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  • chanduv23
    09-10 03:59 PM
    Andy Garciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is coming to the rallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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  • nomi
    12-11 02:48 PM
    Since this has always been pushed through legilative means (S.1932), there might be a hurdle involved in using "Rulemaking" approach to this solution, nevertheless this idea should atleast be explored. Here is how rulemaking procedures work in Govt Agency: (Adding Flexibility is something that can be done through Rulemaking).

    Adding flexibility. More detailed regulations allow for more nuanced approaches to various conditions than a single legislative standard could. Moreover, regulations tend to be more easily changed as new data or technologies emerge.

    I think we should study that how does USCIS make new rule without going into Congress and then see how can we implement this rule or atleast ask them to consider this option.

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  • gimme_GC2006
    04-06 11:31 PM
    No no. This is very true. This happened to my friend's friend.

    My friend's friend was visiting my friend and was traveling with his dog. The VO asked my friend's friend what his plan was with the dog. My friend's friend said he was just planning to stay with my friend and take the dog to walk in nearby park where he can poop in the grass and pee on a tire. The VO immediately called my friend and asked if he can take a US dog and have it poop in the park and pee on tire. My friend said yes! And the VO immediately deported my friend's friend along with dog!! :eek: My friend's friend very upset, not in shape to talk about it for 3 months.

    IV should do something about this before too late! ;)
    hahahah...too funny

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  • nogc_noproblem
    04-23 08:01 PM
    Congratulations Googler.

    Thanks for all your informative inputs.


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  • GreenLantern
    03-15 08:40 AM

    No i'm talking about making a thing instead of a person. Character design means making a character (person) or some sort.

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  • Slumdog
    01-16 03:34 PM
    In Continuation from above post...

    8:00Am: the last half an hour I was just glaring at my pc & just thinking & not doing any work, I cancelled a vendor meeting at 8:00 as it wasn�t that imp anyway & who know by 9:00 what is gonna happen. Slowly I could see more people coming into office. Each team is slowly gathering in groups & started whispering amongst themselves on what was going on. I could see tension & worry in almost every ones eyes.

    8:15Am: by now I have atleast 15 instant message conversations going on (used internally within office network) with all my friends in other depts. & other offices & every where it is the same commotion. The responses are one liner.. hey, this guy X is out. & responses were like oh no he was such great guy, so this ping pong of instant messages was constantly going across several employees & every minute we hear atleast 2 known persons out of the building. If I could put it in simple way, if I am chatting with some guys & suddenly if that guy stops responding, then it is imperative that he is no longer an employee & it is that bad.

    9:00Am: By now the things were moving more quickly & more rapidly & more people out of building. I don�t know what was the package offered while laying off & I wasn�t even interested to think about it. Every time any manager walks by me or my aisle , my heart stops for few seconds & thinking not me please. I could not take it anymore , it�s been two hours & not knowing if & when will your turn come is really killing. I called my wife & informed about whats going & told her that if I come to house today by noon or early than regular, then it�s over as I have to handover the office crackberry & I don�t carry my personal cell. Don�t know what my wife was going on since then. & she started calling me every 10 min checking to see if I answer.

    9Am-12 PM: This has been going on from past 5 hours & yes I was still not called & someone said that after 12, they are going to stop & it�s over. Every hour passing by I was getting relieved & looking at the watch constantly did not help but it was relief though to hear that it�s going to end at 12.
    PS: the above 3 hours felt like 3 years. It�s tough to put it in writing what I was going through inside during this period.

    12PM: Bit relieved & then the commotion stopped & I could see the managers are relieved. Then someone came by & floated another rumour that it is over for today & they are going to do another round tomorrow & I wanted to scream so loud @$^&(^$#%&*(*^^%&*()))_

    1PM: The remaining employees were called upon by their managers & informed that it is over & no more & not even tomorrow or day after . At least we know for few months for sure. What a relief. The first thing I called my wife & told her. For GC holders I don�t know how you guys felt when you received your GC, I felt at that moment I got my citizenship.

    The whole point of explaining my story in detail is this could happen to anyone, & may happen again to me. So prepare for the worst & prioritize the things which are most important, children health, education, money, parents, etc. Things may look rosy now but from what I have learned in past 9 years living here is �If becoming a millionaire from a slumdog is possible in usa then it is also possible that you can be slumdog from millionaire in no time� I can give you many examples but if you want to try it out yourself, then try to live in this country without car insurance & health insurance for one month.

