call of duty modern warfare 2 wallpaper

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  • Blue Fox
    Jan 5, 02:25 AM
    I wonder why the 2 plans have to be mutually exclusive. Why not download the whole database when you get it, for when you might not get coverage. And then automatically update when you do have coverage. When going somewhere, give priority updating to the current route and then download everything else. Maybe allow current route to be updated with EDGE/3G while whole database updates require Wi-Fi. Just my 2�

    That's exactly what i was thinking, makes perfect sense to me. Have a download of the standard maps, and have them update themselves as you travel.

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  • AllmightyFun
    Jan 15, 10:47 AM
    as far as i can tell with my own contacts, only name and email address were used for synching.

    ahh thats possibly why, thanks.

    Dont suppose anyone made an app on the iphone for at all???? would be very handy in a similar form to the facebook app rather than using safari

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  • mattwolfmatt
    Apr 5, 10:38 AM
    Have you ever gone to move your finger across the trackpad and find that it registered it as a tap instead? Drives me nuts.

    Nope. Never.

    Nope. Me neither. I question your sanity, Warbrain. ;)

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  • JediZenMaster
    Jun 15, 07:06 PM
    It would be great if the iPhone went to another carrier especially T-Mobile since they are lacking a real flagship device. But i keep thinking for some reason that as much as AT&T and Apple are like a married couple that argues all the time that the iPhone may never go to another carrier.

    Because Apple loves to be the Dominatrix i guess you could say :p And i can't imagine another provider putting up with their demands. And doesn't apple have some type of say about the data plans as well? I remember an issue with Rogers in canada and how apple made them change one of the data plans.


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  • TJunkers
    Apr 26, 10:13 AM
    1.419$/Liter or 5.51$/US Gallon.

    The only place in North America where gas is ridiculously HIGH....QUEBEC. Taxes represent 30-35% of the cost of gas. *sigh* But at least our roads are smooth... Oh no wait, they are not.


    Check this out -

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  • daneoni
    Jan 7, 06:32 PM
    Push effectively doesn't work for me unless i switch alerts on...badges and sounds don't work and i really cant be bothered to start restoring/resetting/reformatting my phone because of one app. I've tried deleting and re-installing the app and thats as far as i'll go.

    So its back to hourly email updates for me.


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  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 02:09 AM
    Originally posted by MacManiac1224
    Can the G4 beat the Pentium 5? You are probably scratching your heads on this one. Yep, the Pentium 5 is very real, and it is coming soon. 2nd quarter of the Pentium 5 debuting at 3.2GHZ is going to come out. It will have 100 million transistors on it and it will be manufactured at .09 microns. Also, here is the doozy, it will have 1 mb of L2 on die cache, and it will support 333mhz bus speeds, with the addition of DDR, that is a possible 667mhz bus speeds. By the way, if you were wondering, the Pentium 4 has 42 million transistors.

    Now, for the G4: I am not sure how many transistors the G4 has, but I imagine it is way less then 100 million, or even 42 million, considering the P4 came out after the G4. Anyway, the cache on the G4 is higher on the high-end, 2mb of cache. But: the speed: 1.25Ghz? Can that really stand up to a P5 with 333mhz bus, and 3.2Ghz clock speeds? My opinion: most likely not.

    Not to be criticle but the G4 does not have 2mb of L2 cache on the high end model it only has 256k. It does have 2mb of L3. The 1MB of L2 in my oppinion will be a lot faster then any L3 cache because it's accessed at full CPU speed. But we all know this doesn't really make a nickels worth of difference because we all know the current cpu at the current speed would be absolutely trounced by this new pentium. I also know feel that we will not be stuck at this slow progression of speed for the next year.

    I personally though am in no way dissapointed in the new macs they are extremely fast. Yes faster then the Quicksilvers they just need to be used in the right application i.e. video editing, gaming, etc.. Anything that requires large amounts of data to be moved from the hard drive to the Ram and the same for the PCI and AGP cards to the Ram or Hard drive.

