poem love

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  • deba
    05-29 10:41 AM
    Be careful about claiming residency thru employment for a Canadian company while outside the country. It is not automatically considered. I had the first hand experience myself while applying for Canadian citizenship. I was a few days short, however was able to prove my case because I was employed by a Canadian company which was doing business in the US and I was a frequent business visitor. I was approved because of all other things considered, time spent in Canada, family ties, owner of residential property in Canada etc. etc. But overall it wasn't a pleasant experience proving my case to CIC. I had to organize tons of paperwork and proof to prove my case. So just don't assume you will meet the requirements of residency with only a remote employment connection with a Canadian entity.

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  • sbmallik
    06-09 03:31 PM
    What's the reason for denial? If 'ability to pay' is the reason then your employer has slim chances even for an appeal. First step is to wait for denial reason and file an MTR / Appeal. Till the I-140 gets re-instated you won't be eligible for H-1B extension on the basis of your labor certification.

    Consult a lawyer immediately as you are eligible to stay only 10 days beyond your authorized stay.

    poem love. Title: The Book of Love Poem
  • Title: The Book of Love Poem

  • ras
    10-25 09:58 PM
    Situation :

    My 485, 765, 131 applications reached USCIS on Aug 17th.

    Soon after that moved to a different apartment in the same city. Updated US Post office for redirection of my mails to the new address. However, the address in the USCIS has not been updated.

    on Oct 10th got the checks cashed for 485, 765 and 131

    The address was updated in USCIS only yesterday (Oct 24).
    I haven't got the reciepts yet and need to visit India on Nov 4th.

    My questions:

    1. Not sure if USCIS has already sent the reciept notices to my previous address. If they were sent to previous address will they be redirected to the new address or they will be returned back to USCIS?

    2. Some one mentioned that mails from USCIS will not be redirected but will be returned back to USCIS. Is this true?

    3. Approx. how much time it takes to recieve the reciept notice once the checks are encashed? for me it is already 15days over and haven't recieved the reciept notice at my new address.

    4. Will the reciept notice be sent to the Applicant and also the Attorney? Or is it just for attorney?

    5. Have got the print out the checks cashed with the reciept numbers for 485, 765 and 131. will those be sufficient to carry while travelling as I have not recieved the original reciepts yet. Ofcourse I have a valid H1 visa till 2010.

    Appreciate any suggestions

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  • dh010447
    03-23 01:51 PM
    If the PWD is for a PERM application, there is no way to avoid using the DOL system. (NOTE: for H-1 PWD the online DOL system is NOT required).

    There is no provision for expediting PWD's through the DOL online system. However, in typically unfair DOL fashion, it seems that PWD requests submitted in mid February are being approved in about 30 days or less while many submitted earlier are still languishing. So, submitting a second PWD request now might get you a PWD sooner than waiting for one submitted in January.

    Another issue of concern about the new PWD system is that it has been generating wildly arbitrary determinations some of which reference SOC codes and experience levels different from those on the actual PWD request.

    That's useful to know thought it was just mine that was taking forever. My PWD request was submitted January 27th. 9 weeks later still waiting. Should I just wait in the hope that my company's lawyer is keeping track and knows to submit another PWD request?


    poem love. what is love poem. love poems
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  • Widget
    03-27 12:31 PM
    Do you have a list and contact numbers of these attorneys? how much do they charge?

    Yes, you may apply for multiple visas. However, the rule of latest application of the attached I-94 applies. If you get your H4 first, and then your H1, it would mean your H1 would be valid.

    If you get your H1 first, and then your H4, the I-94 attached to the H1 will no longer be valid, requiring you to get the H1 visa stamped in your home country consulate and re-enter.

    You could simply wait out until you get your H4(at the risk of running out of the H1 cap). If you're willing to risk traveling and reenterng the US after stamping in your homecountry, you should be OK.

    There are some attorneys however, who charge a hefty fee for you to get your H1 stamped at a Canadian US consulate if you fear rejection in your home country.


    poem love. Love Poem
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  • neerajkandhari
    05-25 08:16 PM
    Same here got RFE via email on 20 May
    Will Know by this week (hopefully) what they are asking for


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  • jonty_11
    07-26 02:17 PM
    I think people who applied late June and early July just scraped thru before teh deluge of applications hits USCIS.....They are still getting recipt notices in 1 month......
    For the rest..it may be several months.....

