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  • dc52nv
    Apr 7, 01:50 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    my pants are ruined!

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  • paolo-
    Apr 30, 01:12 AM
    Don't really see the point of making OSX look like something that was designed to be used with a touch interface when they specifically said there would be no mac device with a touch screen.

    Good thing they are changing it up, I hope we don't get an orange faux-cuir iCal. I can just see what great inspiration that'll be to so many great designers of the App Store :rolleyes:

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  • steelfist
    Oct 19, 11:24 AM
    and then there will be numerous viruses for the mac that will be unleashed into the wild.

    and then norton will have numerous profits from mac viruses, along with windows viruses.

    the two bad news i'm worried most from this.

    aside from that, means more games , and software support along with hardware support should be increasing as well which are good.

    it seems that most of the profits came from college students and travelers, as hh has noted. i thought the imac had strong sales, but it's easy to see why the notebook familly has such good sales.

    oh, and i hope the laptops won't get any thinner. apple's having a big problem with cooling their laptops already. it's not worth having so much problems by cutting a few mms off the height.

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  • azentropy
    Dec 13, 02:47 PM
    I just don't see Apple creating a situation where they're going to have 2 separate refresh dates for the iPhone. Whatever they do, they're going to make it so they refresh ALL of their iPhones around June of every year. Otherwise they're going to put one of the carriers at a distinct disadvantage because Verizon will have the latest technology for up to 6 months before it goes to ATT--which will hurt apple sales overall.

    Actually I think this is what might happen, eventually. But rather than AT&T getting the same spec iPhone "A" 6 months later, they will get the "B" with some improvements, then the next year Verizon gets the "C" 6 months after that and so on... Where they will just keep leap frogging each other. I think the market is moving too fast for Apple to continue with just yearly updates.


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  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

    I appologize for that. I didn't recall your name. I was replying to KnightWRX, so I took a shorcut (original poster).

    I won't do that any further.

    I through together a simple program that I think does exactly as you want. It is a Mac version, but the different there is trival, and instead of a picker, it is a text field the user enters a time into for the timer duration. You will need to change the NSTextFields into UITextFields.

    The bulk of the code is exactly what I posted before, but I modified the EchoIt method to work with an NSDate. I implemeted it in the appDelegate, and you are using your viewController. That doesn't change the code any, and your way is more correct.

    I can email you the whole project as a zip if you want. It is about 2.5 meg. Just PM me your email address.

    // timertestAppDelegate.m
    // timertest
    // Created by Warren Holybee on 4/27/11.
    // Copyright 2011 Warren Holybee. All rights reserved.

    #import "timertestAppDelegate.h"

    @implementation timertestAppDelegate

    @synthesize window, timeTextField, elapsedTimeTextField, timeLeftTextField;

    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to initialize your application

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to
    //create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];
    [startDate release];

    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    startDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // remember what time this timer is created and started
    // so we can calculate elapsed time later

    NSTimeInterval myTimeInterval = 0.1; // How often the timer fires.
    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:myTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt)
    userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.
    myTimer = nil;

    -(void)echoIt {

    NSDate *now = [[NSDate date] retain]; // Get the current time
    NSTimeInterval elapsedTime = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate]; // compare the current time to
    [now release]; // our remembered time

    NSLog(@"Elapsed Time = %.1f",elapsedTime); // log it and display it in a textField
    [elapsedTimeTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",elapsedTime]];

    float timeValue = [timeTextField floatValue]; // timeValueTextField is where a user
    // enters the countdown length

    float timeLeft = timeValue - elapsedTime; // Calculate How much time is left.
    NSLog(@"Time Left = %.1f",timeLeft); // log it and display it
    [timeLeftTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",timeLeft]];

    if (timeLeft < 0) { // if the time is up, send "cancelIt:"
    [self cancelIt:self]; // message to ourself.



    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.

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  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:31 PM
    brilliant! i find myself "surfing" free apps to find certain iAds. I've always wanted a database of all of the iADs in one place to reference and inspire. I see 2 in the macrumors screen shot that I personally have worked on. Cool!

    you are .... responsible for these?


