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  • johndope83
    Apr 13, 03:08 AM
    i hope they fixed the problem concerning the recovered file trash that always pop up in the trash bin after switching your mac back on again.:D

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  • randallking
    Jan 7, 09:16 AM
    I got the 3.1 update yesterday, and I was getting push notifications with badges and alerts but not sound or vibration. I am positive that my silent/ringer switch was set to allow sound.

    This morning I got the new 3.1.1 update. Immediately, I noticed that I started getting sound alerts and vibration in addition to the badges and alerts. Yay!

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  • str1f3
    Apr 17, 12:16 PM
    The good news is that Apple's iPhone OS won't be the dominating mobile platform for much longer. The sales numbers show that Android is quickly gaining momentum, and Google's marketplace is not censored at all and developers can choose whatever development tool they want to produce software for Android.

    Just because they went from 2.5% to 5.2% in the US means nothing. Apple is at 25%. It is a lot harder to get into the higher market. All that they've been showing is that they can take some of Palm and WM6 marketshare.

    Apple will soon fall back into that little niche where they came from. And they deserve it because of their megalomaniac behavior and arrogant attitude.

    History is going to repeat itself because Apple hasn't learned from their mistakes in the past. They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties. Now they will lose the mobile market to Google.

    Do you mean history will repeat itself like the Mac/PC wars or like the iPod? Maybe I'm missing something when you say "They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties" because what comes to my mind is ActiveX and DirectX.

    The WePad is going to ship in July. Even if it might not be as sexy as the over-hyped iPad, it is an OPEN device. And in the end, the open platform will win.

    You do realize that no one is really mentioning the WePad (lol) except pretty much Germany. Go look at the current success of the iPad. If you think you can just blow up Android apps and it will be just like the iPad you're fooling yourself.

    As for your Android is "OPEN" comment, I don't think you know what "open" actually means.

    Is Android Evil? (

    1. Private branches. There are multiple, private codelines available to selected partners (typically the OEM working on an Android project) on a need-to-know basis only.

    2. Closed review process. All code reviewers work for Google, meaning that Google is the only authority that can accept or reject a code submission from the community.

    3. Speed of evolution. Google innovates the Android platform at a speed that�s unprecedented for the mobile industry, releasing 4 major updates (1.6 to 2.1) in 18 months. OEMs wanting to build on Android have no choice but to stay close to Google so as not to lose on new features/bug fixes released.

    4. Incomplete software. The public SDK is by no means sufficient to build a handset. Key building blocks missing are radio integration, international language packs, operator packs � and of course Google�s closed source apps like Market, Gmail and GTalk.

    5. Gated developer community. Android Market is the exclusive distribution and discovery channel for the 40,000+ apps created by developers; and is available to phone manufacturers on separate agreement.

    6. Anti-fragmentation agreement. Little is known about the anti-fragmentation agreement signed by OHA members but we understand it�s a commitment to not release handsets which are not CTS compliant.

    7. Private roadmap. The visibility offered into Android�s roadmap is pathetic. At the time of writing, the roadmap published publicly is a year out of date (Q1 2009). To get a sneak peak into the private roadmap you need Google�s blessing.

    8. Android trademark. Google holds the trademark to the Android name; as a manufacturer you can only leverage on the Android branding with approval from Google.

    On a more personal note: I do not need and I do not want Apple to tell me what I can read or see on my device. If I want to see naked flesh, then it's none of Apple's business and they have ZERO rights to deny me that. (I'm European - we're not prude here and we prefer sex over violence.) If I want to use software that directly competes with Apple's own offers, then obviously their competition is giving me something that I like better than Apple's software products.

    As much as I like Apple's computers, I hate their entire AppStore and iPhone SDK policies with a passion.

    What you want is a bigger walled garden. You are primarily to only use Google services on Android. I don't like the App Store policies but to simply put out that with Android "is all about choice" is naive. To use half the apps in the Android marketplace your phone has to be rooted (jailbroken).

    Ultimately I'd like for Apple to allow third party apps to be downloaded outside of the App Store and can understand why Jobs doesn't want to offer questionable apps on iTunes.

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  • Abstract
    Apr 3, 08:01 AM
    I don't actually know why Apple are bothering. MS Office is the best program on my Mac. It does everything I could possibly want.. and more.

    Exactly. Word is great. Yes, it's bloated, but as long as you realize that you're buying Word with no intention of using 97% of the features, the 3% of the features you DO use are perfect. I even think things are perfectly laid out (on Macs, not Windows), especially on Office 2004.

    Again, I realize there is a lot of bloat, but I never really intended to use ALL the features anyway. I intended to use what I need, and Word does offer everything I need.

    And I don't think Word is slow. No word processor is slow enough to bother me. And if you're right and it IS slow, then its not very noticeable, and so it isn't a big deal.


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  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 17, 11:52 PM
    Myself... I'm packin' Smacky. <10 points to whomever first identifies the reference>

    Isn't that from Get Fuzzy?

