nigel barker photos

nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • Poff
    Nov 14, 02:48 PM
    I allready posted that, but everyone seems to be overlooking this fact (including you :P)

    So, this time in bold:
    People, one of the airlines mentoined has denied the deal, so it's not sure if it is true!

    I think we might just be surpressing this..

    ..this is veeery un-apple. Last time I remember something like this was Steve announcing the G5 would reach 3GHz within a year, upon which IBM said they would try to get it to 3GHz within a year.

    ..I'm guessing someone got fired at Apples today..

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker Photographer
  • Nigel Barker Photographer

  • scott523
    Sep 25, 10:01 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?
    Nope not me. :rolleyes:
    I'm locking my eyes onto a possible new MacBook. :D

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • CalfCanuck
    Sep 25, 11:36 AM
    Well, without looking at 1.5 itself I'm pretty pleased. Seems many of the things the serious users were asking for (esp on Apple's Aperture Discussion forum) are there.

    I REALLY hope / expect that Apple improved the keyword DB code - since they now have the offline option, this all had to be rewritten. I'm expecting this to be the MAJOR improvement in Ap 1.5 in terms of usability and speed, and might be the reason that they dropped the supported specs to includer all Mac Intel boxes.

    On a related note, I'm VERY happy to see improved keywording and searching, esp the "no" keyword search option. Though a minor thing (compared to offline support), this always drives me nuts in the current version:

    Add, maintain, and update keywords more easily using improved keyword management options � even lock the Keyword HUD to prevent inadvertent changes...

    Quickly find all images with �any� keyword assigned or with �no� keyword assigned when searching by IPTC info using the Query HUD...

    Search for images by file status � i.e., �offline,� �online,� or �referenced� � using a new Query option...

    Correct spelling, revise wording, or completely delete metadata/keyword entries using the new Autofill Editor.

    Finally, iPod integration an interesting new feature that we won't fully appreciate for a while - I wonder why the iTunes store video downloads were upgraded in size recently but no current iPod can take advantage of this new format. I still speculate that we'll see a new larger format Video iPod that can do double duty for us photographers. I'd love to see the ability to Stack and apply exisiting keywording to RAW images int the field via an Ipod:

    Sync to iPod: Take your photos with you by using iTunes to sync your entire Aperture library � or just selected albums or Smart Albums � to iPod.

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker and Family Strike
  • Nigel Barker and Family Strike

  • Ladybug
    Oct 10, 06:38 AM
    For years WalMart has moved into many small towns, and undercut everyones prices repeatedly, driving all the Mom & Pop stores out of business. As long as they were hurting someone elses bottom line, they seemed to think that this was competition and very much acceptable.

    Now that Apple wants a piece of the pie, its suddenly unfair. Sorry WalMart, either get in the game or find something new that works for you. No sympathy from me. :(


    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker and guest
  • Nigel Barker and guest

  • CaoCao
    Apr 13, 12:34 AM
    Racism should be illegal, end affirmative action

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Oct 26, 09:45 PM
    Very, very slick. Only problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to flag something as junk, or modify the buttons/icons at the top to flag/junk, ec messages. Any pointers?


    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker and Jessica White
  • Nigel Barker and Jessica White

  • flopticalcube
    May 3, 11:23 AM
    There's a Housewives of Nebraska??? Sounds interesting, do they keep their trailers clean? :D

    No they don't. They're too busy goin' to tractor pulls and Tea Parties.

    nigel barker photos. nigel barker booking
  • nigel barker booking

  • YS2003
    Nov 11, 04:25 AM
    It seems these ads are almost a carbon copy of US versions which are translated into Japanese. In one of the ads, the PC guys says he uses clock with PC while the Mac guy says he likes using iLife and all. Have you noticed the PC guy was using the fuggly looking belt case for iPod?
    On the second ad, the Mac and PC guys were talking about why people call Macintosh computers Mac. The PC guy is jealous that Mac sounds like a friend and he wants to get a nick name rather than a mundane name PC. So, a Mac guy said PCs are used for work and suggested the PC guy's nick name would be "Work." The PC guys digged that nick name.
    The virus commercial is almost identical with the US version.


    nigel barker photos. nigel barker
  • nigel barker

  • smaffei
    Mar 23, 01:17 PM worked reliably from my Mac Mini (2010) to my iPad 2 without saying "you are not authorized to play this video" every other time, I would care.