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  • NewSc2
    Sep 25, 10:33 PM
    This is a stupid move by Apple. The term "podcast" inherently advertises iPod. Now everybody (such as ESPN and etc.) is going to get scared and change their daily podcasts to some other name that doesn't automatically conjure a connection to an iPod.


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  • steve knight
    Apr 8, 10:50 AM
    the thing is the fundamentalists don't want birth control they want woman to breed like rabbits.

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  • InfoSecmgr
    Apr 6, 03:35 PM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.

    As do I (contracts I mean, except most of them are Air Force). True the no wifi is an issue on base, but are we necessarily talking about just on base? I think without hearing more details of what they want to do with this stuff (which we won't) then we can't really make any judgement calls. As for the durability claims, well that is a load know what. The Army does in fact use Mac OS X based systems for many of their servers and even some desktops. The vast majority is still Windows, but the Macs are out there in the wild.


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  • inkswamp
    Mar 28, 12:28 AM
    Here's the truth. Be aware that it's very disturbing.


    Okay, apparently there's some LSD in that coffee.

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  • Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

  • ipedro
    Apr 19, 09:06 PM
    Actually there is an option to turn the indicator light on, in System Prefs. I think quitting, closing and opening apps is perfect the way it is.

    ... to apease old school folks like yourself. It's off by default. OSX has always been about not having to think about managing the OS and focusing on being productive, creative and enjoying the purpose of the computer. Letting the OS manage system resources is the next logical step.

    Apps don't need to be running if they're not being used. If the OS saves all work and opening an app is nearly instantaneous, then there is no difference between a running app or a closed app running some services in the background.

    Nonetheless, the ability to turn the lights back on is a temporary transitional ability. It will no doubt be gone in the OS after Lion and only few people clinging to the past will look to turn them on.


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  • kvnan
    Apr 14, 08:35 AM
    I built a table that links directly to bestbuy, walmart and target ( to check inventory levels. it helps, but with very little supply there isn't any good news hiding on the back shelf. And there are horror stories all over the next about bad practices like forcing customers to buy service protection plans just to buy from existing inventory. (

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  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • gregorsamsa
    Nov 2, 01:31 PM
    But IMHO, Apple is a little weak in the video card dept. still. The Mac Mini now costs $100-200 more than it did when it came out, and you still get wimpy, non-upgradeable graphics in it. The Core Duo 2 CPU in one *really* starts to make that look lopsided. Even the iMacs could use something like Radeon X1900XT's in them - because the home market they target includes a lot of teens who want to play games on the computer.

    And I'm *really* hoping they start doing more to get software ported to OS X. The ability to boot into Windows shouldn't become an excuse for developers not to make native OS X versions of software. I barely ever boot into XP on my Mac Pro because I like the OS X environment so much better. So the games I tend to play on it are the ones like "Call of Duty 2" I have for OS X.

    Good points. Apple are doing great, but the lack of dedicated graphics in consumer-priced Macs aimed at switchers & students, many of whom will already own PC games, is an oversight. Otherwise, Apple's marketshare could be far higher.

    Also, as 0010101 posted earlier, there'll be huge numbers of people holding back from buying PCs due to Vista's delay. Let's see if Apple can repeat their current success next year, when millions of PCs pre-loaded with Vista hit the shops. IMO, without significant upgrades to consumer-priced Macs, Apple's marketshare is unlikely to continue growing beyond the busy pre-Xmas retail season.


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  • cupcakes2000
    Mar 28, 03:32 PM
    No. Lens focal length is a function of the lens, not the body. I can take a lens with a focal length of 17mm from a full frame camera and put it on a crop camera, and the lens will keep the same focal length of 17 mm. Now, the amount of the imgae circle recorded on the crop camera vs. the full frame camera will be different. However, this has nothing to do with the focal length of the lens.


    I think you both just said exactly the same thing, so I'm not sure why Full of Win is arguing?

