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  • dark rown hair with londe

  • Platform
    Oct 26, 06:19 PM
    No PPC version...WOW that was too good though :(

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  • londe hair medium length.

  • SwiftLives
    Apr 9, 03:03 AM
    I am not saying no one should produce children. I am just saying its not the job of the government to make sure people are only cranking out units when they are "ready". Its called personal responsibility. If you get knocked up, deal with it. It's usually your own fault. Maybe your parents should have taught you to keep your pants on. It's not up the the government to teach you these things.

    So...a human child is nothing more than a "consequence"?

    brown hair blonde streaks. dark rown hair with londe
  • dark rown hair with londe

  • Giaguara
    Sep 17, 03:47 AM
    Be (the positive side of) yourself and just try.

    I'm really bad in advising for pickup lines etc so just say something nice to start with. ;)

    brown hair blonde streaks. dark rown hair with londe
  • dark rown hair with londe

  • Warbrain
    Mar 13, 10:47 AM
    How can something like this be for "some phones?" Doesn't make much sense to me--seems more likely to be a problem with the carrier--mine did fine figuring out it was now daylight savings time. :confused:

    Is it possible that 4.2.6 and 4.3 have different DST settings? Sure. Unlikely? You bet. Odds are we're seeing an issue with carriers and it localized in spots.


    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe
  • rown hair with londe

  • snberk103
    Mar 19, 07:50 PM
    I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.

    I'm really enjoying this whole thread..... :)

    Well shooting manual works for what I do. I doubt any sports photographers use anything other than Aperture Priority mode I would think.

    I should add that I've done my fair share of large-format work. Doesn't get more manual than that! And I certainly pop back into manual on occasion.

    I was going to say that for learning, people should use Manual, but I think that can really drive new photographers away. It's too much to keep in mind when you don't have a good workflow, and then it's frustrating to get so many bad shots. I like telling people to concentrate on one thing, then when that's comfortable move to another aspect (so DoF, then Shutter Speeds - generally.) Maybe full Manual when you've gotten past the big 'N' (for New Shooter) sticker on the camera bag until you're so comfortable with the camera that you can use Av & Tv efficiently and productively.

    But never Auto, well not usually.... Though I do tend to leave the camera on Auto when it's in the bag so that if the UFO lands in front of me all I have to do is turn the thing on and point and snap. :)

    brown hair blonde streaks. Her hair color is very dark
  • Her hair color is very dark

  • number9
    Apr 5, 10:46 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.


    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks
  • rown hair with londe streaks

  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 11:23 AM
    Willow Bend is at about 30 people. Rumor in line is they might be able to serve everyone that's comes out today, they must have a large stock

    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks
  • rown hair with londe streaks

  • Apple!Fre@k
    Mar 19, 05:13 PM
    $20 discount? BFD!

    That doesn't impress anybody, much less educators.

    For buying 10, the discount should be $100 per unit. Buy 100, $125 off per unit.


    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks
  • rown hair with londe streaks

  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 02:59 PM
    Have you looked at the Chrysler 200 convertible. It's pretty sharp but not as "macho" as the camaro or challenger. I had a sebring years ago, and loved it even though it was iffy as far as "quality." Still, probably the best convertible I've ever had. I rented a g6 hardtop convertible and it was great other than the tiny trunk.

    No offense, but that is one ugly car and far too conservative for me. If I was married off and had kids, sure. ;)

    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks. Fergie\\\\#39;s londe streaks are; Fergie\\\\#39;s londe streaks are. Les Kern. May 6, 09:39 PM. Download Dropbox done.
  • rown hair with londe streaks. Fergie\\\\#39;s londe streaks are; Fergie\\\\#39;s londe streaks are. Les Kern. May 6, 09:39 PM. Download Dropbox done.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jul 24, 09:29 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.
    Yea, that was the older 360 Elite Spring Bundle that MS was selling. The reason they threw Pure and Lego Batman in is because those games are old. Both came out in 2008. I already own all the Lego games anyway. The other Elite bundle they were selling recently came with Halo 3: ODST and Forza 3, two games that I already own as well. So, the standard bundles that MS has been selling haven't been much use to me.

