sutures of cranium

sutures of cranium. Features of Human Cranium
  • Features of Human Cranium

  • Kapangas
    May 2, 03:06 PM
    I think that no other company has their products come under more scrutiny than Apple. It is amazing. When folks say how the media just falls over Apple and praises them constantly -- it cracks me up. The media is just itching for bad news on Apple, and they are looking in every possible place to find it.

    What shocks me is the level of forgiveness that competing tablets against the iPad are getting. Apple is so dominating the tablet-computing sector right now, that the media is just hoping for a contender. Motorola and RIM have both released "Beta Hardware (" to the public and many reviewers are being soft on RIM with even more being soft on Motorola. If Apple released such a product they would get blasted in the media with nobody offering forgiveness.

    Case and point... Mossberg on the iPad 2:

    Keep in mind that Apple advertises 10 hours and Mossberg got better than that with the brightness setting 25% higher than Apple's default setting. Yet he had to reach to find something to complain about (e.g.: his iPad 1 test unit just happened to have extraordinary battery life -- keep in mind that most reviewers of iPad 2 got better battery life than iPad 1).

    Gruber criticizes Mossberg even more in a post called "Bending Over Backwards" ( Some of Gruber's points are arguable, but I think he is dead-on in many regards, especially his final quote:

    Apple, however, does not get to enjoy the luxury of forgiveness that the media affords to those who are not the market leader. The fact that folks are trying to quantify a thickness difference of 0.2 mm on some units, completely amazes me. I'm sure its within manufacturing specifications and I'm sure that not every single Black iPhone 4 is the same thickness, and yet it is news.

    You are my hero :)

    sutures of cranium. Sutures Of The Cranium. Cranial sutures in mice Fig. 1; Cranial sutures in mice Fig. 1. skunk. Mar 14, 04:22 PM. I believe that massive solar energy farms
  • Sutures Of The Cranium. Cranial sutures in mice Fig. 1; Cranial sutures in mice Fig. 1. skunk. Mar 14, 04:22 PM. I believe that massive solar energy farms

  • shelterpaw
    Sep 1, 12:24 PM
    Spending $400 on Vista Ultimate Edition makes up the difference. :) Although the operative phrase here is "most current OS running on their box"--the most current Windows is six years old, so if people want to complain that it costs more money to keep up with modern OS updates than it does to have no major OS updates at all for over half a decade, that's not exactly something I consider a negative. I've been using Vista pre-RC1 for a few days and besides some graphics updates it feels just like XP. The gadgets are not quite as nice as os x. Beyond that, Areo is super slow when you have several applications open and to run it you need 1 GB of ram or that's what they recommend. Vista is a resource hog. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice update, but it has a long way to go.

    sutures of cranium. sutures of cranium.
  • sutures of cranium.

  • rlreif
    Oct 16, 08:03 PM
    Hmm... I've held off on buying both a new phone and a new iPod for a while now, assuming that I'd want whatever phone Apple eventually comes out with, but the mention of battery life issues concerns me. If the battery goes dead on my iPod, no big deal, I don't listen to music until I charge it again. But if the battery goes dead on my phone, I could miss an important call. And if I have to monitor how much music I listen to to ensure that I can still receive calls, that might be a problem. Ideally, they could address this concern by having some software that told you well in advance that if you stop listening to music now, you still have so much time left on your phone.

    im with you on this...
    im all for convergence to a point...
    i agree with you about the mp3 and phone convergence..
    i still want a treo killer iphone though...
    id rather have my ipod combined with a good camera in one device
    and an itreo in another

    sutures of cranium. as sutures. Cranial Bones.
  • as sutures. Cranial Bones.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 17, 08:08 PM
    The older models aren't being produced anymore.
    Understood, but there is no "Pro" version of this new one, so I'm not sure where you were going with that.


    sutures of cranium. Sutures Of The Cranium. skull
  • Sutures Of The Cranium. skull

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 10:14 AM
    Originally posted by bullrat
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!


    Here's the problem right here with all these nonsensical rants. The G4 iMac is in now way jerky when it comes to window resizing. Whoever has posted this a)doesn't know whay they're talking about b) if they owned this iMac had something wrong with it.

    All we're doing by pissing and moaning about Mhz is hurting ourselves an Apple and the whole debate with the PC switchers.