    /mmm, google. :D

    to be on topic:

    If you're set on a mac-usin'-momma, is there a Mac User group you could meet some Mac-using ladies at? We're a fun bunch (if I may say so myself.)

    Other than that, I dunno.. go to starbucks or something to meet people? A singles mixer? *shrug*

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 25, 02:42 PM
    Too early to quit dvd altogether:confused:

    If its up to me to should throw that medium into the wastebin asap.

    Nooo thanks, DVDs are still very very useful.


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  • rikers_mailbox
    Nov 21, 04:42 PM
    ... sooo, a thermocouple ( on a chip? Thermocouples have horrendous efficiency. I don't see how a such a chip in an enclosed environment (like a laptop motherboard) can achieve enough of a thermal gradient to produce enough current to be useful.

    I dunno, i'm skeptical.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 21, 09:45 AM
    There is no point, but lots of people will tell you "you need all the room you can get." I stream all of my media content to my xbox. I only use the hard drive for downloadable games, game saves, and to "install" disc games to the drive. You can use a usb drive (16GB max) instead of a hard drive on the xbox.
    There are 2 very good reasons for having a large hard drive, especially on the 360. You mentioned the game installs. That is the best reason ever. Not only do many games load things a little quicker, but the console becomes much quieter. The disc drive on the 360 is the source of much of its noise. By installing, you keep that drive from spinning while playing, and the system is MUCH quieter.

    But also for downloadable stuff, which you mentioned. More and more games are releasing lots of DLC, and that can really add up. I have well over 12GB just in DLC for the games I own, and a little over 2GB in XBLA games. Now sure, as you said, you can use a USB drive. If you don't plan on downloading much stuff, that will work just fine. But, I really like having a ton of space. Even with many of my disc-based games installed, all my XBLA games, DLC and stuff, I still have over 30GB free to use for downloading demos and trailers and stuff, and I don't have to keep track of a bunch of different USB drives.


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  • Compufix
    Sep 28, 01:18 PM
    So as a new MB user, in which everything works fine so far, this update means nothing to me?

    first off, WELCOME...second off, just an FYI, all Mac users are required by law to be excited about every update the comes along, and should rush out on a drop of a dime to install it. It's just something you have to do, or your membership to the Mac community gets revoked. 8-)

    All joking aside.....I really wish support for Blackberry 7130e as a USB modem would be built in. I have the Verizon software for Windows....and the Mac version (made for Verizon by Smith Micro) does not support the Blackberry yet 8(

    I gotta boot into Windows or use Parrallels...yech...

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Ummm...sounds like something al sharpton would say. That's a load of crap. What do you mean they don't have the power to? We're not talking about racism coming from the government, which is predominantly white in the US. We're talking about, for example, say black people are dining in a restaurant, and they have an issue with white people. They leave their white waitress a horrible tip just because they figure "oh well, her ancestors may have held ours as slaves, so i don't feel bad leaving her a bad tip". To say it's impossible for those who have been oppressed to be racist is laughable. Blacks can be just as racist and vile as whites.

    Not sure what you mean. Elaborate?

    This (

    As for what I meant- I am trying to illustrate how silly and unrealistic and inherently flawed "anti-discrimination" laws are. Lets say I do not hire a guy because he is black. That is my ONLY reason. HOW is that any different than not hiring a guy because he is not intelligent? He can't help his intelligence, it was passed on to him from his parents.

    That being said, I think it is stupid and small to practice bigotry, but I think it is equally stupid to legislate against it. It is like trying to legislate against icebergs. It's going to happen. I don't even want to get into the issue of "proving" discrimination. What a mess.


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  • Cougarcat
    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    I don't see anything in Lion that would warrant that kind of pricing: some minor UI changes and lots of under-the-hood optimizations...sounds a whole lot like Snow Leopard.

    Not at all. SL had no major new consumer-level features. Lion has Mission Control, Resume, Versions/autosave, Launchpad, fullscreen apps, Airdrop, full disk encryption, and rededesigned Mail/Address Book/iCal apps.

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  • Bernard SG
    May 4, 04:01 AM
    some tasks in OS X, such as networking, is insanely hard than the simplicity of the Network and Sharing Centre provided in Windows.

    It probably depends on the specifics of the network you want to build, but overall, I always found it ridiculously easy to build a Mac OS network than a Windows one.
    You may want to provide specific examples on how networking in OS X is 'insanely hard' as compared to Windows.


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  • Alex Pettyfer In Wild Child

  • brucem91
    May 3, 04:28 PM
    gah, seriously apple needs to talk to geforce/ati and get some decent drivers, cause the beta is so much smoother in bootcamp.

    shame, with steam incoming soon.

    i will never play sc2 on mac as it is now

    The thing is that OS X uses OpenGl, where Windows uses DirectX. I'd agree with you, but I'd prefer running in OS X vs rebooting and my macbook running hotter. Plus while in the menus, I can resize with apple + m, and open safari real quick, yet still be in the game. Plus, even on low, the game still looks pretty cool in my opinion.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 5, 07:27 PM
    I knew there was a reason to sit the 2011 mbp refresh out.

