christina hendricks mad men

christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men#39;s office bombshell,
  • Mad Men#39;s office bombshell,

  • Designer Dale
    Nov 3, 05:48 PM
    Not really. It has the same constraints as uploading a photo directly to MR. Size limit is 1.14MB at 600px by 600px. You could create a custom Export setting in A3 to match these requirements, but you would still need to Export them to a folder on your computer and pull them to your Album from there. Not automatic, but a workaround.


    christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men - Season 3 - Jon Hamm
  • Mad Men - Season 3 - Jon Hamm

  • babybanana
    Apr 27, 10:57 AM
    Thanks all for your reply. I will invest in getting the D90 with 18-55 kit lens and see about getting the 55-200 lens :)

    Also joepunk, I didn't mean long term investment as in the money wise more as hopefully I shouldn't have any problem with the camera failing on me for any reasons and I need it send it back to Nikon for fixing.

    I saw the D40 but I know I shouldn't think about mega pixels so much, but with 6mp I'm kind of looking for something more than the current point and shoot I have with 7mp. I think I've kind of have my heart set on the D90 now.

    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks For
  • Christina Hendricks For

  • chrismacguy
    Apr 29, 12:17 PM
    Less than perfect means "in fact uncomfortable" or "almost perfect" ?
    And i'm worrying about my music collection (albums and artists got named folders, subfolders, without correct IDtags) can i just use it bypass itunes, don't wasting my time on writing tags .... Is there normal audioplayer, that can eat my folders of music ?
    Can you tell me please about Web Flash content situation ? i heard that it seriously load processor, main troubles with flash videos, is it true ? Or exaggerated rumors ?

    iTunes can read all of those folders of music just fine, just tell it not to manage your library or copy your stuff around, and itll probably do fine. You can also ofc choose to play all of your audio and video in Quicktime X, which is still there on a Mac, and still useful. But iTunes for Mac is what Windows Media Player is for Windows. You can also use VLC on the Mac to play files QuickTime cant handle.

    Flash is just fine on the Mac, the only times you hear about problems are from people with PowerPC Macs, and the high CPU load has decreased dramatically with the latest upgrades from Adobe. As an example, my 5 year old very first gen Intel iMac (You know, the 1.83 Core Duo), running a Flash Video, as well as several instances of this forum with Flash Ads, my CPU is currently at 35%, and thats with iTunes, Mail, iCal, Messenger, Skype open as well.

    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks. The quot;Madquot;
  • Christina Hendricks. The quot;Madquot;

  • Ag3nt-Orang3
    Oct 28, 06:12 PM
    Do any of you guys use to read reviews on new and upcoming music?

    I find their reviews don't really contrast well with my opinion of the album but I use it to find new CDs I might never hear of otherwise. I've found some amazing albums on there that would have slipped through the cracks of all this contemporary ********* on the radio.


    christina hendricks mad men. Played by Christina Hendricks
  • Played by Christina Hendricks

  • darkplanets
    Apr 21, 10:37 PM
    You ARE getting some swap and page outs though, which will slow things down. It's not an issue right now, but if those numbers start getting too large it means you're writing too much to the drive (and reading) and that WILL slow your ass way down.

    Might I ask what you were using? 6GB should be plenty of RAM.

    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks of #39;Mad
  • Christina Hendricks of #39;Mad

  • littleman23408
    Oct 31, 01:30 PM
    Is it just the picture, or is that shelf ready to go?

    Nice collections BTW. I had about 500 DVDs from the States, but since i live in Greece now, they wont play on my PS3 I bought here, so I converted them all, and have them stored on my external drive.

    Anyone have any ideas what I should do with them? I have them in two boxes in the garage.

    Ha, nope its not just the picture, the shelves are pretty slanted. They are holding up though. If any of the shelves decide to break, I would not be surprised if it is the shelves that are holding all my records. They are more heavier than 1 shelf of blu's. I will probably be looking at getting new bookcase or something soon.

    Do you plan on coming back to the states anytime? When you come back you could sell them to a second hand store or donate them?


    christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men#39;s Christina Hendricks
  • Mad Men#39;s Christina Hendricks

  • decksnap
    Aug 16, 11:06 AM
    An experiment with my digicam, Photoshop, and Flash. Not as interesting as my other one I guess.

    christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men - Christina Hendricks
  • Mad Men - Christina Hendricks

  • 92WardSenatorFE
    Aug 18, 11:51 AM
    I wish I could get a free iMac! Even the first generations still pop up on craigslist and sell for $50 here. Haha, also makes me feel old... I remember in Elementary School when they introduced those machines and we got a lab of them to replace PowerMac 5200s... ahh how time changes.


    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks thinks
  • Christina Hendricks thinks

  • Counterfit
    Oct 26, 01:17 PM
    Oh how I wish it did :(

    christina hendricks mad men. of Christina#39;s quot;Mad Menquot;
  • of Christina#39;s quot;Mad Menquot;

  • Cagle
    Apr 5, 07:08 PM
    Now of your budget is over 1k then we can talk better cameras ;)

    say its 1 to 2k, and the output is for vimeo HD, or a 135" PJ, via iMovie or FCE, what would you kindly recommend?


