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  • velocityg4
    Sep 2, 04:28 PM
    But most people check the email a few times a day.........let us know :)

    Not all though. I check my e-mail 2-3 times per month.

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  • arn
    Nov 3, 11:44 PM

    someone got the original spymac iwalk pix?


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  • ninebythree
    Dec 23, 05:10 PM
    I'm having this problem with my relatively new (3 months) iBook. After it's been woken from sleep mode, the keyboard won't work for a minute or so. It'll work if the iBook's been open during sleep mode and I wake it up using the keyboard, but if I wake it from being closed or I wake it with the mouse, the keyboard doesn't function for a short period of time. Help?

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  • Euan
    Sep 20, 07:38 AM
    Did you read the rest, it was down for about 5 minutes to change the .mac page. That's it so far.
    Ah well. I must have had the page open while others posted :(


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  • rdowns
    Mar 15, 06:05 AM
    If only others had thought of that. :rolleyes:


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  • ZombieZakk
    Apr 25, 01:51 PM
    no they should not guarantee you a copy now anyways.

    when snow leopard came out apple issued a coupon to people who bought a mac i think it was 2 months prior to release to upgrade for $10 but even that was generous.


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  • Jovian9
    Sep 29, 12:15 AM
    May I suggest that you backup your Photos and other imprtant data to optical medaia (DVD-R/CD-R)?

    They are backed up on DVD-R's and on a FW Hard Drive (and on my iPod). Maybe too many backups :)

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  • zap2
    Apr 5, 07:37 PM
    Not sure if I'll pick it up...I have it for the NGC, and its a great game. Never beat it, but not sure if the Wii Remote add on would make it all that much better.

    I want a new RE for the Wii...and not a rail shooter, and really RE


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  • wrldwzrd89
    Sep 28, 03:03 PM
    My ignorance is showing. Thanks, that was it.
    Whose? James Craner's suggestion or mine? You didn't quote the post you used...

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  • ghall
    Jan 9, 09:19 AM
    Quick question. When Steve announces a new iWork and iLife today, will the Apple Stores have it?

    I guess my question is, are the new products sitting in the back room of Apple Stores, just waiting for the Keynote to be over, so they can be put on the shelf?


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  • dominickator
    Apr 22, 06:34 PM
    I have a white iPhone 4, so i'll tell you about my experience.

    Mine doesn't work, but it's an easy fix. I haven't bothered though.
    It works fine.
    It is not, but the proximity sensor doesn't work on more conversions than the earpiece not working.
    The camera is fine. Even the flash is fine.

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  • Dav1
    Apr 5, 07:11 AM
    A bit OT, does the camera connector work with iPhone 4?

    Yes, but you are limited to very low powered devices, I believe it is 10 ma or less, in effect only the SD adaptor works, to use the USB adapter you must add a self powered hub.....


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  • Gix1k
    Mar 14, 09:36 AM
    Just waiting to be delivered to us.....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D



    From the creators Twitter....lol

    "I am pretty sure the first reaction of the Apple Techs analysing my untether exploit binary will be: WTF!?!"

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  • mkrishnan
    Feb 16, 09:51 AM
    There are so many threads on this general topic, that, ugh, please just search for them? But on the specific issue of TBE not working on your Mac, what do you mean? This sounds abnormal. I use FF and love it on my Mac. And I have TBE, and it works fine. The only thing that's flaky for me in TBE is closing FF and re-starting and having tabs resurrected on restart. That has never worked properly for me on PC or Mac. But TBE behaves the same for me on both OSes.

    OTOH, I definitely do agree that a number of themes behave strangely on FF/Mac. Try Safarish -- http://www.aroussi.com/article/11/firefox-osx-safari-look -- if you like the way Safari *looks*. NOIA Xtreme worked pretty well for me on my Mac too.


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  • balamw
    Apr 12, 07:28 AM
    I would like to create a simple iphone app for my sports team

    Why not just make a website?

    Agreed, I had missed what the app was about. I don't see anything in the desired feature list that can't be implemented as a plain old mobile-optimized website. Basically all a native app would be doing anyway is retrieving that information from the web and displaying it in a webview.

    If you need a book to point you in the right direction, pick up Programming the Mobile Web (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596807795). Apple also has some resources of their own here: http://www.apple.com/webapps/


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  • vincenz
    Apr 10, 03:22 PM
    I used cases for the first few weeks after getting the phone. Since then, it's been naked.


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  • twisted-pixel
    Apr 25, 08:05 AM
    Ok, so it isn't really possible to build a complete website from scratch but I do want something that would allow me to make small changes. Basically I'm looking for something that will let me FTP to my site, download a page, edit it and then upload the changed page.

    Is there anything out there that people can recommend?


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  • boxcar
    Jul 5, 09:53 PM
    ok... so i just bought a dual 1.2 pmac new for pretty cheap money (that's why i didn't wait for the g5)

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  • Arkman_1411
    Jun 16, 10:56 AM
    Originally posted by zebell1
    The way I look at it if people can sue Cigarette makers for getting sick of them, then we should be able to sue Microsoft for our Blood pressure raising everytime that we eXPeriance a crash

    LOL thats funny I know what you mean

    Dec 10, 09:33 AM
    I honestly havnen't had good luck with the mac clients. I LOVE the GPU clients on regular PC's. There is just so much more PPD available with a GPU client.


    yeah, i've had bad luck with the mac clients also. i would try the GPU clients, but my video card isn't supported.

    Oct 2, 09:27 PM

    I'm considering that, but if I were not to have phone functionality, I think I'd be better off with twice the storage. Although the iPhone would have a mail client, I could always just use safari for mail.


    I'm only really interested in an iPod touch for now. I've already had a wii and it wasn't for me.

    Thanks to all!

    Mar 30, 06:32 PM
    camera stabilizer would be awesome... im on a cheap budget..

    Clix Pix
    Dec 19, 12:59 PM
    Only took two songs to convince me.... I immediately downloaded everything Katie Melua has available on iTunes and am enjoying her beautiful voice even as I type.... I wish her new album were on iTunes, too, but I can check the local music stores next time I'm there and pick up the actual CD.

    Thank you for guiding me to this singer with the exquisite voice! :)


    Aug 25, 04:44 AM

    Damn, brings back memories. I was a reseller back in the day and had a lot of those things and got rid of them. I had on of these and gave it away. Facepalm.



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