    I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.

    sutures of cranium. sutures of cranium. The bones of the cranium are; The bones of the cranium are. dbhays. Aug 24, 06:50 PM. my battery is one of the one#39;s that needs replaced
  • sutures of cranium. The bones of the cranium are; The bones of the cranium are. dbhays. Aug 24, 06:50 PM. my battery is one of the one#39;s that needs replaced

  • Steelers7510
    Mar 24, 07:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is great for people who don't really care about having the latest and greatest! Well done Verizon, well done.


    sutures of cranium. Histology cranial mini human
  • Histology cranial mini human

  • chicagdan
    May 22, 11:04 AM
    Why don't you guys just answer the question -- it's pretty simple. I have to use a PC at work and I keep an old one around for some text-based sports games not available on the Mac. But I prefer Mac because:

    1) There's nothing in the PC market remotely similar to my 17" widescreen iMac. If you haven't used one, you can't appreciate it's incredible design and beauty.

    2) I don't have to pay extra for basic software required to do most of what I do on a computer -- iTunes, iPhoto, iDVD, etc., all free with Mac OS-X. The Windows equivalents are awful.

    3) My Mac crashes very rarely, every PC I've ever used crashes at least once a week and requires a new installation of the OS every six months or so just to clean up the garbage.

    4) With a Mac, I don't have to download and install a new patch from MS every few days to close a security vulnerability.

    5) Add something to a Mac and you know it will work without having to hunt down drivers.

    6) When you own a Mac, you feel like you're carrying a great set of golf clubs around a Country Club, not lugging a toolbox in a dark basement. The Mac community is probably the strongest argument in favor of its continued, unlikely survival.

    sutures of cranium. of cranial sutures cranial
  • of cranial sutures cranial

  • gorgeousninja
    Dec 2, 09:11 AM
    I put a case on mine to hide the fugly. Sorry, but the iPhone 4 is anything but good looking.

    I'll take Apples definition of what is and isn't good looking over yours thanks


    sutures of cranium. calvarium with sutures
  • calvarium with sutures

  • Polo5
    Aug 19, 11:01 AM
    Why is everyone ragging on Facebook for this?

    It's not as if they invented it.

    Foursquare, Loopt and Gowalla have had these types of apps for many many months.
    because it's turned on by default. it should be off by default (IMO) and then turned on as an option. many people aren't aware that Facebook's new "features" are almost always on when rolled out.
    I'm sure you will be able to turn it off
    I dont know what kind of CRAZY KILLER friends you all have on facebook. I only have relatives and close friends I see and talk to on a normal occasion.
    and only share the info you want with the people you want.. its not that hard really

    But yeah, why do people freak out about this? I usually see people updating their status with "i'm at the mall, movies etc?". I guess they have to panic now and go back and check in their homes to make sure no one is trying to break into their homes.

    sutures of cranium. The sutures are immovable
  • The sutures are immovable

  • gkarris
    Mar 19, 05:20 PM
    Anyone actually seen one?

    Gamestop said they'll have a demo kiosk the day after the launch...


    sutures of cranium. The cranium of the chimpanzee
  • The cranium of the chimpanzee

  • ZilogZ80
    Mar 14, 09:02 AM
    I'm picking up a g4 mini in the next couple of days that has been completely wiped clean.
    I don't have any sort of monitor at home and was looking at hooking it up to my Panasonic plasma to set it up from scratch using a DVI - HDMI cable.
    Will I actually be able to see anythiing without having an OS already installed or is it going to be a pointless exercise?
    Should be fine, the plasma should behave just like any normal monitor. Although I use the VGA input of my Panny plasma to avoid HDMI handshake issues so that is always an option.

    sutures of cranium. or toes. Cranio-Sacral
  • or toes. Cranio-Sacral

  • MacRumorUser
    Jul 24, 03:05 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.


    sutures of cranium. The bones of the Cranium are
  • The bones of the Cranium are

  • Jeffx342
    Sep 13, 10:33 PM
    I wouldn't buy a pc again because of the OS

    I baught windows XP Pro $200
    let me tell ya not even worth a penny

    1. Microsoft has rights to access your computer (disclaimer)
    2. Internal errors in IE 6 (no line found 140)
    3. Windows Xp Uses too much recourses
    4. Something always screws up
    5. you delete a system file by accident windows wont log you in
    6. you have to download Drivers for every little thing
    7. Movie maker Sucks on XP
    8. Media player isn't really that good
    9. I feel like I am handicaped when im using XP, (goofy looking Icons)
    10. Setting up a network can be a biatch*
    11. not responsive enough
    12. Ms Office Xp sucks compared to Mac edition
    13. Freezes alot
    14. Doesn't look pretty like Os X

    Looking forward to getting a Mac...

    sutures of cranium. Cranial suture age comparison
  • Cranial suture age comparison

  • carlgo
    Mar 20, 10:16 AM
    Why all this discussion ? It's easy to suck at photography. It was easier to mess up with film, that's for sure. You should see some of my early, you shouldn't...


    sutures of cranium. is on the cranial sutures,
  • is on the cranial sutures,

  • kdarling
    Mar 24, 02:26 PM
    As someone already pointed out, the Army currently uses iPods with translation programs in the field.