    The way I see it, with this bundle I'm getting the new $300 "S" console with an extra $60 controller and the $60 game for $380 (I had Amazon credit). So, I'm getting $40 off what it would have cost just for those items if I bought them separately, and that doesn't even take into account the unique color and graphics of the console and controllers. For a huge Halo fan, like myself, that counts for something. I think it is a good deal.


    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks
  • rown hair with londe streaks

  • NT1440
    Mar 29, 06:36 PM
    I love how so many here buy into this crap and denounce these things as PR stunts with no evidence.

    A man can't have some ****ing coffee with a friend? Damn.:rolleyes:

    brown hair blonde streaks. dark rown hair with londe
  • dark rown hair with londe

  • notjustjay
    May 3, 02:53 PM
    @notjustjay: the 13" already does have an SD-card slot. is there any chance that'll be taken away?


    Crap, and you know what's the most embarrassing part? I did know that, I was looking at a picture of it just the other day. :o

    OK, just pretend I didn't mention that part. The rest of it stands. ;)


    brown hair blonde streaks. dark rown hair with londe
  • dark rown hair with londe

  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 25, 06:57 PM
    Even better.

    He's been put-down, for a while.That was fast. :p

    As for Trump, I have to agree with mrkramer that he's the male version of Palin.

    And, know he's got a penchant for naming everything after himself, right? How does The United States of Trump grab you?

    brown hair blonde streaks. dark rown hair with londe
  • dark rown hair with londe

  • MoreBS
    Mar 18, 03:31 PM
    I think sometimes people can be intimidated by all the choices. The trick, when learning, is simplify things, imo. [snip]
    Do this over and over again, with different subjects, until you get a feel for DoF.

    You know that is an excellent suggestion and I am going to do exactly that. Brilliant!

    Thank you very much.


    brown hair blonde streaks. bleach for londe streaks!
  • bleach for londe streaks!

  • talmy
    Apr 24, 11:34 AM
    I'm a heavy Chronosync user but I carry my MacBook back and forth and synchronize them on the same LAN (at home in my case). Synchronizing them at different locations requires getting through routers and firewalls and needs something like VPN or Yazsoft's Sharetool. Synchronization is an action you must remember to perform before switching from one system to the other.

    If Dropbox works for you then it is a much slicker approach. You can use shortcuts (also known as aliases or soft links) to make it appear that various folders in your Dropbox are located at various spots on your drive. Downside to Dropbox is it can cost money if you can't keep below the free limit, and apparently there are security issues with the service since they store your files on their site.

    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair red londe. darrens
  • rown hair red londe. darrens

  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 27, 01:59 PM
    As much as I would like to have .Mac and be able to sync my data, I still can't justify $99 for 1gb of web storage. Hopefully the Apple/Google alliance has some impact regarding the pricing of Apple's web services.

    I'm glad I have Gmail and its 2.309843598745398745987345gb of storage!:D

    I'm hoping the acquisition of that data center results in more storage for .Mac users... at some point in the near future (doubtful).

    I have been a .Mac user now for 4 years. The storage limitations are embarrassing. All I use it for is Syncing between multiple Macs - which is handy but hardly a justification for the $99 price of admission.


    brown hair blonde streaks. rown hair with londe streaks
  • rown hair with londe streaks

  • jayP1201
    Jan 6, 07:52 PM
    Does anybody get sounds when receiving notifications?

    No I have the same problem too....

    brown hair blonde streaks. Lauren#39;s hair is now a deep
  • Lauren#39;s hair is now a deep

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 01:05 PM
    When I said "that's about it," it wasn't a negative thing. When it comes to an iPhone, if they made those enhancements, that's plenty to guarantee another year of success. Especially alongside iOS 5.

