sam adams beer glass

sam adams beer glass. SAMUEL ADAMS BASKETBALL BEER

  • jsw
    Sep 19, 10:48 AM
    Gar! Perhaps ye be best served with some o' me best lines ( to use w' th' young lasses.

    Though be warned... those that be interested in th' words o' a gentleman o' fortune such as meself are oft'n wenches, not th' buxom beauties and lasses ye probably long for. If'n th' young lass at th' Apple Store be not a wench, ye might be findin' that th' nano be not so small when it be shoved into certain places.

    sam adams beer glass. Sam Adams Beer Glass.
  • Sam Adams Beer Glass.

  • Diode
    Aug 19, 02:20 PM
    I thought so too but in the review he said they used the Places feature out in and around DC so it was working in DC for the testing:

    I'm in DC and can't get it to work ...

    sam adams beer glass. sam-adams-coaster.jpg
  • sam-adams-coaster.jpg

  • martinX
    Apr 4, 04:54 PM
    Three things come to mind.

    Does the material require rendering? You'd probably get a big UNRENDERED across your monitor if it did, but you never know.

    Does your sequence match the footage and is it compatible with your equipment? First thing I'd be doing is checking projects that worked previously. Then I'd shut everything down, power down the deck, have a coffee, and start up again.

    Could there be any NTSC/PAL issues? I'm in PAL land and if I try to play NTSC footage from FCP -> Sony DV CAM deck -> Panasonic Monitor I always have some sort of hassle.

    Popping the canvas in Wireframe mode ( can have this effect too. The 'w' key cycles through 'image', 'image + wireframe' and 'wireframe'. The last one shows just the wireframe in the canvas and only still images on the monitor.

    sam adams beer glass. Sam+adams+eer+glasses
  • Sam+adams+eer+glasses

  • room237
    Jan 6, 05:13 PM
    I have the Push working for Facebook but I cant hear anything... The notifications just come up... How do I set the sound?

    Should be in:

    Settings > Notifications > Facebook

    Although I still get NO notifications no matter what, so I can't guarantee that'll work :(


    sam adams beer glass. It is a fairly cloudy eer,
  • It is a fairly cloudy eer,

  • pubwvj
    Apr 5, 10:02 AM
    Huh. Are there other tablets out there? I mean besides the Ouija board and Etch-a-Sketch? I thought the others from Sony, HP, Microsoft and such were all just pre-manufacturing prototypes... I've seen iPads. Everywhere. Never seen any other brand.

    Speaking of such things, I have seen the Barnes and Noble Nook. Ugh. Ick. Yuck. Disgustipating. Maybe it was a joke. They had them at a Barnes and Noble setup for users to try out. Most didn't even work so they're not durable. Those that did work had problems with applications not functioning, books missing pages (in an eBook?!?) or not working, etc. Sound was poor. I'll save my money for an iPad.

    sam adams beer glass. Sam Adams Beer Glass.
  • Sam Adams Beer Glass.

  • blow45
    Apr 14, 01:44 PM
    I hope this wasn't the guy in charge of the Danger/Sidekick data center...

    lol, that would be funny (in a very painful t-mobile kind of way)!:D


    sam adams beer glass. Gallery | sam adams new eer
  • Gallery | sam adams new eer

  • Di9it8
    Oct 21, 11:28 PM
    But then we can all go to the pub :D

    Or should that be the Leopard Lounge ;-)

    Anyhow I hope to be there, maybe we should organise a mini flash mob or we should all wear Leopard scarves, bandanas etc ;)

    sam adams beer glass. Modified Sam Adams Glassware…
  • Modified Sam Adams Glassware…

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 04:33 PM

    Mac vs. PC: The stereotypes may be true

    By Brandon Griggs, CNN
    April 22, 2011 -- Updated 1915 GMT (0315 HKT) | Filed under: Web

    (CNN) -- Remember those Apple ads that cast the Mac as a 20-something, self-satisfied hipster while the PC was portrayed by an older, square-looking guy in a brown suit?

    Well, those characterizations, unfair as they may be, appear to have some truth to them.

    An unscientific survey by Hunch, a site that makes recommendations based on detailed user preferences, found that Mac users tend to be younger, more liberal, more fashion-conscious and more likely to live in cities than people who prefer PCs.

