fail funnies

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  • b166er
    Mar 17, 07:40 PM
    The other day one of my android friends and I were talking- I mentioned my phone was about to die and he asked me why (implying that my battery sucked) and then I said "well I haven't charged it since 2 nights ago" and that shut him up real quick. He said he can't get more than a day out of his phone with just average use. I can get two days easy with my iPhone, and believe me, when I get bored at work I don't put my phone down.

    fail funnies. Wednesday Fail Funnies
  • Wednesday Fail Funnies

  • Ardency
    Mar 17, 10:26 AM
    Your probably on camera and your probably going to get Banned from Best buy or if the see you in their they will ask for their money or call the cops. You knew you were getting it cheaper then the price it sells for so it's basically you stole from them. so if I were you I would not go into that Best buy ever again. The security guy probably knows who you are now.

    Actually he won't, the OP has a receipt that says he paid for the item in full. They have him on camera paying cash. Those two items match up and the OP would be able to use that as evidence to fight it. With the amount of transactions a cashier does it makes it more difficult to pinpoint which transaction the error occurred on.

    To those saying the cashier will have his pay docked you're wrong. It is illegal for companies to dock pay for a cash shortage there are exceptions, but in this case the company has no right to it. The only recourse of action is to fire him. Which may or may not happen.

    fail funnies. My Photos by fail funnies
  • My Photos by fail funnies

  • Proud Liberal
    Sep 12, 10:58 AM
    I think the true video iPod is pretty much guaranteed to be released today.

    I LOVE your avatar! Nothing is truer or says it better!

    fail funnies. video by failfunnies
  • video by failfunnies

  • Mord
    Apr 26, 09:04 AM
    Whilst the company shouldn't say 'if you see any fights, jump in the middle of them', those employees should know full well that it isn't ok to watch and laugh as someone is getting the tish kicked out of them! Who was the man in the Blue shirt at the start of the video? he tried to break it up at first but seemed to then let it carry on.

    I believe that was the manager, I don't know for sure. He walked a thin line IMO.

    This guy was more than capable of defending himself...

    As rdowns says, your attitude is simply offensive and is wearing incredibly thin. Have you even watched the video? The victim was not a man, did not have a male physique and was not capable of defending herself. You're just offensive for the sake of being offensive at this point.


    fail funnies. Panda gearbox fail |estimate
  • Panda gearbox fail |estimate

  • 840quadra
    Jan 5, 09:29 AM
    There is also no guarantee that the link will be active during the keynote (aka live) . I made the mistake of Digging WWDC 2006's QT link. It got to the front page, but it wasn't live..

    I was :o

    fail funnies. Tags: camera, fail, funny,
  • Tags: camera, fail, funny,

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 10, 03:29 PM
    Fair question - mostly for the flexibility of watching multiple channels and/or playing PS3 while watching multiple channels.

    Plus - given the size of the room it would be difficult to achieve an ideal viewing distance for anything bigger than 50".

    Wow, I'm the complete opposite of this haha. 5 years ago I donated my TV and never looked back :)


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  • My Photos by fail funnies

  • chrmjenkins
    Dec 13, 07:51 PM
    And if you're wrong and it's announced in January? ;)

    I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.

    fail funnies. Funny if you can veiw all
  • Funny if you can veiw all

  • JackAxe
    Mar 24, 06:11 PM
    Happy birthday to Apple's 'ONLY' good OS! :)


    fail funnies. LANDMARK FAIL Submitted by Dan
  • LANDMARK FAIL Submitted by Dan

  • SciFrog
    Apr 9, 12:19 PM
    Looks like we are getting close to our likely max output of 270-280k ppd... Nice. Let's see if Apple wants to release new Mac pros soon now.

    fail funnies. Mourinho – 2011 fail funny
  • Mourinho – 2011 fail funny

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 02:25 PM
    I doubt Lee missed your point; maybe your point is just undefendable. For example, explain how you can prove that adding a bit of content about modern history will somehow force something else out of the curriculum. That there are a finite amount of class hours isn't good enough.