    I got my priorities set now & believe me getting a GC has become my last priority & if you are curious on what was the priority before it was last but one because I had so many imp things to worry than GC. But at the same time I also want to say without a GC & not knowing when & if I will get it is always bothering me somewhere deep inside ( May be this is what I meant by do you have peace of mind?)

    I currently have script in progress & very soon I am planning to make a documentary on immigrant�s struggle in US .provided I have a continuous job & enough savings & funding and that day I will have a real �peace of mind�.

    And tomorrow the day starts again with a snooze ahwwwww�


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  • gauravster
    11-11 12:02 PM
    The draft letter looks good. I think, we should also send a copy or new letter to the Ombudsman and to the DOS (as DOS is also involved in how many visas are released).

    That way we do not get pushed around.

    Good work.


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  • logiclife
    08-03 02:30 PM
    Copying from the reply I posted here:

    I consulted a high profile ($200 per 15 minutes) lawyer to discuss this issue. 1) He told me that he would re-submit the AOS. The comparison to the medical clearance requirement, according to him, was pointless, as they are two different things. If USCIS issues a statement they will not reject solely based on the EVL, then we can assume that is the truth. Their statement on Medical clearance cannot be interpreted to say they won't reject on the basis of another missing requirement, say the EVL.
    2) Filing two AOS packets can indeed also cause confusion, but it is a smaller risk according to him, and should be mitigated by a covering letter that says you are re-submitting to provide the XYZ document that was missed from the first packet.

    Based on this info, I have asked my lawyer to get a confirmation from the USCIS on the document that he missed in my case-- the EVL. If USCIS okays that, we do not resubmit. If they don't do that within a week, I will try to re-submit... not going to be easy considering my lawyer may not be in agreement... but that is what would be the correct way out of this, according to the second opinion I got today.


    If you are resubmmitting or planning to resubmit, one need medical originals again, so call your doctor and ask him to create new sealed envelopes with original this ahead of time coz this is only thing not in your control when filing a second 485. I am sure you might have thought about this, but just in case if you havent, then remember you will need I-693 original with your and doctor's signature with other stuff in sealed envelopes again.

    Wish you all the luck Abhijit.


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  • PD_Dec2002
    07-05 12:22 PM
    Just my $0.02:

    I understand the frustration for IV to gather funds when it has so many members. But it's possible that IV has that many members because it is a free site.

    If this becomes a paid site, you might see the number of members dwindle, and that's not a good idea because even if members don't financially contribute to IV, they do offer their perspectives/opinions/feedback/critique and help others. Those who want to financially contribute to IV will do so whether IV is a free or a paid site.

    IMHO, it would be a mistake to make IV a paid site thinking that this will force members to financially contribute. Sure IV forums helped a lot with finding information about I-485 applications, but people have been filing I-485s on their own even before IV was in existence. Which is not to say, IV has no value, but I hope you see where I am going with this....if members don't want to contribute, then they won't. They will go to other forums like they used to before IV was in existence...which will be a step down, but at least they are holding on to their $20 or howmuchever.

    Before replying to this, please read my disclaimer below. I have to add it given the fact how hot-headed/short-tempered members have been in the last few days where they will flame someone just because their opinions differ.


    Disclaimer: These are my opinions. You don't have to agree with them. If you disagree, just ignore them. I am not interested in justifying myself about anything that you might have to say. I would, however, welcome a civil and a healthy discussion.

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  • luvschocolates
    08-21 02:17 PM
    If I was not required to fill out the form I-485, then why did USCIS send me a letter requesting me to do so? I'm sick of the smart a$$ remarks from some of you. This isn't funny and there are human beings involved. If you can't be helpful then please don't bother responding. Keep your remarks to yourself. I came here looking for some help, not a bunch of criticism and hurtful comments. It's not that simple just to go back to Canada like you think and I can't just leave the person I care for because you think I'm considered indispensible. Perhaps you'd like to talk to the people in this household and see just how willing they are to let me go. This is not just about packing up and leaving, I have roots here now and I cannot just abandon these folks. There is NO ONE to take care of them, not family, not friends and they do not want a stranger - period. We already tried that and it didn't work. How many people do you know that would willingly take care of a 500 lb. bedridden person, change catheters, bathe them and cook, clean and take care of other household chores simply for room and board? We offered the job to legal American citizens and when they heard the man was 500 lbs, they backed off before hearing the rest. I AM WILLING, he is used to me, I am used to him and there is no one else, including his own children, who will do what I do, so before you tell me I'm indispensible, try doing this job. We can't even get professional medical personnel in here to help, so exactly how am I indispensible under the circumstances? Should I just abandon him and let him rot and die in his own bed? Is that considered humane in your eyes? If he's obese does he not deserve the same quality of care as an ideal body weight person? Does his obesity make him undeserving of humane treatment? As I said, this is not just about legalities, this is about a human being needing someone to care for him and it's not that simple to get another person in here. I deal with him 24/7, I don't get a day off - would you do that? I doubt it!