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  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 02:27 AM
    Arrogant? Are you blind? He looked proud, almost as though the iPhone was his child or something. He was proud that they came up with a beautiful phone, with amazing features. Photo management on a phone.. have you ever tried photo features on all the phones that are out in the market? Sheesh.. and at the end he thanked everybody who worked on the phone, and all the families. Does that strike you as someone who is arrogant or someone who is truly appreciative of what all the employees do?

    I can't quite understand what it is with everyone out here. Throwing a fit because no mac product was released? Um, they just launched a new product line.. get it? A new product.. a phone which runs OS X, looks fantastic and has the best features and user interface I have ever seen. Yeah, sure, it could have more features.. but I'm sure they put the best possible in it while keeping it at a reasonable price. This macworld was all about the new consumer electronics line of products. This doesn't mean they will slow down any mac-computer developments.. on the contrary. More revenue from ipod, iphone, etc. will allow them to make better computers. It just strikes me that everyone here is a whining baby with no clue about how a company can carry out business. "I'm gonna kill myself because they made a phone.. i want my 16 core mac pro right now or else i'll kill somebody!"

    People here complain when Apple doesn't come out with a phone.. and they complain more when they do come out with it. And they actually psycho-analyze Steve Jobs, who the hell cares if you thought he was arrogant? If I were him, I would probably be an evil dictator. Knowing that I own a highly innovative company that has taken the world by storm with a line of fantastic products... please, I find Trump, Tyra Banks (my wife watches her show all the time) etc. much much more arrogant. If you really want to see arrogance.. you should see those 'My sweet 16' shows. :rolleyes:

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  • charlituna
    Apr 8, 02:18 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    Probably something semi lame like a free smart cover if you buy an ipad.

    Or nothing at all and they are just doing a 'front page' featuring all the various tablets you can get. they have gotten bad PR for doing that and not having any in stock which could be why they are holding non pre-orders.

    I also heard that there is no ad and they aren't selling 'walk ins' because they might have to redistribute them to other stores to fill pre-orders. Because they are starting to get some bad press and complaints about the wait. Which is also why they have been told not to take anymore pre-orders for the time being.

    what I wonder is, if your unit comes up doing the promotion since you put money down is it considered already sold. Or was it basically a deposit and you are actually 'buying' it that day and can take advantage of what deal there might be


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  • GorillaPaws
    Mar 28, 04:12 PM
    So..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.

    Any app that uses a private API to bypass a bug in Apple's code and thereby improve the end-user's experience for one.

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  • Bonte
    Jan 5, 04:50 PM
    Thanks for the service MR! :)
    This time i really want to watch the keynote unspoiled, its going to be hard to resist all the Mac sites but this time i'm going for it.


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  • JPark
    May 3, 01:51 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

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  • Compile 'em all
    Jan 12, 08:00 PM
    Did he really say 10 million within a year? Surely he jests. It's not even coming out in Europe until

    The iPhone will be released in Europe in Q4 2007.


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  • darh
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM

    bottom left of page

    ow plz everyone, read the thread!:(

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  • Hephaestus
    Mar 17, 06:20 PM
    for the things you mentioned you should replace the word 'envy' with 'jealously' :)

    I've bought the first iPhone and have never gone back. I totally understand your situation lol, it comes with owning any luxury item. Usually its people who've never owned it themself that go bashing it. I personally haven't had as much encounters but I have friends who get harassed constantly lol.

    The antennagate thing is the classic example of a non-user/owner reading some silly article and gripping it for every attack. None of my friends or myself use a case and we have absolutely no reception issues.

    The funniest case was my friends colleague attacking him, saying it was the worse phone ever, most overpriced phone ever, its heavy! it has no flash! His Xperia X10 was miles better! Week later he buys his own iPhone 4 and stayed quiet about the topic. I rest my case.

    On a positive note, I always get good encounters with the girls at work about iPhones lol.

    Lol yeah I think jealousy is probably a better term.


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  • bushido
    Apr 30, 08:59 AM
    Windows 8 = version 8 :D When it comes out, 2015?

    more like late 2012. milestone 2 already leaked

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  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 17, 06:28 AM
    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

    so you're a common dirty thief who steals from people..and proud of the fact? Under Sharia law they'd chop your hands off....


