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  • Yamcha
    May 2, 09:40 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

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  • men+ Justin Bieber cute

  • RichP
    Aug 7, 07:01 PM
    Hmm..I wonder if this means that we wont see the issues plaguing the 23"s (poor color, banding, etc etc etc)

    If so, time to make an upgrade!

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  • justin bieber cute pics.

  • Counterfit
    Jul 29, 04:03 AM
    True on the economies of scale bit - although the batteries are always going to be pricey.

    I keep hammering the same point here, but the Volt would see a quite significant fuel economy boost by switching to a diesel engine to charge the batteries and run the motors. Sort it out, US car companies...it's not like we don't sell diesel here.
    That's the great thing about a platform like the Volt, or anything like it: you can easily change whatever gives the electricity. Gas not working right? The American public finally getting their asses out of their collective heads about diesel? Just get one the right size, and hook it up to the generator. It works for trains. Small fusion reactors finally a possibility? Bingo!
    And not without a bit of irony as Rudolf Diesel patented his engine in the U.S. (608,845), and we don't use it - though that's because of the Oil companies, not the car companies.
    If GM hadn't ****ed up when they tried bringing diesel cars to the market, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. We still have some old M-B diesels kicking around, and probably a good bunch of them run on SVO by now.
    That would be like Subaru selling FWD cars again...it's not what the brand is about.

    Subaru still sells FWD cars, just not in the US or Europe.

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  • justin bieber cute pictures.

  • keysersoze
    Nov 16, 03:55 PM
    AMD does not have the ability to produce enough chips. Period. They have sold their soul to Dell, and Dell will suck them bone dry.

    Not gunna happen.

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  • Check out justin bieber#39;s new

  • Dagless
    Nov 24, 07:08 AM
    Why don't Apple do anything like that outside of their own country, god knows they're cheaper in America than here.

    Globalisation with none of the benefits.

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  • cute pix! - Justin Bieber

  • RobBookPro
    Apr 16, 12:14 AM
    Everyone keeps saying that aluminum will mess with the signal. But what I'm wondering about is how will the iPad 3G will deal with that? Is 3G iPad going to look different than Wifi model thats currently out?

    Have you not looked at the pictures on Apples website? Big black stripe?

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  • Hephaestus
    Mar 19, 05:16 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

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  • justin bieber cutest pics.

  • pivo6
    Apr 22, 10:35 AM
    All seems rather silly to me.

    Over the years, there must have been 85 threads on some type of reputation/like/thanks system and it's always been shot down (thankfully). What changed?

    I realize that this is just a test run of this "feature", but I too wonder what has changed in order to come up with a reputation system.

    justin bieber cutest pics. Bieber has teamed with Etoile
  • Bieber has teamed with Etoile

  • twoodcc
    Apr 29, 10:47 AM
    I already have 2 4u cases and 650 psu's for them, no gpu's right now I just ssh into them. Would a 650 psu be enough power for a single GTX480 on one of these? I have 1200 watt psu's running the 2 machines with 3 gpu's each. I could swap out one of the GT260's for the 480 and put it (the 260) on the new board; when I have the change for the GTX480 that is.

    This of course will delay the purchase of a new Mac Pro somewhat, maybe... but I couldn't wait any longer for the Mac Pro's...:o

    Our team output is up again to just under 2 mil pts for the last week.

    i'm not sure the 650 psu would be enough for a GTX480. i doubt it would be.

    yeah lyzardking is really stepping it up lately!

    well my third machine has to be down based on my output. so i'll be working on it this weekend

    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)

    i would, but i'm not at my apartment now. i will be this weekend though

    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:

    AMD processors aren't near as good at folding as intel, mainly i7s.

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  • Watched it, satjustin bieber

  • spencers
    Apr 7, 09:08 AM
    Purchased another "ticket" to have my brother partake in this event with me as he is going to be visiting at just the right dates!

    That and another helmet so that I can give him back his motorcycle helmet.

    Rock on! In the E30?

    I'm going up to Little Rock (Arkansas) for their regions SCCA autocross event on April 17. They don't preregister anymore so I can't really chalk it up as a "purchase" yet :o

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  • justin bieber cutest pics.

  • glocke12
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    But when you have guns in your house with my kids it's your pediatrician's job to ask. Whether you choose to answer is your choice.

    No it is not. Whats up with giving personal responsibility to the gov't or others?????

    I would concede that if guns are a concern of yours, it is my job to inform and prove to you that I am a responsible gun owner who keeps his guns locked up, out of the reach of children, and furthermore that in my house there are no unsupervised children (meaning that there is an adult in the house at all times who knows where the children are and what they are doing).

    It is than your job to decide whether or not you will allow your kids in my house.

    As parents, it is both of our jobs to get to know each others household.

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  • So Cute - Justin Bieber Photo

  • mscriv
    Apr 27, 04:13 PM
    Hmmm... how can I use this new system to my advantage in the MRville WW game? ;)

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  • Justin Bieber cute bangs

  • sionharris
    Nov 24, 05:32 PM
    it's frustrating, but apple work on the premise that they won't attract many new customers by reducing their prices (because they charge more than everywhere else in the first place). all black friday does is give people an excuse to buy that macbook that they have been hesitating over for three weeks, or the ipod that they were waiting for the right moment to buy.....