    Why? Soon enough there will be thunderbolt to USB 3 adapters seeing as how thunderbolt has twice the bandwidth of USB 3.0. 2011 MBP owners won't be missing out on anything should they need USB 3.0 down the road.


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  • Alex Pettyfer Dating Emma

  • snberk103
    Jun 18, 02:36 PM
    Is Apple thinking that SD cards are going to become the new "floppies"?

    Many people who exchange files by 'sneaker net' use CDs, but don't need the capacity of a CD. Plus while rewriteable CDs exist, they are pricey and most people don't use them. Most files are exchanged a barely used CD that then gets shelved and collects dust.

    Imagine if people started exchanging SD cards. Initially lower capacities only will be available, but soon CD equivalent SD cards will be available, and soon after that the 1 and 2 TB cards.

    If Apple can create enough demand for cards, then economies of scale will bring prices down as they become a standard commodity.

    As others have mentioned the bigger capacity ones would have all sorts of uses besides the exchange of files. Wow.


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  • Alex Pettyfer Dating Emma

  • whooleytoo
    Mar 23, 02:17 PM
    It probably makes a lot of sense for Pioneer to pay the $4, as it gives them a USP. "One of the few (only?) receivers to which an iPhone/iPad can stream".

    If it becomes more widely licensed, it's no longer a USP. It's probably not worth $4 any more, and competing standards will become more common.


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  • Alex Pettyfer Dating Emma

  • Cartoonkid
    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    This is probably a very easy question, but how do I get to that screen?

    Settings / Facebook / Push Notifications

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  • lmalave
    Nov 2, 10:04 PM
    So many of the switchers are college kids. A few
    months ago they had an article about how the
    market share in college is really falling more toward
    mac, more than ever before. Apple is getting them
    young, and that will pay off in the long run. I got
    my first Mac when I started college and now that
    I finished, I got a new one. The new laptops have
    made a huge dent in this age group, so that is what
    a lot of this whole market share increase is caused by.

    Harvard and Princeton have both recently reported that 50% of sales at their campus computer stores are Macs.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 26, 08:30 PM
    Yes - all they've decided to do is REVIEW it. They've overturned nothing. And the overturn rates are very low.

    It's still on, no matter what you try to spin it as. A review is a review. This is the same as when an appeals court decides to hear a case, they haven't overturned anything until they've overturned something. But they can't overturn something without first REVIEWing it. ;)

    Apr 6, 01:23 PM
    Ever served in the Military?

    That has nothing to do with the hundreds of billions we dump on weapons that don't even get used.

    Apr 12, 04:38 PM
    It does. You need to go into Tools --> Synch Services and enable calendar sync. I then restarted Outlook and iTunes, synced my iPhone (Info --> Advanced --> Replace info on this iPhone) and everything was there when I went into the calendar.


    EDIT: It also keeps the category colours from Outlook which is awesome, as Entourage never managed to do this.

    Well, I just recently switched from Windows to Mac OS X. In Windows, one is able to sync Outlook through iTunes with the iPhone. But in OS X, iTunes shows only the sync options with iCal and Address Book contacts, nothing from Outlook. I'm probably missing something here and would appreciate some enlightenment. Thanks to anyone in advance!

    Sep 27, 01:01 PM
    On your Quad G5? It runs like butta on mine. Did you make sure to use the Combo updater and not the Software Update incremental 10.4.7 updater? I always use the Combo.

    I don't know what to tell you. Couple days after I installed 10.4.7 , major issues happened on my quad. I end up with my computer at Apple for repair and 3 weeks later they figure out a combination of 10.4.7 and my GT7800 card were the issue.
    Now, I have a new GT card and I use 10.4.6. The kernel comes once a week. So the problem in some way still persist. I hope the new 10.4.8 will address this issue. If not I'll go back to Apple and request a new computer in exchange for the one I have.
    I don't know, I love my quad but I have to say I was pretty upset with this whole fiasco. I wish Apple had a loaner program for professionals using powermac. That way we can still productive while the computer is being repaired. I would not mind to pay a little more on applecare to get such a service.

    Dec 12, 09:06 PM
    I thought Microsoft already announced this? ohhh no wait my bad, what I meant was a PC to Mac conversion system, I think its codename is Windows.:D

    yeah, windows vista X :D

    Sep 25, 11:16 AM
    Looks like an excellent update. By the looks of things they've reduced the system requirements, which may mean it will be less of a resource hog.

    The MacBook is now officially supported, along with older PowerPC models too.

    Kudos to Apple for making it a free update, although there'd have justifiably been an outcry if it wasn't.

    Edit: RAW support updates also point to OS X 10.4.8 being released this week too (as per previous poster's observation).


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