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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 10:33 AM
    how do you know he's not making an effort? are you actually tracking what he does to help the poor (and whatever other issues)?

    i have to agree with killuminati here (without even being a rap person).. your theory that because he uses the n word (which by the way can still be seen as a proactive measure to take racist words away from non blacks) is contradictory to being religious/spiritual is absurd. same goes for cursing in general. did you ever think that perhaps the n word isn't seen as curse amongst many blacks? we're not talking about white people calling black people n's here, it's a big difference.

    No, Im just sick and tired of people having absurd double standards. White guy says "n", even not to another person, its bad. Black guy says "n", It's a term of endearment. Bull crap. Thats called a double standard. Even Jesse Jackson would say using the "n" word is not becoming of one who believes/follow Jesus.

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  • Evmanw
    Apr 21, 12:11 PM
    It is against forum rules to simply reply "+1": what on earth is the difference between that and clicking a button to say "+1"?

    I never knew that... Oops I have done that once or twice (but only once or twice) just to say that I agree.

    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    Yes, Facebook really needs a dislike button!!!!

    P.S. (I finally figured out how to do multiple quotes in a post!) :rolleyes:

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  • Flowbee
    Jan 12, 10:40 PM
    Seriously, that is such a slippery slope argument it isn't funny. Blaming some pranksters for the end of big expos is silly.

    That's not what I was saying at all. It's hard to tell if you're actually reading the posts you're responding to.

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  • MacG
    Nov 16, 04:17 PM
    Maybe the AMD laptops are coming today :eek:

    The store is currently down...


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  • tveric
    Oct 5, 05:51 AM
    Actually what many consumers want is DRM transparent downloads. They don't want to constantly be reminded of their restrictions and they don't want the restrictions to get in the way or have to know any of the technical details.

    Fairplay does a fairly good job at that, which is why it has been successful.

    Whom are you kidding? Nobody cares that Fairplay's DRM is better than other DRM. Do you think it being "successful" (and that word ONLY applies comparing it to other pay services, not overall downloads) has anything to do with the fact that 70% of all mp3 players are ipods, and only work with the itms? Gee, I wonder.

    And even if there's a causal relationship here (which is ridiculous), extend that out to all downloads. 5% of all music on ipods is from the itms. Sounds like the "successful" formats are the non-DRM ones, whether they be so-called illegal downloads or music obtained from CDs, or just copied from a friend's library of DRM-free music.

    Your average ipod owner could not possibly give a flying %^@$ about how Fairplay's DRM compares to other mp3 players' DRM. Talking about "DRM transparent" like its something that Joe Consumer has any clue about is delusional at best.

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 08:26 PM
    you got any mac machines in there?? christ, 3 computers - im happy with the one for now!

    yes i have macs, but i don't fold with any of them. my mac pro is too old to fold with. but i am eying those new mac pros though


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  • rorschach
    Apr 29, 04:05 PM
    Same here, but maybe they have had a clean install on their systems after update II.

    The scrolling is similar to any of the previous we have had so far.

    Yeah they've probably just changed the default setting.

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  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 09:38 AM
    in our stingy society it should be clear who will win - the cheapest, hd-dvd


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  • Full of Win
    Mar 28, 06:39 PM
    Respectfully, I think you're missing the point. In its totality, installing an app is more like:

    1) Google or otherwise search for an app. Make sure its the Mac version, compatible with your OS version, processor, etc. There probably won't be any reviews, more like select quotes from people who liked it.
    2) IF you trust that website, fill out your credit card information, PayPal account, etc.
    3) Download it and do the process you described for installing.
    4) If you need to re-install the app, buy a new computer, etc. hope that the company allows you to re-download it.
    5) If you have a good/bad experience, good luck reviewing it or rating it.

    I'm a pretty tech-savvy guy and I still appreciate the ease of the Mac App Store.

    Yet, inexplicably, we made due without a walled garden for decades.

    1) Wow, you will have to do some research. There might even be some reading involved. Also, since OS 10.6.6 + is the only OS that will run the store, its pretty easy to ensure compatibility.

    2) Most apps I use are free (not stolen), so payment does not factor in unless I doneate via PayPal. Also, since Apple is taking a pretty large slice of the revenue, at some point this will have to be passed on to the consumers

    3) A file on a thumb drive is easier to pass along than download a file from the internet via the Mac App store.

    4) Or you could store the file on your hard drive or a NAS, or a cheap external drive. Noting says you have to re-download it.

    5) So I guess that sites like MacUpdate are not useful? There are plenty of review sites for OS X apps.

    Its not a bad concept - if its voluntary. However, to make it a rule to compete in the Design Award is lame. As others have said, it should be renamed the MacStore App Award to reflect the narrowing of the field they are doing by only allowing App Store devs to compete.