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  • Justin Bieber Tattoo

  • balamw
    Apr 12, 08:41 AM
    So office starter has ads in it - ewww :eek:. I didn't know that. I'll be sure to avoid that edition if I'm in need of MS office running in windows.

    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


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  • robbieduncan
    Apr 21, 11:48 AM
    Apathy would be not clicking anything.

    True apathy would be not caring if you've clicked anything or not.

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  • Justin#39;s cute smile lt;3

  • eyelobes
    Mar 17, 08:28 AM
    Good for you man!!!

    That punk ass stoner gets what he gets. I have a brother and a broth-in-law that are both stoner drop outs and half-ass everything they do. Everyone needs a push to set them straight, be it jail or getting fired for failing to pay attention to detail.

    As a 2 time war vet, if the scouts on my team failed to pay attention to detail i would be dead right now. As we always used to say "get your head out of your 4th point of contact before you get someone killed"

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  • justperry
    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    I hope this is true... I really would like to have a more rugged case design on the iPhone (planning on getting the next version). I had the 3G iPhone and the back plate always felt flimsy / fragile.

    For the antenna - could the antenna placement be put near the apple logo on the back (maybe that is plastic) or -- might there be enough antenna surface to receive through the front?

    I also wonder if they could tie an antenna to the bezel on the front of the phone, or integrate it into the aluminum enclosure on the back. Not knowing metallurgy, I am not sure if there is a way to turn aluminum to a receptive material or could the case be of an aluminum alloy to allow reception?

    No way Dude.
    All of the phones that I see open to see the internals had metal shields in the front to get less radiation from the antenna.
    It is still not proven whether or not U can get cancer from radio waves.
    But,I do know certain places where radio waves will kill U.
    Don't even come close to a very high power antenna from a radio station,a T.L. will even light up if you hold it nearby.

    Making an antenna of the aluminium casing is impossible,don't U think Apple and others would have done that long time ago:eek:

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  • justin bieber cute.

  • mcrain
    Mar 4, 03:18 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The liberal view is to build schools that teach people to fish, hire people to teach, treat the teachers well and then send the students off into the world with good educations. Liberals then try to protect the lakes and rivers so that the fish can be eaten, and so that fish can thrive and be caught by the fishermen. When bad times happen, as they always do, liberals are willing to help the fishermen survive natural disasters, famine, draught, and the occassional cold spell (luck and weather). Liberals stand hand to hand with their neighbors, knowing that as their neighbor thrives, so do they.

    The conservative view is to set up a corporation on the banks of the lake/river, hire fishermen from out of the country, make enough profits to make a machine that harvests all of the fish available, then dump the waste back into the river/lake poisoning the lake and forever destroying the habitat, and finally, adding fillers and cheap materials to sell canned "authentic fish product" to the people. When the fish run low, the business relocates its operations and hires foreigners to fish, and then requires a government bailout when the people can't afford to buy their products.

    Go fish.

    (edit) Don't bother posting your usual response about how conservatives give more and are more charitable. I'm talking about liberal government policies.

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  • View the latest Justin Bieber

  • NamJangNamJa
    Nov 16, 04:49 PM
    Very interesting! :D

    I have a test so tell me what the updates are when I get back. :p

    Apple store updates turns out to be "HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE."


    Apr 11, 09:03 PM
    can't understand why it doesn't let me post the right pictures :confused:
    They look exactly like the original Apple ones though

    You've got double http://

    Oct 17, 12:27 PM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think...More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    We have 5.4 TB of available external file storage in SATA enclosures, but a lot of it is duplicate data from past jobs because we're afraid of disk failure. The enclosures are NOT small and they are not cheap to build -- even with the dropping price of >= 500GB HDDs.

    We're dying for and end to this format battle because we'd like to start storing past photographic assignments/jobs on one disc -- two, actually; one backup to be taken offsite and the other to go in a file cabinet -- and not have to trust a massive file server with moving parts.

    Given the eventuality of a HDD failure, tape cartridge read error, and degrading discs, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out the best long-term data storage compromise between reliability, price, and size. :confused:

    Being able to store 30GB of RAW NEFs on one disc would be incredible. That would knock out an entire job in one disc. As camera sensors get even better, I can only imagine how much our storage needs are going to increase...

    I don't even want to guess how the people shooting with 22MP Leaf backs are storing their images...

    Mar 17, 05:44 AM
    That's messed up.

    The kid is going to have to pay.

    You know, karma is a bitch.

    Dec 14, 07:45 AM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Oh you mean the problem they have actually done nothing about (other than a perceptual one to show weak signal strength more accurately) and yet the iPhone 4 doesn't seem to have any such issue now?

    Aug 1, 01:49 PM
    Norway is doing you all a favor. Do not act as stupid ass consumers with no brain. It is your right when you by music to listen to i where ever you want it too.
    You payed for it didn't you so now it is yours ....
    DRM is ******** and it takes away your rights as a consumers.

    Act now stop that ********.

    One more thing. At least we have the freedom and our goverment tries too help.


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