    Of the 388,000 Hunch users who responded to a question about computer loyalty, 52% identified themselves as PC people as opposed to 25% who said they are Mac devotees. Hunch then cross-referenced those responses with answers to other questions to draw cultural distinctions between the rival Mac and PC camps.

    The results suggest Mac users can be seen, depending on your perspective, as bolder and more creative -- or elitist and more pretentious.

    The report found that 67% of Mac users have a college or advanced degree, as opposed to 54% of PC users. Mac loyalists are 80% more likely than PC users to be vegetarians, and, unlike PC fans, would rather ride a Vespa scooter than a Harley.

    PC users' tastes trend towards casual clothes, tunafish sandwiches, white wine, Hollywood movies, USA Today and Pepsi. Mac users prefer designer or vintage duds, hummus, red wine, indie films, The New York Times and (we're not making this up) San Pellegrino Limonata.

    Mac users also are more likely to describe themselves as computer-savvy and "early adopters." PC users tend to describe themselves as better at math and less likely to throw frequent parties.

    "I fit the typical Mac user on every count. Guess I'm not as unique as I thought. Depressing," wrote one commenter on Hunch's blog.

    Since Hunch's first survey of Mac vs. PC users in November Apple has ridden the success of such high-profile products as the iPad and iPhone 4 to become the world's most highly valued tech company. Despite that hot streak, Hunch found that slightly more people in its new report -- 52%, up from 50% a year and a half ago -- now identify themselves as PC users.


    San Pellegrino Limonata rocks.

    Tunafish sandwiches? LOL!! Losers. ;)

    Smoked salmon pita all the way, with a hot cup of Fukamushi sencha. First flush. Imported!


    sam adams beer glass. quot;Samuel Adamsquot; on a 6¼quot; tall
  • quot;Samuel Adamsquot; on a 6¼quot; tall

  • topgunn
    Sep 19, 03:43 PM
    Also, why two different downloads? Surely they could be incorporated into the same file...
    Not everyone will want to install BOTH updates.

    sam adams beer glass. Sam Adams Beer Glass.
  • Sam Adams Beer Glass.

  • MattDell
    Oct 26, 01:14 PM
    Just got back from Regents! Scored a t-shirt and got Leopard. I feel bad for the people who didn't realise you could go upstairs and check out. The queue downstairs was appalling! I was in & out in about 5 minutes. Then by the time I got out the queue was still all the way down the street!

    And yes, the no student discount was bs!



    sam adams beer glass. This year, the Samuel Adams
  • This year, the Samuel Adams

  • applefan69
    Apr 14, 02:24 PM
    Based on some of the posts in this one forum, it seems that most are coming from loud mouth teens who know nothing, or just want to say something for the hell of it. Geez!

    its a thursday afternoon. Shouldnt the intelligent people be... working?

    im a bored college student, not immature kid. A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.

    sam adams beer glass. Sam Adams Beer Glass.
  • Sam Adams Beer Glass.

  • PODshady
    Nov 21, 04:28 PM
    This is a really cool idea


    sam adams beer glass. SAMUEL ADAMS SUMMER ALE BEER

  • Zadillo
    Sep 25, 10:44 AM
    My friend keeps taunting me with his Core 2 Duo based HP notbook. Even "Xtreme Notebooks" has a Core 2 Duo model.

    This sucks.

    Your friend sounds like a dork. "OOOH, my HP has a Core 2 Duo! I AM SO l33t!"

    Give me a break.

    sam adams beer glass. I saw the Sam Adams glass.
  • I saw the Sam Adams glass.

  • Eolian
    Mar 28, 05:12 PM
    OS X and iOS are both going to grow very strong in previewed in depth at WWDC, rollouts later 3rd/4th qtrs. 2011 will indeed see real solidification of each's collaborative strengths.

    Look at the device in your hand, or your lap/desktop, right now. These are good times to be alive :cool:


    sam adams beer glass. Sam Adams Beer Glass.
  • Sam Adams Beer Glass.

  • kazmac
    Apr 30, 06:24 PM
    Same resolution for the 13" > but these changes would be nice:

    8GB ram option
    larger SSD drive
    longer battery life > closer to the iPad (iPad has really spoiled me as far as battery life).

    and perhaps just a little lighter.

