milla jovovich fotos

milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich picture
  • Milla Jovovich picture

  • eRondeau
    Feb 9, 03:59 PM
    I wonder if there's a "law" (aka rule of thumb) that defines how far ahead "cutting edge" supercomputer processing speeds are, versus "typical" consumer systems and mobile devices. In other words, is today's fastest supercomputer 10,000X as fast as a current iMac, which in turn is 100X as fast as a typical iPhone. I think it would be very interesting to chart that graph historically -- to see that today's iPhone is perhaps twice as fast as the first CRAY-1, and roughly equivalent to a PowerMac G3. :apple:

    milla jovovich fotos. Katherine Heigl/Milla Jovovich
  • Katherine Heigl/Milla Jovovich

  • canada eh
    May 4, 09:11 PM
    Thanks for the responses, i'll do a full restore tonight to see if it has any effects on the battery life, I don't want to turn off the push notifications and push email unless I have too.

    it could be that I am in a no service area for most of the day and the phone keeps trying to get the service so maybe I just need to switch it into airplane mode whenever I have no service.

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich
  • Milla Jovovich

  • vniow
    Sep 21, 12:45 AM
    But I don't see anything new yet. :rolleyes: :confused:

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich - Photos of
  • Milla Jovovich - Photos of

  • Dreadnought
    Jan 22, 05:03 AM
    that's strange. I have a dual 1.8 G5 and that delivers about 200 points per day easy (both procs together), when it's folding 24/7. I have a 2.0 P4 at work and that's doing a bit less then 1 1.8 G5. So, with your setup:
    dual 2.4 = 200 points
    3.6 Xeon = 150 points.

    But you probably don't have a dual script installed on the dual 2.4? And does these computers have hypertrading?? If so, then folding only uses 50% of your computing power.


    milla jovovich fotos. milla jovovich
  • milla jovovich

  • Darth.Titan
    Apr 4, 09:07 AM
    The second plan probably would work, but you'll have two separate wireless networks.

    If you go the second route, I'd just disable wireless on the Linksys and let the Expresses handle wireless.

    milla jovovich fotos. MILLA JOVOVICH by ~Tunaferit
  • MILLA JOVOVICH by ~Tunaferit

  • Deepdale
    Sep 8, 09:08 PM
    I am leaving the mac world :( I just got a HP computer with a slow celeron and 256 memory. My parents though need a more powerful computer, their 233 mhz beige isn't cutting it. So i am giving them my eMac and using the HP still macs hit intel. This is not going to be fun.

    Contact the Legal Aid Society in Mesa ... there has to be some sort of alternative remedy available to you aside from the draconian step of giving an eMac to parents. A line in the sand has been crossed. Best wishes during the trying times that lie ahead.


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich amp; Paul
  • Milla Jovovich amp; Paul

  • olternaut
    Jan 14, 12:32 PM
    That depends on where in the world you live.

    NYC man! ..........thats new york city for those who need help figuring it out. :D

    milla jovovich fotos. Sunday with Milla Jovovich
  • Sunday with Milla Jovovich

  • peskaa
    Apr 20, 07:18 AM
    The ATI Radeon HD 5770 doesn't work with the ACD27". I know it has DisplayPort, but there is a bug with various ATi 5xxx cards which makes them incompatible. It is an ATi issue and there is NO fix.

    That being said, all ATI 5xxx EYEFINITY 6 cards with DisplayPort work. All AMD Radeon 6xxx cards with DisplayPort work. And all nVidia GeForce cards with DisplayPort work. You can get a nice GeForce card w/ DP for $150. And any modern video card will support 2560x1440. Any DisplayPort video card on newegg will work for you as long as it isn't an ATi Radeon 5xxx card. You could also buy an Atlona DP400 but its $150, the same as a new video card (ripoff).

    This is simply not accurate I'm afraid.
    The 27" ACD works absolutely fine with the Apple OEM 5770 upgrade card with MDP, also with the 5870. After all, why would Apple sell these graphic cards if they didn't work with their only display? Further, my 5870 and 27" ACD get along like a house on fire. Note that you have to buy the Apple cards, not just a standard PC card like you seem to be implying.

    As for the OP?
    I'd definitely recommend a new GPU. You have several options, which all work fine despite Apple not officially supporting some of them:

    1) NVIDIA GT120 - slowest card, but also the cheapest.
    2) ATi 4870 (Apple OEM) - decent card, overpriced now though
    3) ATi 5770 (Apple OEM) - same performance as the 4870, but more VRAM
    4) ATi 5870 (Apple OEM) - best card currently available for Mac Pros

    Your 2008 Mac Pro has PCIe 2.0, so no problems there. New card goes in the bottom slot, and you can keep your 2600XT installed as well.


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich Maxim September
  • Milla Jovovich Maxim September

  • Ikyo
    Mar 2, 01:19 PM
    Anyone planning on heading up there on the 11th?

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich
  • Milla Jovovich

  • vlj9r
    Oct 27, 06:00 AM
    Anyone know how many tee shirts they'll be giving out?

    They had 500 t-shirts. I got there at 7:15 and I was # 504. No T for me.:(


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich - Star
  • Milla Jovovich - Star

  • pgwalsh
    Feb 23, 11:18 AM
    Odd, it works great for me at home. I'll try it at work today and see how it does.Can you tell us your connection? Are you doing it on a localhost or remotely?

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich photos -1
  • Milla Jovovich photos -1

  • andrewr2123
    May 5, 02:49 PM
    For about 2 seconds I thought they were actually phones :o
    lol though!