    If you had to go back to your country under similar circumstances I don't think you would be any more pleased than I am. USCIS has not asked me to leave, they are requesting more information. I have no problem with that part, just the time frame given and the money involved. I am more than willing to submit what they requested, but I need more time, especially for the medical exam after reading what is required.
    As for the person that filed on my behalf, HE is the one who spoke to USCIS, so they didn't do their job if they did not tell him what was required. He wrote down every single thing they said we had to file and we did so. If they failed to mention what was needed, how would he find out? He's elderly, disabled and not computer literate so it's hard for him to look things up on his own. He simply did what they told him to do and if he screwed up, it's because he wasn't told what was needed. You can't expect everyone to be knowledgeable on stuff like this, it was all new to him and very unfamiliar.
    If I had known more was required, I would have taken care of it myself, but since he was the person to file the application - which by the way was an employment based according to what we were told, then he did only what he was told and had no clue there was more beyond that.
    I am trying to find an attorney and I will get this sorted out one way or the other, but leaving this household is not an option and if the American people care so much about each other, then I'd like to see one of them show up here and do what I do. I'm not naive enough to believe that will happen.


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  • vijayassr
    04-16 12:34 AM
    Hi, I think the best decision in current market is to go for GC with L1, following are positive points

    Applying GC on L1 is faster than applying with H1.
    You have your Job surity in India as well.
    Current market u need to run for Jobs, on L1 I feel its cool as there is responsibility of you r company to take care of you.
    If they start process now itself , you can get Labour cleared fast and I think u can change company after that. ( I dont know GC process but I got same advice, but I didnt listen).

    Reason people go for H1 is to have job with US companies than MNC's who pay more, if u r not really thinking of changing company then its better to be on L1 and apply for GC. Also a lot of fredom to move companies.

    Thanks for asking, if I were in your position I will go for L1 company to process GC, Since my company said they wont do it, I took the H1.


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  • starscream
    09-10 09:25 PM
    Can anyone plz updae what happened to HR 5882 - did the house judiciary commitee pass the bill


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  • nixstor
    07-05 03:11 PM
    But I have been using murthy forums - which are free for a long long time...even before IV came along....talking abt quality...same kinda ppl post there....dont see any diff....

    I'm sure IV is doing a great job on something....but please do a little research before asserting that this is the only immigration forum in the world...

    Dont mean to start a p***ing contest here.... those who want to and can pay shd pay....but thinking that ppl will pay for the forums is not really a solution.

    No offense either. You cannot compare Murthy/Khanna forums with IV's. As long as you see IV just as a forum, you would not be able to make any distinction between IV & murthy/khanna forums. As I replied in another post, Murthy/Khanna get "invaluable" publicity that translates into clients shelling out $$$ in the long run. I hope you understand the difference.

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  • humdesi
    02-17 02:20 AM
    OH REALLY? 500 K will walk out with u? Can u initiate the call please?

    I don't think canuck said he wanted 500K people to walk out. It was just a hypothetical scenario.

    But I agree - this whole mudslinging is disgusting. BTW, it's not between Indians and RoW. It's between Indian trolls and RoW trolls.


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  • arnab221
    04-23 01:38 AM
    Lot of you guys have mentioned that there were a set of people( Latino immigrant community) there who were not happy with some of the terms in the STRIVE ACT. Could one of you tell us what those terms were ? Since legal immigration reform are hostage to Comprehensive immigration bills at this stage, I am just pondering if those terms become a hindarance in STRIVE getting cleared and consequently section V not getting passed .

    Also Ramaonline says that Congressman Guiterrezz told him that he is assured of a support of 180 House democrats and needs 218 Votes to pass the bill. So that leaves us with 38 votes that are needed. From what we see and hear in the news media, there are just a handful of House Republicans now who do not support this Bill . The consensus from the news media is that many of the Republicans who opposed CIR last year have not got re-elected . So if this is the case then 38 Republicans should not be a real problem to find . Any factual opinions ?

