yellowstone wallpaper

yellowstone wallpaper. Bear Yellowstone National
  • Bear Yellowstone National

  • Seasought
    Oct 26, 06:45 PM
    I'm sorry for everyone with a PowerPC Mac, but the sooner the PowerPC is a distant memory, the better for the platform.

    I'll agree with that if you're willing to cover the bill on a new Intel Mac of my choosing for me. ;)

    yellowstone wallpaper. Prismatic,Yellowstone
  • Prismatic,Yellowstone

  • bjdku
    Sep 27, 12:35 PM
    I really hope this fixes the AFP-Photoshop issue. Altough that is really Adobe's problem

    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park

  • cmaier
    Mar 27, 04:29 PM
    It's still on, no matter what you try to spin it as. A review is a review. This is the same as when an appeals court decides to hear a case, they haven't overturned anything until they've overturned something. But they can't overturn something without first REVIEWing it. ;)

    Yes. I agree. But, again, the idea that this is somehow akin to apple losing something is overblown. The review % is very high. The overturn % is very low. Things are progressing exactly as expected. I'm not trying to spin anything - the truth of the matter is that every finder-of-fact that has ruled on anything so far has ruled in Apple's favor.

    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone River At Sunrise
  • Yellowstone River At Sunrise

  • Popeye206
    Apr 12, 08:21 PM
    Strange coincidence. Android fanboy tears have increased about 40% too.

    LOL! Good one!

    This sort of momentum from Apple in the Tablet market is going to be tough to overcome.


    yellowstone wallpaper. This photo belongs to. iweatherman#39;s photostream (8435) middot; Wallpaper middot; Sky Wallpaper middot; Yellowstone Wallpaper
  • This photo belongs to. iweatherman#39;s photostream (8435) middot; Wallpaper middot; Sky Wallpaper middot; Yellowstone Wallpaper

  • CEAbiscuit
    Oct 27, 08:09 AM
    I love everything I can do with .mac, and I am willing to pay the $99 bucks for iDisk, Sync , etc. But please increase the storage space. I know it's been said 100 times, but 1 gb is just a joke.

    yellowstone wallpaper. Download Wallpaper (1280 x
  • Download Wallpaper (1280 x

  • zephead
    Oct 10, 10:53 AM
    G5 laptop finally.
    :eek: G5 PowerBooks?! Haha, how long have we been waiting for those?


    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park

  • notjustjay
    May 3, 02:53 PM
    @notjustjay: the 13" already does have an SD-card slot. is there any chance that'll be taken away?


    Crap, and you know what's the most embarrassing part? I did know that, I was looking at a picture of it just the other day. :o

    OK, just pretend I didn't mention that part. The rest of it stands. ;)

    yellowstone wallpaper. Firehole River, Yellowstone
  • Firehole River, Yellowstone

  • satcomer
    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    The price at Sonco(US) today:


    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone Wallpaper : Install it on your android now! | ZapaDroid
  • Yellowstone Wallpaper : Install it on your android now! | ZapaDroid

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 6, 09:40 PM
    What's wrong with a keyboard or touch typing? I guess I don't see where you're going with this, as typing on a touch screen for long pieces of work or long periods of time is far less efficient. I see where the touch interface has its uses, but in some places it's just far less practical.

    You *can* touch type on an iPad, though. I type long emails on it without looking at the screen. I wonder if people just assume you can't, so they don't try.

    yellowstone wallpaper. Absarokameus Yellowstone Lake
  • Absarokameus Yellowstone Lake

  • 0815
    Apr 12, 01:03 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    The MS products have more functionality for sure ... question is if really everyone needs everything from that functionality. For most home users and even some business users iWorks does everything they need and is therefore a cheaper option that does the trick. Many business customers (and few home users) need stuff that iWork does not offer, but MS Office does.

    Bottom line: depends on your use case -> bold statements like Product A is better then B are rarely true since it usually depends on many things.


    yellowstone wallpaper. CU Photos - Yellowstone
  • CU Photos - Yellowstone

  • Aleco
    Apr 9, 08:58 PM
    I own an import company. Mainly importing from china. I gaurantee his profit margins are higher than 10-20%. His profit margin is minimum 50-70%.

    Also if the kid was smart he should have incorporated or created an LLC and than imported and sold all the merchandise under that company. If he did that than his legal liability is pretty limited. They could sue his company for what it was worth. Probably not much. The could fine his company, which he could just shut down and pay none of the fines. He could get away with it with barely paying anything. How do you think all these companies that import Kirf products work?

    Is this really bump worthy?

    yellowstone wallpaper. Wallpapers , Yellowstone
  • Wallpapers , Yellowstone

  • michael31986
    Jan 6, 06:44 PM
    let me restart the phone, because im not getting any push and everything is turned on :(


    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone National Park,
  • Yellowstone National Park,

  • dslade09
    Mar 9, 05:59 PM
    The Mac keyboards do seem to be photogenic, don't they? I like the use of strong contrast in this image. What lens did you use and is there any of a vignette applied in post?

    I'm glad you guys like it! I Used a Canon T2i with its standard lens 18-55mm. There was no vignette applied. I had to take some noise out of it and and a little bit of saturation. other than that thats it! The inspiration came to me when I was using my MBP in the dark.

    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone National Park has
  • Yellowstone National Park has

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 5, 04:11 PM
    I know I must be overtired ... I actually reached out and touched my screen to see if this was really 3-dimensional!