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • iTucci
    Sep 25, 09:59 AM
    Japan store is still selling Aperture 1.1 ...


    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • mrsir2009
    Feb 23, 09:43 PM
    Steve does not look too good. He looks rather skinny.

    Agreed. He's not packin' a bit on like some of the other older guys at that table ...

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker TV personality
  • Nigel Barker TV personality

  • dcv
    Sep 13, 11:49 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    six-inch hole? :eek: *ouch* (sorry not helping am i)

    really there is nothing to worry about at all, you'll be in very safe hands and you should feel fine afterwards, just probably a little sleepy and possibly nauseous (though not in all cases). they do strongly recommend that you have someone come and collect you after a general anaesthetic just to be safe.

    my experience of GA is just from a very short operation - i had an arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) on my knee a few years ago. i remember being on the trolley outside theatre and was amazed at how easily the anaesthetist stuck the cannula in my arm and how painless the process was... all previous history of blood tests etc has involved much painful prodding and poking to find a vein! i wasn't asked to count down or anything, all i can remember is saying 'oooh i feel all funny' - someone here described it as a dreamy sort of state which is pretty accurate, you sort of feel a bit faint - and the next thing i knew i was waking up after the op.

    apparently people say strange things when they are coming around after a GA. one of the nurses was pulling a plaster strip off and said 'this might hurt' and i vaguely remember mumbling something about it not being as painful as bikini waxing, LOL!!!

    i felt fine afterwards, in fact surprisingly perky especially as i'd been up really early that morning. but then pretty tired later on in the day. i hadn't actually been under for very long though.

    all in all, don't worry about it, you'll be fine :) good luck with the op!

    i've got a video of my arthroscopy somewhere...

    edit: actually by far the worst thing about the whole op was having to wear big granny-style paper knickers!!! :eek: :o :D


    nigel barker photos. nigel-arker-hair.jpg
  • nigel-arker-hair.jpg

  • syrianos
    Sep 19, 04:46 PM
    I unplugged everything and that made it work.

    Network Cable
    USB devices (3)
    Firewire400 (1)
    Firewire800 (1)

    I didn't think to unplug them one at a time to control for where the problem was. Oh well. If your drives comes out and snaps back in right away without updating the firmware. Remove all devices before rebooting.

    are you running in raid as well?
    i'm starting to think that the raid is software and maybe the firmware update can't load since it probably runs before the software raid drivers are loaded for the 2 drives?
    any expert here?

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker
  • Nigel Barker

  • Raid
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    A Liberal still won in my old riding (Toronto Centre)
    See what happens when I leave? The whole country went cookoo. You mean my riding right? :p We did go kind of cuckoo after you left, but the shrine they placed in you old building is really quite a touching tribute to your legacy, though they need to tidy up more when the goat sacrifices are made. :)

    If they liberals had been in power the deficit would have been even larger. Conjecture at best, I'm not saying it would be smaller, I'm not saying it would be larger... but your bias is showing.

    Flaunts the law? What are you talking about? I believe he could be referring to the last Harper government being found in contempt of parliament when one of it's members lied to her peers and the Canadian people. ... just as one example...

    Is your memory short? Did you forget the sponsorship scandal in Quebec? Did you forget about Paul Martin passing laws that were beneficial to his shipping company? Did you forget that Paul Martin re-registered his ships on some island nation so that he did not have to hire Canadians? I haven't forgotten about those either, the sponsorship scandal was bad for the liberals, just as the Mulroney kick-backs were bad for the conservatives ... we could go on like this to confederation if you want. :rolleyes: Oh and the whole Paul Martin re-registering his ships wasn't to avoid employing Canadians, it was to avoid taxes. It was a bad political move, but no more or less than what other companies do to pass through the tax loopholes that both parties have either created or do nothing about.