    If I shoot my 50mm 1.8 II through my 7d I am effectively multiplying the lenses focal length with the cameras crop factor to give the photographs field of view. ie 50x1.6=80.

    So focal length 50mm= field of view 80mm. (On a 1.6 crop)

    Well, no, you will not. You are not using the FULL image circle on the EF lens on the 60D. Take that same EF 17-40 and put it on a 5D and your image will be composed differently. NOTE: the Lens has not changed it's focal length, but your image HAS changed.

    The common misconception is that your field of view is what the CAMERA records. In actuality, it is what the LENS TRANSMITS to the camera. Since your 1.6 crop camera does not utilize the FULL lens image circle on an EF lens, it has the effect of zooming the transmitted image. SO your 17mm is not 17mm on a crop camera, it is the equivalent of a 27.2mm (28mm) EF-S lens. 17 x 1.6 = 27.2. On a 1D camera, that same 17mm is the equivalent of 22.1mm, where a 5D as a FULL FRAME camera is using the full image circle from the EF lens, so it is a true 17mm.

    Allthough...This statement from thatisme 'So, you WILL get different focal lengths from 2 identically marked lenses where one is an EF-S lens and the other is an EF lens.' is false.

    You will, in fact, get two different Field of Views but the same Focal Length.

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  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 17, 12:31 PM
    I do like how they made it smaller, and if they can quiet down the dvd drive that would be very nice. Bigger hard drive is about time. My 20GB is full just from downloading maps for Halo and COD.
    Installing games is the best thing they've done for the 360. Granted, yes, it does take up a good deal of space, but it makes the 360 sooooo much quieter. The fans on the 360 can be a little noisy, but the DVD drive certainly is the loudest thing. Installing takes that right out of the equation. I have almost all of my games installed on my Elite's 120GB, along with tons of DLC, and I still have over 30GB free. Having 250GB to work with will leave PLENTY of room for the future.


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  • fragiledreams
    Sep 15, 05:26 PM
    Originally posted by King Cobra
    At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.

    My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.

    I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.

    Ok.. you're right too.... I just don't like the fact that in some threads mac people use the "crapy OS" as a point in order for example to overcome the speed differences. If you like say that you prefer better the GUI in OSX, I don't have any problem with that. But saying that it is crap, bugy or unstable is untrue to say the least.

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  • mdntcallr
    Oct 26, 02:49 PM
    it's weird they made a conscious decision to NOT allow ppc computers to use.

    it is like they dont want more customers. maybe with photoshop they will do same.

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  • Modern Warfare 2 Wallpaper

  • palter
    Mar 28, 12:47 PM
    No OSX has ever been released at a WWDC - only announced / previewed.

    Well, not recently. OS 7 was actually released at WWDC. I almost broke my leg tripping over a chair trying to get my copy...

    Apr 27, 12:40 AM
    Lemme' guess - it's going to be distributed through the app store, and everytime there is an update, you have to download an 8 GB install program for each update, ala XCode 4 :mad:

    Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 08:19 AM
    Canada was well aware of who they were voting for. It's not like the conservatives are a new party gaining power. Harper has been there for a while. All the small businesses I know in my area voted conservative because they knew the liberals and NDP were going to attempt gutting them.

    Apr 5, 08:51 AM
    Now I have something to cite when arguing with the abnormals. :D

    Oct 29, 09:08 AM
    Dear Adobe,

    START FOCUSING ON CS APPS! Damn... My mac mini g4 works faster converting my raw to jpeg files than my c2d iMac! I know you need to compete with Apple... but focus on your current products that are in need of updating to Universal code for the professionals that rely on them!

    Guess you haven't heard - Adobe is not updating CS to UB until CS3, set for release in Spring 2007. :cool:

    Apr 14, 08:35 AM
    I built a table that links directly to bestbuy, walmart and target ( to check inventory levels. it helps, but with very little supply there isn't any good news hiding on the back shelf. And there are horror stories all over the next about bad practices like forcing customers to buy service protection plans just to buy from existing inventory. (


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