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  • wPod
    Nov 2, 01:37 PM
    As expected, FedEx delivered my shuffle this morning.

    The pictures don't do it justice. The thing is really smaller than you think it is, even looking at the pictures. So far I'm rather pleased.

    do you have any pics of your own??!?!?!

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  • tigress666
    Apr 6, 12:17 PM
    The idea of paying $50 more makes some have a hissy fit while MOST are right to complain about it in a normal, reasonable way.

    AT&T is obviously more than legally able to do this but it is obvious to anyone that they are doing it strictly to add more $ to their pockets. And the response to that will be that they are allowed to and that EVERYONE wants more money. Yes, and consumers are allowed to complain when companies do something STRICTLY to make them pay more.

    There is really no reason for AT&T to do this other than to make consumers pay more. When AT&T does this, they should expect a backlash

    You cut off the rest of the point (you didn't even bother to quote the rest of the sentence.. you could have at least done that and bolded the part you wanted to address).... which I noticed no one addressed including you. You cut off the part where I was addressing those saying they were going to Verizon over this (which I call throwing a hissy fit since the only reason to do that cause they'll get even less of a early upgrade discount is cause you are wanting to spite AT&T). Who doesn't even let you get any discount for any early upgrades so in that respect they are worse than AT&T. So how does having a hissy fit and going to Verizon help those people who are that upset they are going to Verizon?

    Plus I disagree that this is solely just to make more money (or that it is the only reason that could be why they are increasing prices). Prices of *everything* is going up these days. Which means AT&T's prices are going up. They just might be finding it is not feasible to allow people to upgrade early with that much discount.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 27, 05:03 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank before an issue snowballs.

    Why should they talk out of their butts without getting a clear picture about what is going on.

    Obviously they immediately started gathering the facts.

    Had they released a statement like: "We are looking into it!" the media would still not have been satisfied. They like blood and frenzy. The more half truth and the more lack of facts the better . Can we scare people? GREAT!!

    May I suggest to be worried about the health effects of "negativitis" for yourself instead of what Apple is doing or not doing.

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  • skeep5
    Nov 19, 11:44 AM
    if it sounds too good to be true... hello!


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  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 29, 01:01 PM
    If he had just put "profit" that would be a fair judgemnt.

    But that's not exactly what he said. The actual quote is:
    "3) ????? 4) PROFIT!"

    That's different. It's an old joke. I guess you've never seen it before.

    Yes I have seen it and now it has been pointed out it is quite funny :D

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  • iMeowbot
    Oct 21, 01:53 AM


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  • toddybody
    Apr 28, 09:53 AM
    Had to share this pic from Tom's Hardware...,U-S-290116-3.jpg

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  • milbournosphere
    Dec 28, 03:20 PM
    An early gift from my parents.
    One of my gifts was the bowl game that you were watching. First SDSU bowl win in many years. It's too bad the Chargers didn't follow suit...

    Anyways, Christmas presents! My main gift was a nice Citizen eco-drive watch from my girlfriend. I also got cash, a nice bottle of scotch and a cool little toy RC chopper to supplement the four channel one I already have. Had some fun times buzzing the pet cat!


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  • Gelfin
    Apr 5, 07:12 PM
    Your blind comparison of an 11 year old "dressing like a prostitute" and a man in a business suit to prove some point didn't work.

    The preconceptions that lead you to reject it are not the same as it "not working."

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  • psychometry
    Oct 5, 05:00 PM
    This is my first post. It takes a lot for me to stop being a lurker, but the idea that any user can resize a textarea on a site I design, dynamically redrawing the page, is among the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. This will break valid page layouts in new and unheard of ways. Designers make form elements a size and shape for a reason.

    I look forward to finding a way using JavaScript to disable that feature the day that browser is released.


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  • rprebel
    Sep 4, 02:42 PM
    I thought you had gotten rid of the dock but kept the apps and whatnot and just had a black strip(geektool pic probably). Didn't realize that the dock just blended in with the black strip.
    You can make the dock transparent with Mirage Dock. Works with 2D or 3D dock.

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  • THX1139
    Nov 11, 04:45 PM
    I'm working on a new project and decided to do it in Premiere/After Effects CS5 after booting into 64bit. It's way faster and makes FCP seem like an old sluggish turkey. I'm sticking with Adobe until I see what Apple has to offer next year. Depending on what you do, Adobe has a much tighter integration with it's product line and they have a more modern UI compared to Apples 1990's interface.

    The next FCS better be extremely better if they intend on catching up with Adobe. By the time Apple gets FCP out next year, Adobe will be close to releasing CS6 and that will probably be another jump past Apple. I'm not holding my breath for Apple; they only care about their main cash cows now. Those being the consumer device/application markets.


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  • ranviper
    Feb 18, 03:03 PM
    Where did you get that wallpaper? Its awesome.

    it's a relatively recent one, so shouldn't take too long to find. :D

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  • ouimetnick
    Apr 7, 08:34 AM
    They sure are sending out bug fixes like crazy. I want iOS 5, and Mac OSX Lion.


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  • neut
    Feb 14, 02:44 PM
    Thanks for all your comments, helpful or otherwise, it shows what this place means to us.

    It definitely does ... i spend way too much time here. Better spent here than in other unproductive forums. Macs (here) and audio (osxaudio) are the only things that get me to post. :D


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  • sidefx
    Feb 4, 04:55 PM
    Mike do you know of a site I could upload the file?


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  • Caetano
    Mar 25, 03:38 PM
    I'm seeing/hearing the phrase post-PC device/era a bit too often for comfort. I like the iOS devices but for me the Mac is still by far the most important product that Apple make and I hope it continues for a long time to come. I look forward to seeing what they come up with for Maps though.

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  • Kwill
    Apr 28, 08:06 PM
    World War Sue.

    Apple has something like 200+ patents ( for the iPhone. This could get bloody when Apple responds with additional counter suits. I would pity those called for jury duty to make sense of the technical minutia. The breadth of the patent portfolios will be too detailed to battle in court. They are presented primarily as a way of saying "back off!" Ultimately, cross licensing agreements are forged.

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  • Michael383
    Apr 7, 07:25 PM
    That game list takes me back. I remember getting an Atari 5200 for Christmas and spending plenty of time playing Missle Command, Breakout, Centipede etc... Even though I moved on to Nintendo the 5200 remains one of my favorite game consoles. Wish I still had it today.

    Feb 23, 11:38 AM
    Just ran across this on Macworld.

    Just updated it myself but haven't had time to check changes.

    Oct 6, 03:36 AM

    Feb 10, 08:56 PM
    Does AT&T now give A-list with the 700 minute Nation Family Talk plan? The website has a plus next to it indicating it does?

    Does anyone know for sure?

    I'm curious about this as well. Has anyone with the 700 minute Family Talk successfully gotten the A-List feature? If so, was it online or did you have to call?

    May 5, 06:21 PM
    Try resetting and updating the firmware on the router.

    Mar 31, 10:12 AM
    Adobe finally made something useful on the iOS platform.

    Which is kind of hard on such a restricted and limited platform. There would be more useful software for the iPad if it ran a 'real' operating system like Mac OS X -- meaning full file system access and not being tied into ONE App Store with arbitrary rules for what a program is allowed to do.


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