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  • ram006
    07-17 09:35 AM
    I meant re-apply for her 485

    I have to apply for my wife as my derivative of 485. My 485 was approved on July 8th 2010. Below is the timeline

    July 1st - Applied Wife's 485
    July 8th - My 485 was approved
    July 13th - Wife's 485 Denied due to outdated forms
    July 14th - My H1, Wife's H4 and I-94 Expired
    July 19th - Planning on sending a new 485 application for spouse

    I'm mainly concerned about two things
    1. Is she out of status for 5 days from July 14th to 19th
    2. Can I still apply her as a derivative, as my 485 is already approved.

    Thank you,


    poem love. Category: Love and Romance
  • Category: Love and Romance

  • Axilleus
    10-23 10:42 AM
    EAD application sent Aug 26 (Arrived Aug 28)
    RN Sep 17
    FP Oct 20
    Current Status: Case received and pending

    I am supposed to start working on Nov 5 and I pray and hope to get my EAD by then.

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  • Phat7
    10-06 08:38 AM
    Can I vote for myself? :trout:


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  • SeanDell
    06-01 02:33 PM
    Search for "six-month rule", in "trave.state.gov"
    If you tell me which country passport you hold, I could tell whether you are exempt from this 6-month-rule or not.
    And yes, I mean official requirement for "entry".

    How you think H1B documentation will act as a proof of "permanent residence" intention?

    Hi Morchu,

    I searched travel.state.gov with 'six-month rule', but couldn't come up with anything specific to this. Can you please post me the link? And I have an Indian Passport.

    Ok, so how can one prove his intention at the POE for GC?

    ....would appreciate your reply.

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  • number30
    06-29 03:45 PM
    Has anybody recently applied for a Schengen Visa, if yes, can you please let me know what you did for the travel insurance. The insurance from my employer (Humana) says they cover international but do not have a letter that states the same and Swedish consulate website says the letter should specifically say "International Coverage".

    What are my options. Can you guys suggest where I can buy the insurance from.

    Talk to some senior guy in Humana. They have three templates. One of them has International Coverage in it. I had this problem in 2005. I was able to get the letter after talking his supervisor.


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  • gcseeker2002
    12-21 10:40 AM
    I spoke personally to the SFO consulate and they said , unless you have something in your passport that is valid you need a transit visa. They dont care about other forms of travel.

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  • zoooom
    12-02 07:50 PM
    Great news pal. Thanks for sharing!!


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  • no-tec
    10-15 10:32 PM
    this is where i got most of them. and some other random sites but this has the best. they are just brushes. and you paint with them. there arent really any tutorials on making grunge at all. i found one once, but thats it. and it sucked i think. just play around, its fairly simple. this is like the 5th one ever made.

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  • Steven-T
    February 12th, 2004, 09:55 AM
    Am I the only one who thinks it would be sheer genius if Kodak was to license the Canon mount? Imagine if they offered both Nikon and Canon mounts (even better - an interchangeable mount plate so you could have it both ways on one body)!

    Surely this is possible. Perhaps Canon is blocking them or it's just not cost-effective?


    And Fujifilm too. But I think its a "business decision" somehow, and I don't expect it will happen, when Canon is so dominant, for that market segment concerned. At least not now, not soon. I wish I am wrong.



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  • jfredr
    07-23 12:04 PM
    Just to know who signed ur I-485 at NSC


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  • sledge_hammer
    06-29 10:24 AM

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  • Berkeleybee
    03-28 11:09 AM

    It is absolutely fine to write to editors etc. but if you are planning a sustained campaign, it is best to coordinate with the media team lead by Sunil. It is always good to convey the same message from all our outlets.

    Also, I urge everyone writing and calling media to keep it civil, DO NOT DENIGRATE other groups, just focus on our issues, and stay polite.


    06-25 12:41 PM

    We are running a small funding drive as a gesture of support IV for answering each other's questions in times of need.

    If your question is answered by a fellow member, do make a point to contribute some amount. It will help continue this effort.

    We understand everyone is busy with I485 filing and have put everything on hold. But we have not put our efforts on hold in the interest of this communty and this cause. Core is working on this issue despite being busy on their own I485 filing.

    We are also working with our lobbyists on CIR and as soon as there is an action item we will post it on the forum for all to participate.

    At this time, do take out a couple of minutes off your busy schedule with I485 filing and contribute towards Immigrationvoice.


    01-15 09:03 AM
    You are really lucky! I guess since my application was fresh I could not efile. Or I read many posts about how paper filing is way to go to get faster approvals. I think with USCIS everything seems unpredictable.

    I am really hoping that mine comes soon.

    I e-filed my AP application on Dec 29 at TSC and got the approval email yesterday ... Got approved in 2 weeks.


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