    Some of us have to actually "work" for a living and pay high taxes already. You seem to imply that you feel others (maybe the posters here) don't "work" for a living and don't pay taxes based on the same rules. What are you really trying to say? Are you upset and think you pay too much? I'll tell you there isn't a single person who would refuse more money in their pocket, but some might if they knew it meant getting less services and protection from our government.

    In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed. This is why a minority government is actually more like democracy in action than in other times, yet we seem to be run either by children who must have their way, or those that seemingly crave power to satisfy their own selves first.

    Our first-past-the post system has flaws for sure, but I think one reason why we really haven't had much of a debate on the issue here is two-fold. First, there's no magic answer to distribute house of commons seats based on the country's percentage of vote; second and most prevalent to the politicians is that a majority government would become even more of a rarity.


    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker Photo Gallery,
  • Nigel Barker Photo Gallery,

  • dasmb
    Apr 5, 09:04 AM
    So I guess this means there's nothing wrong with the antenna?

    nigel barker photos. Like that sweaty Nigel Barker.
  • Like that sweaty Nigel Barker.

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 26, 04:40 AM
    Would love to see:


    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker Photographer
  • Nigel Barker Photographer

  • generik
    Sep 26, 03:46 AM
    Apple is right to sue IMO, what does the Pod in Podcasting refer to? The iPod of course!

    If not for the iPod, Podcasting would have no meaning.

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker Daniella Jannetta
  • Nigel Barker Daniella Jannetta

  • Legion93
    May 2, 02:11 PM

    What is your point? If you have something to say, then say it, don't post useless links.

    It's called sarcasm - some get it and some don't.

    nigel barker photos. Nigel Barker#39;s Photo Project
  • Nigel Barker#39;s Photo Project

  • Michael CM1
    Jun 22, 12:28 AM
    Just thought I'd let you guys know I decided on an Xbox 360 Arcade. I really didn't want to drop $300 on the new system -- plus GameStop had none -- and this allowed me to not take as much of a risk moneywise. I'm already finding out how crazy low 256MB of memory is, so I'll probably end up getting an add-on HDD.

    The advice was all pretty good. I'm glad I wasn't the only person angry at Wii developers not named Nintendo for their lack of good titles. I'm starting gently on this thing with Halo 3 and the kiddie games that came with this package. Halo 3 so far is a little confusing because I have never used an Xbox controller and it's been years since I played a game like this. I also had to use my 32" TV instead of the older 57" TV because the 57" TV put a nice black spot in the middle of the screen.

    So far so good. It's just very confusing at times. I'm trying to figure out the cheapest way to start a Gold membership. There's something online that says a month of Gold for $1, but I don't want to have to auto-renew after that not knowing the price. I have seen a 12-month card at Amazon for $35. They need an idiot's guide to this, plus I wish I could plug up my existing HDDs!

    So thanks again for the advice. If anybody knows something REALLY fun to play that isn't too expensive, I'd love to know.

    May 2, 02:31 PM
    What is your point? If you have something to say, then say it, don't post useless links.

    It's called sarcasm - some get it and some don't.

    Sep 1, 09:09 AM
    Update is causing nothing but problems for me. Machine slows to a crawl, and I'm having password and start up volume selection issues.

    I'll probably wipe, then reinstall and not apply the updater.

    Oct 6, 10:15 AM
    Why would Apple do what has failed all other manufactures during the time Apple's one model mantra have eaten sales from other manufactures?

    Mar 20, 11:59 AM
    Going to NYC for the launch party! My friend reserved me a black 3DS at a gamestop near his college(and a blue one for himself), but after we pick that up, we're going to Nintendo World Store for the launch party(hopefully it will still be bouncing after we pick up our 3DS elsewhere. I'm planning to camp out so my friend and I can get it quickly and move to Nintendo World Store

    Apr 5, 12:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    They're still sticking with that aluminum/chrome back?? Ugh... It looks so dated, not to mention the fact that they get scratched to hell so easily.


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