awesome about the backlit keyboards. I dont need to look at the keys to type, I just like the esthetics of it all. I would also like to see current gen processors in a current gen model. The last thing that I could ask for would be edge to edge display with zero bezel around the display and trim up around the keyboard. Thats all extra bulk as far as Im concerned.

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /South
  • Topography; /Africa; /South

  • trainguy77
    May 24, 09:59 PM
    we are in 21 place.

    topography of africa. Bestand:Topography of
  • Bestand:Topography of

  • generik
    Oct 10, 10:57 PM
    I think the Mini and Macbook will go C2D at the same time and this will be at the same time or just shortly after the Macbook Pro. With MBP line, I would expect the slowest CPU offering to be the 2.16GHz with an option of a 2.33GHz upgrade and the 2.33 will probably be standard on the 17". The Mini and Macbook will probably get the 1.6GHz and 1.83GHz C2D chips with an option to upgrade to the 2GHz C2D. At the 2GHz mark, it's still Core 2, but has half the cache and still a notch slower than MBP offerings. MBP may also have a 2GHz offering, but it will be the 4MB L2 cache chip.

    Considering the Mini got bumped lately do you reckon that's very likely?

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /South
  • Topography; /Africa; /South

  • TehReaper
    Mar 11, 06:18 AM
    University? Damn I thought they only had north park mall one and Knox store haha I'm still waiting for them to open the door for the mall at north park =\


    topography of africa. AFRICA - TOPOGRAPHY,

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 01:58 PM
    i think we may see MB w/ MBP with shuffle and xserve. i level and pro level traffic at the apple store will sell llot of laptops, especially if their curent.

    topography of africa. Congo Basin and West Africa
  • Congo Basin and West Africa

  • Peace
    Mar 26, 05:11 PM
    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

    Gizmodo says the tipster said it was a menu.


    topography of africa. TOPOGRAPHY

  • notjustjay
    May 3, 02:53 PM
    @notjustjay: the 13" already does have an SD-card slot. is there any chance that'll be taken away?


    Crap, and you know what's the most embarrassing part? I did know that, I was looking at a picture of it just the other day. :o

    OK, just pretend I didn't mention that part. The rest of it stands. ;)

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /
  • Topography; /Africa; /

  • rdowns
    Apr 5, 09:05 AM
    Oh my, what a conundrum for the fan boys. On one hand, CR loves the iPad and Apple's customer service but on the other hand, we have the iPhone 4. :D


    topography of africa. Africa physical map 1988
  • Africa physical map 1988

  • flopticalcube
    Jun 18, 09:27 PM
    Any benchmarks on read/write speeds with these �ber SD cards?
    Most are class 6 or about 6MB/s, some are class 10 or about 10MB/s. The fastest are around 30MB/s but that costs over $200 for a 32GB card.

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /
  • Topography; /Africa; /

  • Lyra
    Oct 27, 07:29 AM
    What do you guys mean no student discount?

    Is that only on launch day or is that a permanent thing now at Regent street? First it's the iPods that don't have any student discount and now the OS? That's a little too harsh don't you think?

    Here's why, it's something like �75 on their for students, but if you look at the US Student price it's only $65, so..... I'm getting screwed either way!! With or without student discount it's WAY too expensive in the UK.

    Ok, so, when I saw the line of people circling the entire building, I was more impressed about that and wanting to know JUST how long the line of people actually was than getting Leopard. See, I can just pick it up from anywhere else if need be or today at apple or tomorrow... I don't need the insane people trying to cut in and giving me attitude when I can simply wait a few days and then get it nice and calmly.

    Anyway, I think Apple should have opened up their apparels store again. With so many people buying apple products so enthusiastically, why not open up a section in Apple store for, T-Shirts, watches, badges, stickers, pins you name it. Like they once had. I think it would sell very well, if only they'd do that.

    But, what you are saying is that the Regent Street isn't offering any Student Discount on Leopard? At all?

    And there were no deaths reported yesterday during the premier!! That's probably the best news huh?



    topography of africa. Topography of Africa
  • Topography of Africa

  • kdarling
    Mar 24, 02:26 PM
    As someone already pointed out, the Army currently uses iPods with translation programs in the field.

    The advantage is that they're comparatively cheap, and young soldiers already know the basics of using them.

    It's also been mentioned that the Army could use them to display videos of local leaders asking people to cooperate, etc. Plus remote control of robots, etc.

    As for visiting Apple, who knows. Usually the military finds a third party company to modify units, but in this case they could be checking to see if Apple was willing to build a bunch for less.

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /Senegal
  • Topography; /Africa; /Senegal

  • ewinemiller
    Sep 13, 09:09 AM
    Originally posted by chmorley
    p.s., Dell a "top tier" vendor?