    That made me chuckle, I've done that before myself. :)

    Love it! My only qualm is how dark it is. If it had some more "pop" and was brightened up a bit I would be even more in love! Did you have lights inside that place?

    Thanks! I find monitor gama really makes or breaks this one. Small changes in the can really darken it up quickly. I have printed it out at 20x30 and it really worked well in my opinion. I'm just finishing up some web site programing before I can get back into my photography. Once I do I plan on revisiting this one. I want to try printing it on both regular paper and metallic.

    As for the lighthing I'm lucky I didn't break my neck that night. It was extreamly dark - no Moon and the cottages are wedged between some steep hills. I set the camera up on a tripod and took a couple of test shots for the framing. I just looked at the original images and there are only a couple of blurry images and one only lit from inside before this shot. I was using an old manual lens and must not have focused for the first couple but they were so dark it was hard to see on the LCD. (Still better than waiting for the film to develop.)

    Once I had the angle I thought I wanted -- it was still hard to tell on the preview -- I set the camera for remote trigger with a three second delay. I triggered the cammera and when the shutter opened up I held a deep blue Rosco gel over a five watt LED flashlight and swept it across the front of the building a few times.

    I then turned off the flashlight and dashed over the uneven ground into the room on the left. There I switched to a red gel and waved the light around the room for a couple of seconds. Then in the dark I ran around to the door and the room on the right. Here I again waved the flashlight around trying to give it an uneven wash. Then I stuck my head out the door and triggered the camera. The whole exposure was about 67 seconds.

    In this shot you can see how uneven the ground was. ;)

    In this and another shot from that night I used way too much light. I like the uneven texture of the red and blue image. The other two are just too flat. I do like the texture of the bricks in this one but overall I ruined the shot in my opinion. In the one above you can also see that I didn't have the flashlight fully covered. There is a bit of white light spilling in the foreground.

    If I were to do it again I would try putting a strobe in each room. I would need to find something to breakup the flash to get the uneven wash -- maybe some bottle partially filled with water. Then I could use the flashlight for the front lighting and maybe another strobe or two set very low for some side fill.

    Overall it was a fun exercise. I had wanted to do some light painting for a long time and I got really lucky for a first try at it.


    yellowstone wallpaper. yellowstone snow
  • yellowstone snow

  • MacRumors
    Aug 19, 09:44 AM (

    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park

  • paeza
    Apr 5, 08:26 PM
    I wanna be a normal person!!!


    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone Nati
  • Yellowstone Nati

  • Hertog
    Nov 14, 02:24 PM
    As of today at 1800 GMT+1, Klm stated that they had preliminary talks but were no where near to closing the deal. source.

    I allready posted that, but everyone seems to be overlooking this fact (including you :P)

    So, this time in bold:
    People, one of the airlines mentoined has denied the deal, so it's not sure if it is true!

    yellowstone wallpaper. Yellowstone River wallpapers
  • Yellowstone River wallpapers

  • MacRumors
    Feb 18, 10:09 AM (

    The past few days have been filled with tabloid speculation ( about Steve Jobs' health, with reports pegging him as having visited Stanford Cancer Center in recent weeks, presumably to receive treatment. The tabloid speculation was somewhat countered by word that Jobs would join other Silicon Valley tech executives for a dinner ( with President Barack Obama to discuss technology and innovation in the U.S. economy.

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  • orders wallpaper-s

  • paintblock
    May 3, 11:24 AM

    that's not the same thing at all. If your mom calls you on the phone and says "i can't run this new app because it says i need to update" you can walk her through it from 2000 miles away. If she's got an ipad and the next version of Angry Birds requires a new iOS version, and she doesn't have a computer, you can't talk her through that. unless you think this would work:

    "OK, Mom, what you need to do is go to Best Buy, and go to one of the macs, and then open iTunes, and sync your ipad with it, and then do software update on it, and then erase your account info from the best buy mac, and that's all you have to do!"



    I never realized this, guess I'm just too used to my G2 ;)

    Mar 24, 11:18 PM
    I bought two in Birmingham, AL today. Way too good of an offer to pass up.

    Mar 28, 04:43 PM
    You will, in fact, get two different Field of Views but the same Focal Length.
    ^^^^ This.

    Apr 4, 11:19 AM
    I agree that you're taxing the wrong thing. If you tax mileage rather than gas, you're not encouraging higher fuel economy the same way a gas tax would. The ones who burn more fuel should brunt the burden. It's a lot easier to get a more fuel efficient vehicle than it is to make your necessary commute shorter.

    Oct 27, 02:21 AM
    Read kainjow's post (; you get more than just an email address for $99.

    It's still a ripoff.


    Apr 19, 11:47 AM
    I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that the next release won't be iOS5, nor will the next phone be iPhone 5. Reason being, as someone already stated in the forums a few days ago, this release is more likely to be iterative--evolutionary, not revolutionary. The new design of iPhone 4 will stand, and the only changes outwardly might be the screen. Everything else is inside.

    I think '5' is a catchy number, and Apple will reserve it for the 2012 iPhone. We'll see a whole new, magical iOS5 and with it, iPhone 5! Dun, dun, duuuuun!!! (or should I say, BOOM!)

    I think you'll see iOS4.5 with all these cool little tweaks to the UI (and I REALLY hope improvements to notifications), and the new iPhone 4NS (New Screen or some such) in September.


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