    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks - quot;Mad
  • Christina Hendricks - quot;Mad

  • Coded-Dude
    Mar 21, 05:56 PM
    really depends upon the type of game, though I enjoy well developed online features.

    christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men - Season 3 - quot;Guy
  • Mad Men - Season 3 - quot;Guy

  • mkrishnan
    Dec 23, 09:57 PM
    This is a total wild shot, but you're sharing your iTunes library over the network, right? It appears to be trying to make domain name accommodations for your iTunes library. I'm not sure if that's standard operating procedure or not, but it seems strange to me. Try turning that off temporarily and seeing if you get the same keyboard lock?

    If you don't, then perhaps it has something to do with the way iTunes sharing is set up... if not, it was a wild goose chase. Sorry. :(

    Oh, and at this point, if you haven't already, do just repair permissions for the heck of it. You never know.


    christina hendricks mad men. Mad Men#39;s Christina Hendricks
  • Mad Men#39;s Christina Hendricks

  • alansmallen
    Jun 3, 08:29 PM
    Have one official offer if anyone wants to counter.

    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks on Mad Men
  • Christina Hendricks on Mad Men

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 12, 12:36 AM
    Another annoying ad. Links to

    And yet another one (2 in five minutes!!). Links to
    We've requested that both ads be removed from the ad pool.


    christina hendricks mad men. of Mad Men (2007),
  • of Mad Men (2007),

  • Applejuiced
    May 4, 01:37 PM
    I0n1c untethered jailbreak bug has not been fixed in the just released iOS 4.3.3 firmware, according to comex.

    @i0n1c's bug is not patched in 4.3.3. #whatisthisidonteven

    This is excellent news for jailbreakers as they will soon be able to perform an untethered jailbreak of iOS 4.3.3.
    As usual we recommend you wait before updating and make sure to save your SHSH blobs.

    Great news, waiting for an update for Redsnow and pwnage tool.

    christina hendricks mad men. See All Christina Hendricks
  • See All Christina Hendricks

  • arcobb
    Feb 14, 12:41 AM
    Doubt it. I have the 2.0 ghz and it works great. If you do a lot of video encoding you'll see a speed up, but for me I'd have to be doing video all day for me to want to upgrade. I'm going to wait for a machine that has light peak/usb 3 and and i7 or better ... so I'll be hanging on to this machine for quite some time to come. The .66 increase in speed is just not something I'd see with how my machine gets used. If you do lots and lots of video, upgrade ... if not save your money.


    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks on Mad Men
  • Christina Hendricks on Mad Men

  • kevinbal
    Jul 28, 04:48 PM
    The best part about this thread is the title: I read it as "China Unicorn finalizing deal for iPhone 4..."

    christina hendricks mad men. Hendricks at the Mad Men
  • Hendricks at the Mad Men

  • Bond007
    Jun 29, 11:39 AM
    Yeah. under the iChat prefs. it says 'mic enabled'. I guess i'll have to try a self powered mic, because I know this mic i have works, i tried it out on my roommates PC.:confused:

    Another quick question, does anyone know if any USB camera (for net chat) will work with the Powermac? Or do i need something special for that as well>?:confused:


    christina hendricks mad men. Christina Hendricks Actors
  • Christina Hendricks Actors

  • jondob
    May 6, 06:36 PM
    people aren't answering you because you should just do what the other person suggested. stop being stubborn and take it into apple care

    There could be other reasons its only working after a restart... That's why I was looking for another answer besides one reply...

    So unless you have no input be on your way..

    What if I needed my computer and couldn't have it gone for a week for some ****** superdrive...

    It's pretty pathetic I pay 1000+ for this Macbook, and a month later the cheap ass cd drive fails.

    Jun 15, 11:31 PM
    I suggest you make some wild and unsubstantiated claims about Macs and PC's or something similar to get it started with a nice big flame-war.

    How about one of these:

    2.5ghz G5 is just an overclocked 2.0. Otherwise why would it need to be watercooled?

    It's about time Apple made a Phone/PDA

    Apple ought just get real and start using Intel/AMD and get their new cases redesigned by Alienware. OH and get some decent games...

    That sort of thing ought to do nicely. ;)

    whats your problem :eek: you know some people dont want to die alround here or have there house burned down :p

    Dec 6, 02:18 PM
    Is a powermac g4 a good mac starter computer?

    I think so, however, it depends on what you're using it for.

    May 6, 03:36 PM
    you still here.

    Of course. I missed you too. Wanna grab a can of bad spinach?

    Apr 20, 10:34 PM
    The only applications that might use this are military applications. Which are most likely classified applications. But in short, no, a normal application wouldn't use it. ;)

    Depends on what you call normal.

    Mathematica 8 (

    Sep 28, 05:01 PM
    I'm getting a little anxious for iWork '07. Hopefully we'll finally get a spreadsheet program.

    Yes and how about a name for it: "iCheat"


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