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  • apahilaj
    04-23 06:43 PM

    Opened my email this morning to see the card production ordered email (time stamp in my inbox reads 2:15 am PST 4/23/08); the approval date was 4/23/08.

    Been in meetings all day so not even a chance to call anyone about it.


    Good luck to all my fellow sufferers!


    Does that mean that we won't get any inside news from Mr. Oppenheimer (if I spelled his name correctly) any more..?:) Just kidding.

    Enjoy your freedom. Congratulations!


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  • varshadas
    12-14 09:12 AM
    Hello All,
    This is a reminder to all to join the conference call tonight at 9.00 PM.


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-28 01:21 PM
    Ok people.

    With all due respect to Lord Ganesha. This discussion is going nowhere.

    Please consider taking some time and becoming a member of the HIGH FIVE campaign.

    All IV asks you for is JUST $5.00. Thats IT.


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  • EB3_SEP04
    05-26 05:11 PM
    I wonder what are the required documents for America born citizens if they don't have passports. Just a driver license? or they have to carry birth certificates always?

    US citizens are not required to prove that they are citizens, only the non-citizens are required to prove their status, and that's what angers me. If you answer the question as "Citizen" no further question is asked, and that is the RULE. Hence illegal people are trained to say the word "citizen" no matter what question they are asked. But as law abiding people most legal immigrants/non-immigrants won't lie just for the sake of avoiding the hassel of showing papers.

    02-01 11:38 AM
    Looks like there is now an increasing awareness of how Desi Consulting companies are bringing in a bad name to the entire desi population in this country.

    Found this email from Google H-1B Group: from
    infoprovider_ 2 at yahoo dot com.

    I would like to inform you about the large scale fraud going in the
    technology world today in USA. I know of many small-mid sized IT
    consultancies in US, which are founded by Indians. They recruit people
    (1) with degrees from various fields, most of the candidates recruited
    don't ever have any experience in computers. They train them in some
    tools (2) and change the resume totally (3), someone who has knowledge
    relevant to the job takes the interview instead of the actual candidate
    and they get placed. Ironically, even though these jobs advertisements
    say that around 5 years of experience is required, usually someone with
    not so high aptitude and limited trainig in that parituclar tool (2)
    can manage to sustain in that position, this is very real, these jobs
    can be done that way. They manage to get jobs in the biggest of US
    companies (4).

    This consultancy fraud is know to almost every Indian working in the
    technology sector. The consultancies almost don't take any one other
    than from India and surronding countires like Bangladesh, Srilanka. 99%
    of those i have seen are from India and the remaining 1% from
    Bangladesh, Srilanka etc.

    How many are doing this?
    I believe there would be atleast a few thousands of consultancies.
    Wanna find them? SOme of them advertise in Indian content sites such as Look at the right hand side of the page

    Who is loosing due to this.
    If this jobs can be done by someone with no experience in that
    technology, can't these be done by those americans who have a better
    experience (say 2 years or even 1 year), these folks work sincerely and
    go with correct resumes get X dollars where as the fraudsters get 3X -
    5X dollars.

    I don't say that every one from India are doing this. But a significant
    many are doing this. I know around 30 people working in US in
    technology sector. Over 20 are working this way. I can confidently say
    hundreds of thousands are doing this today and each year at least 50000
    (from student pool, dependents pool, directly coming to the
    consultancies as H1b workers from India) are joining them. Also, I am
    talking about the small to mid sized (1- 1000 people) consultancies not
    the big Indian consultancies such as Infosys and TCS.

    A lot of things can be done. But the simple thing that's easy to
    implement by the americans and thus not impede their productivity by
    spending too much resources in verifying the authenticity is this
    Let the INS provide the details of the H1b holders to the companies
    when asked by the companies only (this is similar to letting others
    e.g., housing provider, know about one's credit history). So, with the
    applicants SSN the companies can see the basic information like when
    the applicant has got his H1b approved and the resume submitted by the
    applicant with his H1b application (usually not many applicants give a
    very wrong resume to the INS while applying for the H1b). This
    eliminates almost all the cases of fraudsters (since they can't come to
    US today, one or two years ago and say that I have been working here
    for 5 years). This is one simple solution, easy to implement.
    There are many othere solutions

    (1) Whom do they usually recruit

    Thousands of students come from India every year to pursue Masters
    degree. They come to pursue Master's in various fields, the fields in
    which they have done their bachelor's back in India. Only about a
    quarter of them manage to get jobs in the fields in which they have
    done their Master's as direct employees of the companies. The remaining
    join these consultancies as they can easily get jobs through the

    Dependents, mostly those who come as spouses (coming as wives). They
    might have done some bachelors degree or Masters back in India in some
    field. Many of them not in computers. They don't have any experience
    there. They can easily be placed by the consultancies.