    As we march through history, we have to condense more and more of it into a class. It wasn't that long ago that we added the space program to our description of modern history. Then JFK. MLK. Civil rights. Space shuttles. John Hinckley Jr. Fall of communism. Berlin Wall. Iraq. 9/11. Tsunamis. Egypt. What did these things take the place of or force out of the curriculum?

    Incidentally, when I came through school many years ago, it was mentioned that Einstein was a Jew. It's not irrelevant - it's part of his story and part of who he was. In my classes, it wasn't swept under the rug, but neither was it mentioned "first" nor did it make me want to convert to Judaism. Adding a facet to our understanding of a person in history is not promotion.

    You really don't get that it's not promotion. There is a big swath of gray area between promotion and concealment. The GLBT struggle for equality is part of our culture whether you are involved in it or not. It should be entered into the records.
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
    There is a finite amount of time, the more ways you slice it the smaller the pieces get

    So a gay should see Turing and strive to be as good a mathematician as Turing? Why shouldn't they strive to be the best mathematician there is?
    Everybody stop doing stuff.

    History's all full now.
    Or we can make more time for history
    I don't think you understand the thrust of this law. It's not about creating a separate class on gay rights, it's about incorporating gay people into existing history lessons. You mention Oppenheimer. Unless, I'm mistaken, the fact that he was a jew is mentioned in most history books. The same with Einstein. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a pretty big deal, as were the US internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII. The Act and the camps are pretty self-explanatory. They were directed at a specific ethnic group of people. Gay accomplishments and persecution has mostly been swept under the rug.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he defeated a very disturbed man in an election. But, the fact that he was gay is pretty important.

    The story of America is a story of minorities.

    So the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust are irrelevant?

    Wow, I don't know what to say. People of distinction aren't simply born that way, one's upbringing and the time in which they came of age play an enormous role. Any number of American industrialists were driven by adverse events during their formative years. Those events are almost always touched on. Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.
    In American studies we didn't even mention the Manhattan Project, we didn't cover discrimination against the Chinese, we spent five minutes on the morality of Japanese Internment camps, but we didn't go why they interned them.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he beat Dan White in an election, Dan White resigned the position of supervisor because he felt the salary wasn't enough, but within a couple days he wanted his job back, he blamed Milk for not letting him have his job back and White jumped off the deep end.

    The Holocaust was summarized as the Nazis were evil, they gassed, burned and worked to death lots of Jews, the Nazis were bad m'kay?
    They're not in the records?

    Come on, guy. Does it really matter if somebody were gay? I thought people of a liberal mindset are supposed to be "colorblind" or what have you, yet all of a sudden their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their achievements, should be made an important part of history?

    How hypocritical.
    If you set out the best negro x you have already flunked the matriculation exam for the entrance to the university of integration.

    You do realize that homosexuality is not new and in fact was prevalent throughout ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. It wasn't until Christianity took root and became prevalent that homosexuality was looked down upon. You can thank religion for that (Leviticus 18:22). So in fact, for most of human history homosexuality was seen as no different from heterosexuality.
    Bisexuality was not uncommon, pure homosexuality was still rare and being penetrated was looked down upon because you weren't being the man in the relationship


    fail funnies. My Photos by fail funnies
  • My Photos by fail funnies

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:51 AM
    Heh, I've seen that video it's classic. However, if you were to say fair-is-fair, MS publicly announced their road map for what became Vista before XP even came out. Apple KNEW what MS was working on. No body knew what Apple was working on.

    Would love to read about it. Links?

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 07:06 PM
    ^^ is 200mhz really that important :p

    i'm tellin ya, there's something about starting with the number 4.

    but it got too hot, and i had to turn it down to 3.98 ghz. not quite 4. hopefully it'll stay at that though


    fail funnies. Fail Funnies – Epic Failures
  • Fail Funnies – Epic Failures

  • kalisphoenix
    Nov 16, 06:52 PM

    fail funnies. Imminent+fail Funnies
  • Imminent+fail Funnies

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 03:19 PM
    I sure as hell wouldnt move back to Windows for my everyday machine. I would move back to my Commodore 64 before that. :)

    I wouldn't necessarily move to Windows for my everyday machine. Linux isn't too bad these days except for the lack of commercial software. It may end up being the OS of choice some day simply out of pure distaste for closed systems.