    If the RAM/Battery life bumps are in I'll reconsider, especially since my wrists are okay with the magic mouse and an Apple laptop > (why I didn't use my Magic Mouse with the Airs/Pros I tested over the last month > duh).

    sam adams beer glass. New Samuel Adams Glass for
  • New Samuel Adams Glass for

  • IBradMac
    Jan 11, 05:18 PM
    Google maps have been great. No need to spend $40 I don't guess.


    sam adams beer glass. we got these specially designed eer glasses from sam adams for kris#39; dad this christmas. he#39;d heard about how they were specially designed to maximize the
  • we got these specially designed eer glasses from sam adams for kris#39; dad this christmas. he#39;d heard about how they were specially designed to maximize the

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 29, 01:34 PM
    The government isn't likely to levy a significant gas tax in the near future. The oil barons will not approve.

    They already do. They take our tax money and use it to subsidize the oil companies. And they most certainly approve.

    sam adams beer glass. Samuel Adams Boston Lager
  • Samuel Adams Boston Lager

  • Eraserhead
    Nov 2, 11:16 AM
    Apple retail store statistics imply that around 50% of folks purchasing a Mac are new to Mac. new blood appears to be joining the platform.

    I'm sure it's not from existing users purchasing new computers, it's just PC geeks getting their knickers in a twist that they cannot insult Mac's anymore.

    sam adams beer glass. Samuel Adams Triple Bock
  • Samuel Adams Triple Bock

  • andys53
    Mar 28, 09:16 AM
    I can't upgrade my phone untill sept so if they can hold off the release of the iPhone 5 i'd be super greatful :D

    You could always hold off till the iPhone 6 comes out...... :p

    Apr 28, 10:35 AM
    In CT we are taxed I believe 50 cents on every gallon. The problem is that as gas prices rise people buy less of it and the taxes dry up.

    3.00�3.50 USD per gallon (only in taxes!) would be more appropriate, don't you think? :D

    No-one's going to tell me that petrol is expensive in the U.S.

    Jan 6, 10:55 PM
    I get no sound either, but the badge and popup notifications work perfect!

    Apr 23, 11:28 AM
    Just saw this thread, so I figured I'd share some knowledge (been gaming for 8 years).

    So the reason why people are avoiding these things like the plague is because they STINK. The Intel chipsets ARE more powerful than the NVIDIA 320M, BUT, that doesn't always equal better performance.

    Game developers usually design games on nvidia chipsets (Hence, "Nvidia: The way it's meant to be played) slogan.
    Although the 3000HD shows better specs, it's been proven to perform worse in game. The reason being that the drivers are total rubbish. Until they can improve the drivers, it's a downgrade. But then again.............who in their right mind would try and game with a laptop!? ;)

    :eek: You're joking right?

    I have always gamed on laptops - M17x, M11x, MBP, VAIO Z... list goes on and on. Add the Air to that list now. The 320M is a very capable chip and it can play many modern games at medium settings smoothly.

    The way you describe laptop chipsets makes you sound like you've only ever tried laptop gaming with a GMA500 :p

    Oct 9, 10:59 PM
    thats true and I agree, however best buy often offers much lower prices, which attracts me to them, hell I'm a loyal customer regardless of how crappy of a company it may be.
    Who am I to mess up their business model? I often make a Tuesday trip to my local BB to pick up new releases, but it's not always true that BB beats Target's prices. If I'm shopping for a new release I'll usually check both places, Costco & Amazon and get it from the place with the lowest price or nicest "extra". My kids have received lots of "freebies" along with DVDs at Best Buy or Costco...


    Jun 12, 03:59 PM
    What a cool little widget :) It actually made me reinstall F@H on my comps, so three cheers to you :D

    1x PM G4 466Mhz - Yay! :rolleyes: At least it'll fold most of the time.
    1x PB G4 1.33GHz - Which is my main comp at the moment so not much time.
    1x Athlon XP 2600+ - A friend is keeping it at my place for a while, so I'll just borrow it a little bit. Will probably fold most of the time.
    Getting 1x Athlon 64 3200+ in a week or so, which I'll also install F@H on.

    /Trying to avoid dropping into 800th place.


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