    Sorry, may have misunderstood. Fair enough.

    brown hair blonde streaks. Blonde bangs, my natural hair
  • Blonde bangs, my natural hair

  • Abstract
    Sep 25, 10:50 PM
    The phrase Podcast didn't exist until the development of Apple's iPod....

    So? Some words like "Podcast" are adopted from popular culture. I still talk about Walkmans, not "Portable Audio Cassette Decks". Imagine how annoying that would be to say every time?

    I can understand why they want to protect the iPod name. That is their name, and that is their product. However, they really should leave "Podcast" alone. Having a "Podcast" is like the ultimate insult to everyone like Creative, Microsoft, etc. The name "Podcast" exists not because people want to leech off of the iPod's popularity, but because of the iPods popularity, and how endeared it is by our culture. These "Podcasts" were created to be downloaded onto iPods so that people can listen. In our society, iPod comes to mind first. Nobody was thinking of creating these audiocasts with the Creative Zen or MS Zune in mind. If they end up on a Zune, that's fine, but the thought was to get their content on iPods, which is really quite a compliment to Apple when you think about it.

    Apple should really reconsider their actions.

    Apr 4, 11:50 AM
    Im tryin to print some episodes to tape and runnin into some issues. I have been doing this with no problem for a couple years now but no more...My setup to give you an idea is Firewire out of my mac into my tapedeck and a/v out of my tapedeck into a monitor just to make sure everything is ok. When i play my video it usually has a straight stream to my monitor through the tapedeck but what its doing now is just playing the audio and showing the first frame of the video and nothing else till i stop the video, then it changes the first frame to the last frame i stopped the video on. When I try to print to tape it will record the audio and just the frame that the playhead was on when I hit record. Not sure if anyone else has had this problem before, its kinda strange. I have restarted FCP, refresed the A/V devices checked my settings and not sure whats goin on. There is a connection because it brings the picture and audio in, it just wont stream the video to my tape deck. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Apr 2, 04:26 PM
    I like Pages. I haven't had any problems with it. I haven't used all of the features though. I mostly use it for printing envelopes which works great. It will only get better and I'm sure Apple will add more features like spread sheets and maybe a GUI front-end for SQL.

    Jun 1, 05:29 AM
    How does what I said mean we should merge articles whenever possible? :confused:

    I don't think MediaWiki supports using categories as filters.

    If there's a "Terminal Commands" subcategory of a "Software" category, the CLI applications are still classed as software. By putting them in a subcategory, we are not hiding them, shunning them or separating them by "walls of steel". We are merely putting articles in logical groupings to make them easier to find. They are not split off because they're not "Mac-like".

    A simpler category structure does not necessarily make the guides any simpler to use.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to change what you said or anything, I was just using what you said (that the list in the category would become quite long) as a reason for why we should reduce the total amount of articles by merging articles wherever possible.

    And no it doesn't support filters, but we can certainly fake it.

    They're split off from the main software category because of the perception that a lot of users may not want to look at the Terminal... it does reduce the amount of articles in the main software category.

    Good point on the category structure not necessarily making it easier to use... errr... I'll get back to you on this, it looks like I'm going to be up quite a bit longer than I'd like anyway, I'm having MacPorts update some of my outdated packages and gcc42 has been building for the past 3 hours.


    Edit: Also I'm not entirely against a Beta, but it has to be small scale so we have far less editing to do, not an entire category, but maybe a small subset of the articles in that category in a test category.

    Mar 26, 10:01 AM
    Already have my black preorder

    Now to wait until midnight.

    Mar 23, 07:36 PM


    I disagree.

    Whether you like the military or you don't, if we want them to survive on the battlefield it's important that they have the best equipment possible. If in some case that were an Apple product, all the more power to them if they want to buy it.


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