    Uh huh. Then just jailbreak this hypothetical Mac, or buy the developer Mac that's going to be needed to make software for the iOS Mac.

    What effect would 'needing' to jailbreak have on the Mac software market? How many developers will want to bother? How many more will bother after Apple refuses to carry their software on the App store for various reasons? (e.g. it competes with something made by Apple; they don't like the adult theme; it's not politically correct enough, etc. etc.)

    This will happen eventually, but not just with Apple. All commercial OS's will go "closed". But not in 2-3 years, more like 10-15 or so. Your only chance for an open OS will be stuff like Linux then.

    Anyway, I've already said too much. :)

    It'll only happen if people put up with it. The only way to voice your opinion sometimes in a capitalistic society is to simply walk away and not buy/put up with the offending product. I don't like Windows, but I wouldn't like the closed/app store only system on OSX proper either. Linux would be fine if they would standardize a few areas and get some commercial developers on-board (but a good part of that community doesn't like commercial anything).

    That's impressive. You've shown you don't understand business, software engineering, or computer engineering, all in one paragraph.


    All you've shown me is you are as utterly clueless as they come. :cool:

    Software and computer engineering have zero to do with anything I said, BTW. The business angle of combining iOS with OSX proper is subjective to say the least since we have not seen a market reaction to it yet. In other words, I don't know what you've been smoking, but where can I get some? :p


    fail funnies. fail owned pwned pictures
  • fail owned pwned pictures

  • Night Spring
    Apr 22, 03:43 PM
    Same here.
    It was working fine yesterday but today it just takes me to the forum index.
    I got IE9 installed btw.

    Another IE9 here, having the same problem. :(

    fail funnies. from failfunnies
  • from failfunnies

  • Mexbearpig
    Apr 13, 04:37 PM
    Got this little Buddha and Lucky Elephants.


    fail funnies. daily funny Belt+fail
  • daily funny Belt+fail

  • G5isAlive
    Apr 8, 01:19 PM
    What a surprise, Tech Crunch got a story completely wrong

    and it was repeated by MacRumors and everyone jumped all over it...

    really you are just going to point a finger at Tech Crunch? We are all to blame here for jumping.

    fail funnies. Tags: fail, funny, humor, limo
  • Tags: fail, funny, humor, limo

  • citizenzen
    Apr 23, 12:44 PM

    Thanks CM.

    I'd gotten tired of asking bassfingers to back up his assertions with evidence.

    His posts are often short-cited.

    fail funnies. View topic - EPIC FAIL!
  • View topic - EPIC FAIL!

  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

    Jul 26, 11:47 PM

    I will say that is pretty funny but the odd thing is Apple's formart support isn't the best either, especially for video. If it had or gets divx support that is another story.

    Oct 2, 05:13 PM
    The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology.

    Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.

    It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.


    Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.

    you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.


    IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 04:20 PM
    Damn, man, I'd hate to see your tax bill when you finally sell!

    Anyway, share-dropping is not very gentlemanly, so I'll keep my figures to myself...but at this point I too have to hold back from selling simply to avoid the huge tax hit. Would be nice if Apple issued dividends though, especially now that they're flush. Make some cash without divesting of the principal.

    Are you calling me a cad, you cur? :)

    Dividends, yes that would be a good idea, what with $10 billion in cash on hand. Microsoft finally decided that their cash horde was becoming a bit of an embarrassment and declared one.

    Mar 17, 01:14 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    No, I wouldn't have. Unlike you, I don't enjoy ripping people off.

    Apr 25, 10:06 PM
    I hope it's bigger (the screen) than it looks. Almost doesn't look worth the upgrade. From a 3.5 to a 3.7? Sheesh


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