    At least in my book, in my day job we've used Gateway, IBM, Compaq, Micron, and Dell. Dell by far has been the most reliable. Consumer reports' survey put them on top as most reliable, even beating out Apple, through under support I think apple and dell swapped spots. I don't know how else to define top tier if not "works best". Don't let the awful Dell dude commercials color your perception, they make a good product. I grimace everytime someone walks into my office and says "Dude, you got a dell!"


    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /South
  • Topography; /Africa; /South

  • shamino
    Oct 11, 01:43 PM
    So what is the alleged "NSFW" security hole? The article never says anything about that. Is it the same "hole" that a USB keychain drive has - that someone could copy sensitive data to the phone, which could then be stolen? Is it because joining a corporate Wi-Fi network could introduce a backdoor through which malware could attack? Something else?

    Or is it just paranoia from someone who thinks all devices must have system-crippling amounts of antivirus software in order to avoid being presumed a death trap?

    topography of africa. Google Maps Africa.
  • Google Maps Africa.

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Jan 4, 10:45 AM
    I can't trust the cellphone networks to stream the data to me. Much rather have the maps on the phone.


    topography of africa. Globe showing the topography
  • Globe showing the topography

  • zap2
    Apr 29, 12:54 PM
    It stands to reason that people would drive less. So the projected mileage tax revenue wouldn't be what they say and the already in-place gasoline tax would be less useful because people are driving less. Privacy issues aside, this is a dumb idea. Politically speaking you're not going to win many hearts and minds by taxing the lower and middle classes like this.

    It shouldn't be about winning political points, it should be doing whats right for our country. Either way a high gas tax is a win, we either get more money to fix our roads or we cut down on greenhouse gases. Its really a win/win.

    And yes, some driving can be cut down, but not all of it. Plus a large chuck of driving is required, many people live in suburban areas and need to drive to work.

    topography of africa. South Africa Top Rated
  • South Africa Top Rated

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jun 1, 10:03 AM
    I've edited the original post. I've changed "Mac Software" to just "Software". Making it more of a hybrid of the previous options.


    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /Senegal
  • Topography; /Africa; /Senegal

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 20, 07:59 AM
    Welcome to the team daygokid619 :)

    Your stats:

    topography of africa. Topographical Maps of Africa
  • Topographical Maps of Africa

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 28, 12:48 PM
    great news!

    topography of africa. Topography; /Africa; /Algeria
  • Topography; /Africa; /Algeria

  • mags631
    Jun 19, 09:20 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB? (or the up to 2 TB). Otherwise if you format it with the old formats you are stuck on the same limits as you would with ad SDHC card.

    The way I see it, it's just the controller which supports SDXC, but the OS doesn't as of now. So nothing to really be happy about for the moment except that you have technology on board you can't take advantage on.

    The standard file system of SDXC cards is exFat ( -- so does this mean the Mini now supports exFat?

    Oct 26, 11:36 PM
    Apple is coming up with an update of their production suite this January.
    Adobe can keep trying, I don't think that they are getting even close...

    May 2, 03:12 PM
    Hell has frozen over or someone has jumped the sharked.

    Mar 19, 07:50 PM
    I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.

    I'm really enjoying this whole thread..... :)

    Well shooting manual works for what I do. I doubt any sports photographers use anything other than Aperture Priority mode I would think.

    I should add that I've done my fair share of large-format work. Doesn't get more manual than that! And I certainly pop back into manual on occasion.

    I was going to say that for learning, people should use Manual, but I think that can really drive new photographers away. It's too much to keep in mind when you don't have a good workflow, and then it's frustrating to get so many bad shots. I like telling people to concentrate on one thing, then when that's comfortable move to another aspect (so DoF, then Shutter Speeds - generally.) Maybe full Manual when you've gotten past the big 'N' (for New Shooter) sticker on the camera bag until you're so comfortable with the camera that you can use Av & Tv efficiently and productively.

    But never Auto, well not usually.... Though I do tend to leave the camera on Auto when it's in the bag so that if the UFO lands in front of me all I have to do is turn the thing on and point and snap. :)

    May 31, 01:11 PM
    Didn't re-downloaded it yet, I will try that next time. Just looked at it, and it's gone. I'll have to wait a couple of days before I'm being overtaken again. I'll let you know.

    Apr 5, 08:55 PM
    Apple should've held out on the refresh to include USB 3 and even HDMI. Thunderbolt is currently useless.

    DisplayPort to HDMI cables that support both audio and video are quite inexpensive from many online sources. I use one from my iMac to my 40" LCD TV and the DP port takes up a good bit less space than an HDMI port would (which can be important for a portable device).


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