    SOme others pay these consultancies for sponsoring H1b visa. Typically
    the consultancies take the fee required for teh application and the
    lawyer fee (usually USD 2500-USD3000) . SOme of these cases are those
    with experience in IT in India. But significant number of the remaining
    are not experienced. Recently I have seen people who have been to other
    countries for their studies like Australia and Europe coming through
    the consultancies this way. Even most of these guys have no experience
    in IT, most experience in no field.

    (2) Which technologies they work in
    I have seen that the technologies they work in are in which the pay
    rates are high (because of lack of skillful people) like SAP,
    DataWarehousing tools. They also work in other fields like Testing etc.
    There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in these fields.

    (3) How much is the resume changed
    They change the resume totally. Every resume says the person has worked
    in US for over 4 years, doesn't matter if it is someone who came for
    masters to US an year or two years ago or someone who very recently
    came as a wife to someone.
    All most everyone's resumes have over 5 years experience where as in
    reality almost everyone don't have that much experience. If someone has
    that much experience they wouldn't go through these consultants who
    take a big fraction of the pay they get from the clients.

    Can't it be detected?
    No, in most cases its hard (expensive) for the recruiters (the clients)
    to find the authenticity of the resumes submitted. There is no proof
    that these resumes are authentic. Just in case some references are
    needed the consultancies give a dummy reference, and some phone number
    (they can ask some contacts, their acquiantainces working in some
    companies to take the call,if at all they feel that the client will
    find out from the phone number which company does this phone number
    belongs to, but most of the client companies don't go that far too, so
    a guy's mobile number who is working in the consultancy itself can be
    given as referencees contact number). It is hard to remember the voice
    by the interviewer after a few days of the intrview and usually these
    candidates join at least after a week after taking the interview (even
    if the candidate joins in 3 days, its hard to remember the voice as the
    interviewer usually interacts with many people (particularly they being
    in team lead or managerial positions)

    (4) I personally know people working in Microsoft, IBM, TEK systems,
    Cingular, Amazon, Accenture, Citigroup etc. This says such people are
    working in almost every technology company in USA
    So then, how is an American, like me, who spent tens of thousands of
    dollars to get thru 3 yrs. in a technical school that ended with a
    Bachelor degree in Science with Computer Information Systems, with
    honors, supposed to get a job in the IT community while these
    fraudulent (most likely illegal alien Indians) take the positions away
    from me? I worked my a$$ off studying hard, working hard, worked at
    the school, even took an extra course study in computer hardware
    configurations, and STILL, these IT companies DON'T want to even speak
    to me because they OUTSOURCE from these FRAUDS! How FAIR is

    10-01 10:04 AM
    Although they promise a lot of things on paper, we generally skip reading the fine print. Fine print generally would include this clause (language will be a bit different)...

    Same thing in company's point of view, if they invest in endless lawyer fees, filing fees, humongous paperwork and easily these days GC process take 5-35 years and during/after this time, What is the guarantee that you will still stick with the company - after all this investment of time & money? Companies need visible & predictable ROIs.

    It is the age of cost cutting. If you don't like it, just quit it & start a company on your own and show them how to run it by sponsoring GCs left & right.
    f your skills are in high demand, they will make you the king. If supply is high for your skills, they will go for someone cheaper..

    Green card processing costs only $12000 max..Its not a big deal for such big companies.They just dont want to do the favor.
    getting green card itself takes min 10 years. so you r going to stick on to this company until that time. is that not a gaurantee. working for 10 years with same company.
    you know y consulting companies file green card immediately. they do that becos the employee will stay with the company for a while.American companies do not realize this.
    one of my friend came back to compny as a consultant. now they are paying two times more than what they were oaying him as full time employee. is that not an expense to the company...why they r paying him that much now , instead they should have filed his green card.


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