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  • bikertwin
    Sep 25, 03:47 PM
    Yes, a very good point. And it makes me wonder if Adobe will ever charge for it. In fact, now they have rebranded it Adobe "Photoshop" Darkroom, it leads me to believe it will be included as part of Photoshop and not as a seperate product. This might also be why they haven't released it yet, since the next version of Photoshop isn't finished. This strategy would undercut Apple since most photography professionals undoubtedly already own Photoshop and will upgrade.

    No, Adobe is claiming Lightroom will be released in late early a good 3 months before PS CS3.

    I think with this rebranding, they're positioning Lightroom between PS Elements and PS CS, hence PS Lightroom.


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  • Kiwi Jones
    Jul 21, 12:07 PM
    Count me into the group who is sick and tired of hearing about this crap.

    I too love my iPhone 4, it being the best phone I have ever owned, and without a doubt having less dropped calls than my 3GS had. I had a handful of drops on the 3GS fairly often and on the 4 I've only had two since launch day. I'm also in a long distance relationship and we stay on the phone all night every night. I'm not kidding. :o

    I can demo this "issue" but realistically it is not a problem for me. This phone is the best and I'm only slightly bummed that some people may miss out on a fantastic device due to this media hoopla.


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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:15 AM
    mate im hyped as well might get some sleep, get up early...... i need a new ipod, im due for an update..... my 3g stuffed up today, earphone jack doesent work anymore:( it has had a great life:D

    At least your 3G iPod had enough battery to last through one song.


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  • 7o7munoz7o7
    Dec 13, 05:01 PM
    I'm getting really tired of reading "iPhone on Verizon 4G after Christmas!" rumors on here. WHy is it that every time someone says "Oh, I've heard the iPhone's coming to Verizon in January," MacRumors puts it on the front page or Page 2? Are enough people so totally obsessed with the iPhone, they pee their pants if they don't hear a Verizon iPhone rumor every day/every other day?


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  • Peace
    Sep 12, 08:33 AM
    It's recent.. The sys displays the Ipod menu on the TV for "media center" style browsing

    Thought so its just that the unit looks just like the one posted yesterday..And I thought that was Media Center.

    Morning jitters don't ya know :D


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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    I found that page last week but didn't think much of it...... :)

    Ergh, that page has been like that for about 2 years or more. So has mammals.org

    Nothing to see, move along.

    I hate threads like this, just constantly answering the same questions over and over because people won't read the thread.

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  • eggstone
    Nov 24, 09:29 AM
    In store you should be able to get both discounts.

    I am looking forward to hear the follow up on this story. I really doubted you can get both EDU and Thanksgiving discount together, even in store.

    Maybe one can just ask the question to a on-line apple-store-chat staff?


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  • cbrain
    Jan 8, 10:00 AM
    There still might be a spoiler even you get a direct link!

    If the iPhone is released, won't there be a new tab which you'll be likely to see on the MacWorld stream page on Apple's website, labeled, iPhone?

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  • bpfesq
    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    Seeing as that it doesn't have any place for the antenna (like the black area towards the top of the 3G iPad), i'm very skeptical with this picture.

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  • Zwhaler
    Jan 5, 03:16 PM
    Awesome idea, this will be a cool way to discover new products! Ahh...

    Apr 16, 08:36 AM
    Obviously fake. Look at the slanted iPhone writing on the bottom photo. Horrible photoshop skills

    yup, that it's tell. unfortunate as I actually rather like the concept. ive never been happy with the iphone's back panel since the 3g got released due to the fact it's not flat.

    Jan 15, 05:50 PM
    still 700:1 contrast ratio

    In the context that manufacturers state such figures, this is meaningless. All it really boils down to is how white their whites are so they can claim a high contrast ratio, even though in the real world it means sod all.

    Now what would really get me interested is a flat screen that displays truly black blacks.

    Apr 29, 03:24 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    There's a huge difference between merging in concepts of the UI, user-friendly software distribution, media access and what you describe.

    It is very unlikely that Apple's engineering and marketing would destroy what they've worked to build for so long, IMHO. How are you so certain that they'll be bringing all the bad stuff along with the good stuff? Seriously - do you really think that Apple's talent are as utterly foolish that you make them out to be?

    May 6, 10:09 AM
    I believe this might LITERALLY be the first time I've ever read something from Lee, been impressed with it's depth, and not been saddened by the complete opacity of his partisan blinders.

    Very well said, sir. I agree, 100%

    Funny, you could really use this advice more than anyone else here.

    I would take that as a compliment, but it was just another backhanded insult.

    Here's a little knowledge. Try to empower yourself with it.

    I've shot guns.

    And yet ... somehow ... I'm not bewitched by the thrill of firearms.

    I know. How is that even possible? :eek:

    Well, good for you. Maybe other people do enjoy them. Different strokes, dude. I tried marijuana, and wasn't "bewitched" by that thrill either. That doesn't mean I don't think other people should not be able to use it.

    May 2, 10:23 PM
    There have been unrelated complaints about battery life since 4.3 came out, and for the entire existence of the Verizon version. Maybe they've finally addressed that.

    Wow, I finally got a reply! Didn't expect that, I appreciate it. ;)


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