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  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

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  • Edge100
    Oct 20, 02:22 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    *My personal favorite idea would be for Apple to acquire Atari dirt-cheap. This would give Apple a large library of classic titles that could be ported to the iPod, not to mention giving Apple a brand that could be used to pump out OS X "compatible" computers geared towards gamers in order to boost gaming on OS X overall and a means at gunning after Dell-owned Alienware and Dell's own XPS line.

    I whole-heartedly agree with this.

    Apple should be buying up companies, but only those that can give it some actual edge in competitive markets.

    I'll give you three examples:

    1) Adobe, for obvious reasons. This probably wont happen, but just imagine if it did!

    2) EMI Music Group. This would be HUGE, but I'm not sure Apple has the cash. It might not even be legal, given the Apple (Computer) vs. Apple (Corps...the Beatles) stuff. What's even more odd is that EMI OWNS the master recordings of the Beatles.

    3) Digidesign. This is the most likely, and probably the best bet for Apple. In case people don't know, Digidesign makes ProTools software and hardware. ProTools is the Photoshop of the audio production world; EVERYONE uses it. Apple already owns Emagic, which made Logic. The purchase of Digidesign would be a massive coup for Apple, and make it the undisputed champ of the pro audio world. And if you think this is a relatively small market, you're wrong. Nearly every movie is recorded/mixed in ProTools (with some people using either Nuendo or Digital Performer). I would LOVE to see Apple buy Digidesign, kill ProTools on Windows, and make a truly top-notch audio solution.

    Forget about paying dividends; people are making enough money on Apple stock. Apple needs to think about how to turn its $10 billion in cash into $50 billion in cash. And the way to do that is to grow. Buy up companies!!!

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  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:58 AM
    Keep going... All 13th September:

    5am - New Zealand
    3am - Eastern Australia
    2:30am - Central Australia
    1am - Western Australia

    Zealund?? :confused:


    May 2, 11:10 AM
    You might get your facts right, too. This has nothing to do with Data Roaming. And I have been in foreign countries enough to know this fact.

    Did you read my post?

    My point is - that if the switch to turn off Data Roaming was the one that failed, people wouldn't be divided. I think pretty much everyone would point the finger at Apple for it's failure to QA the "off switch"

    The Location Services on/off switch did not work. Period. And yet people want to make this about people not reading the EULA.

    Maybe you missed when I wrote "IF" in that sentence?

    ETA: you changed your post. The point is the same. Read above. The OS had "bugs". They are being fixed. That's important. Apple "promised" via the EULA that the location services could be turned off. It doesn't matter whether the data collected is useful or not. What matters is if they offer a way to turn it off, it should turn off. It didn't.

    The analogy is correct. Some might consider their personal data of value - just like money is.

    Apr 17, 12:19 PM
    so you're a common dirty thief who steals from people..and proud of the fact? Under Sharia law they'd chop your hands off....

    Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.

    Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)

    Apr 8, 01:02 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    Mar 20, 07:31 AM
    Oh please! I think that statement would be better targeted at the people who engage in this childish behaviour. I was just the recipient, also they weren't total strangers, but they weren't people that I know either.

    Also, quite a few people in this thread say that these phones are the same price, well one of the main points of one of these guys was that he paid �100 for his brand new Desire and is on a �18 a month contract. In all honesty, that is a lot cheaper than any iPhone deal out there.

    Try going outside for some fresh air. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

    It's nice that you enjoy your phone so much but there's more to life than sharing this love on internet forums.

    Sunshine can be enjoyed just as much!

    Nov 23, 05:41 PM
    Has this preliminary list been published somewhere, or is this secret inside information?

    I have it... just posted it above... there will be "red" signs everywhere in the retail stores tomorrow and specialists will be wearing red shirts...

    btw, MBP's are not on sale since it's not on the list... just MB's (from $1099 down to $998, etc.... up to $1499 which goes down to $1398)

    iMac's are on sale too.... see the posting above... I'm wondering about the Mini since it's not on that "Joy to the Wallet" sale list.


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