    The advantage is that they're comparatively cheap, and young soldiers already know the basics of using them.

    It's also been mentioned that the Army could use them to display videos of local leaders asking people to cooperate, etc. Plus remote control of robots, etc.

    As for visiting Apple, who knows. Usually the military finds a third party company to modify units, but in this case they could be checking to see if Apple was willing to build a bunch for less.

    sutures of cranium. Cranial Sutures middot; Skull
  • Cranial Sutures middot; Skull

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 5, 10:52 AM
    I don't think apple would go 128gb now.. There launching cloud soon, which is the future.


    sutures of cranium. the sagittal suture is
  • the sagittal suture is

  • fixyourthinking
    Oct 17, 02:35 PM
    I wrote a guide on my blog about how to get out of a cellphone contract when the iPhone is released. Enjoy (if you care to):;)

    sutures of cranium. Cranial Sutures: Analysis, Morphology amp; Manipulative Strategies
  • Cranial Sutures: Analysis, Morphology amp; Manipulative Strategies

  • NewGenAdam
    Apr 12, 02:30 PM
    I think what the OP really means to talk about is discrimination, not racism.

    yeah - to clarify, I mean racism in practice should be illegal. Holding racist views, however distasteful, should be legal as we should be free to hold our own opinions as long as we don't harm others by them.

    It is the distinction between prejudice and discrimination.

    I am not racist in mind or practice, for the record, and personally argue against anybody who is either!

    sutures of cranium. cranium.
  • cranium.

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 25, 08:20 AM
    Thunderbolt will solve this. TB to Gigabit Ethernet adapter will definitely deliver 1Gb/s (800Mb/s due to 8/10b encoding).

    Still, my point stands- you need to purchase another adapter, carry it around, and have it dangle off your computer when a simple internal ethernet port would solve the problem.

    They should, at the very least, bundle it with a 1k+ computer (like they used to).

    Apr 24, 04:26 AM
    I think Windows 7 is pretty damn good, both from a user standpoint and a developer standpoint. As an end user OS, it's pretty nice - TONS of media options besides the Apple Ecosystem (TM), and Aero is quite nice.

    As a developer OS, Visual Studio has one of the strongest debugging tools around - provided you learn how to effectively use them.

    As an enterprise OS, there are immense amounts of control and management - albeit very, very expensive ones xD

    I wouldn't trade some aspects of OS X, like the Unix-ish core - but if Windows took up a Unix-ish backend I'd probably dump OS X in a heartbeat and probably never look back.

    Don't get me wrong, OS X is a fantastic OS and I've enjoyed using it for the past 10 years, and I'll probably continue to buy many more Macs. Sometimes, I get tired of Steve Jobs' pigheaded nature and the last 2 releases of OS X haven't really had any new uniquely Apple things. Lion doesn't exactly look promising on that front. :\

    It's still really good though, but it hurts to see the amount of crap I see on this board as far as childish behavior regarding what OS someone decides to use. I've carried around my Vaio before and had some Mac friends trash talk my Vaio, and carried my PowerBook around and had my PC friends trash talk my Mac lol :D

    Mar 23, 04:19 PM
    4$ is a lot when considering the margins mfg are working under for the average consumer model (sub 1k). I just don't see why they don't give it away

    so you work in the consumer electronics manufacturing industry? tell us more.

    Mar 28, 01:48 AM
    I can't help but think that along with Steve's various email responses to customers, that Steve is morphing. Into what exactly, I'm not sure, but he seems to be more interested in responding to people. Maybe that new liver has something to do with it? At any rate, it's a very calculated move. Nothing he does is without a goal in mind.

    Maybe Steve realizes that Apple isn't everything. Yea, people say he was bhuddist, but then people say they're christian and they aren't really.

    May 24, 08:58 PM

    Now I need to remember this Thread when I get home and back to my Macintosh!!

    Thanks for the hard work, and the link!!

    Jan 6, 03:13 PM
    I'm surprised of no chat notifications or are those considered "messages"?


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