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich | Milla
  • Milla Jovovich | Milla

  • 87am
    May 3, 08:52 PM
    Best advice: you got scammed. Learn from it

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich - Photos of
  • Milla Jovovich - Photos of

  • Germwise
    May 2, 06:38 PM
    I have a late 2009? 13" unibody MBP with a 500GB disk.

    I work in science with analysis of large data sets so I need a lot of storage to keep all my data. However, I would love to have a relatively small SSD to run all my software and the data I am immediately working on. Please don't get mad, I've tried to look up other optibay threads but they dont' really touch on these issues or they are outdated.

    1- Is it worth doing an SSD optibay upgrade? I figure it will cost me around 350 bucks, which is a almost a 3rd of an Air. Thoughts?

    2-Which SSD should I get? its been a while since i've followed computer hardware. I want best speed possible without going into top tier pricing. Ideally I'd like to spend less than 300 on the SSD. I need enough room to put the OS and several programs and maybe 50 gigs of data. How big should it be? which one should I get.

    3- How do I handle the installation? I'm not sure how to direct the OS to only put files on the SSD? Also how to I make programs put files only in the SSD.

    I do know how to put media on the HDD. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the best strategy would be to put most important files in the SSD so as to leave the spinning disk inactive as much as possible.

    4-Anything else I should know?

    Here are the things i'm considering to buy

    Bay for HDD in optical slot-

    external optical enclosure-


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich The #1 A-Lister
  • Milla Jovovich The #1 A-Lister

  • h1r0ll3r
    May 4, 02:33 PM
    Have you ever looked at the location file that saves on your PC? If so, can you tell me where iTunes saves it?


    I could be wrong but I think it's bundled within the backups from your iPhone. I've never seen this supposed file so I wouldn't know how to access it specifically. I'm sure someone else here might have some better info on this.

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich
  • Milla Jovovich

  • Ikstej24
    Sep 24, 04:01 PM
    Get the biggest Lacie Electron Blue that you can find.


    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich with Short
  • Milla Jovovich with Short

  • eb6
    Mar 27, 09:05 PM
    I busted out the 64 a week or so ago and have been hooked on Ocarina of time.

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich at
  • Milla Jovovich at

  • genshi
    Apr 6, 07:51 PM
    I recently did a little short film using my iPhone 4. I attached my Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens to it (so I can do rack focusing) using a 35mm adapter onto an OWLE Bubo ( Here was the results:

    Would love to know what people think!

    Thought the video was pretty terrific even if I hadn't known it was shot on an iPhone. I've seen people with camera gear costing 10 or more times as much that couldn't touch the work you did.

    Looking forward to seeing more.

    Thanks musique! I just found out today that my short film won Second Place Grand Prize at the 2011 iPhone Film Festival ( Made my day... :)

    @matteusclement I look forward to seeing what you come up with using your new gear... I too am wanting to do a documentary next.

    milla jovovich fotos. Milla Jovovich Images
  • Milla Jovovich Images

  • Macsavvytech
    May 4, 02:22 AM
    Simple question...

    on the '11 models... would bootcamp be good on a 13'' (either model)? and how much of a difference would there be in a 15'' (low end)?

    Thank you :)

    Bootcamp isn't virtualisation, aslong as the drivers are good it should be the same/very similiar to a equal spec PC.

    May 4, 06:36 PM
    Just wondering!

    A 27" iMac with an upgraded 6970M is not a standard retail channel configuration. Neither are models with solid state drives or SSD/HDD combos.

    Mar 26, 11:36 AM
    People brick iPhones because they are trying to unlock it and have to mess with the baseland. Theres really no risk in simply jailbreaking. Worse thing that can happen is you have to reset and restore. As far as iOS updates go, if you update, you lose your jailbreak. The jailbreak for 4.3 has not been publicly released yet and the tethered version that is out now is crap so wait for a public release of a 4.3 untethered jailbreak, or downgrade to 4.2.1 (if you saved your SHSH blobs) and jailbreak with Greenpois0n.

    Oct 24, 02:51 AM
    Now I'm wondering, they say the first 500 people there will get a free T-shirt, is that the first 500 that actually buy Leopard, or the first 500 that walk into the store? I ordered online, and because of the issues with not being sure whether MacMall is going to ship it and have it to me on Friday, I'm still teetering with cancelling the order, going to the store, buying it with my student discount and getting the free T-shirt.I'll be at the Palo Alto Store by about 2PM with my copy from a nearby college bookstore that I'm getting for $69 before 2PM. That should put me near the front of the queue.

    I go to the store for the party social part and get in line even though I am not going to buy it there so I can get inside the store to play with it on one of the Macs inside. I'll have my old G4 PB with me and will be installing it while I'm in the queue from the copy I buy earlier at a college store nearby.

    Pretty sure you have to buy a $129 copy to get the T-Shirt.

    Jan 17, 04:01 PM
    My kids like the fact that vendors are more willing to give away free stuff on Fridays.

    So...I don't think it would be a waste of your time.

    Yeah never thought of that.

    Well anyway I am getting picked up any minute and will be headed up to SF.

    I might see some of you Macrumors people there but I wouldn't know if you are.

    It will be my first Macworld and hopefully in the future I will be able to actually go for a week and see the keynote.

    After G
    Sep 19, 10:04 PM

    Edit: oh, you were looking for desktop images ... you can just transfer some from your Mac. :-)


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