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  • dernhelm
    Apr 5, 11:30 AM
    What about leak gate? Didn't they test light leakage in a completely dark room with a photosensor?

    OMG - CR is so lame...

    yes - this is sarcasm

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  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 23, 11:28 AM
    Just saw this thread, so I figured I'd share some knowledge (been gaming for 8 years).

    So the reason why people are avoiding these things like the plague is because they STINK. The Intel chipsets ARE more powerful than the NVIDIA 320M, BUT, that doesn't always equal better performance.

    Game developers usually design games on nvidia chipsets (Hence, "Nvidia: The way it's meant to be played) slogan.
    Although the 3000HD shows better specs, it's been proven to perform worse in game. The reason being that the drivers are total rubbish. Until they can improve the drivers, it's a downgrade. But then again.............who in their right mind would try and game with a laptop!? ;)

    :eek: You're joking right?

    I have always gamed on laptops - M17x, M11x, MBP, VAIO Z... list goes on and on. Add the Air to that list now. The 320M is a very capable chip and it can play many modern games at medium settings smoothly.

    The way you describe laptop chipsets makes you sound like you've only ever tried laptop gaming with a GMA500 :p

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  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 03:36 PM
    Um, you're not a breeder, right?

    That's why I need a muscle car. :) I need a guy magnet, and the 200 ain't gonna cut it. ;)

    I thought the same thing about the sebring, and wasn't very happy about the car at first, but absolutely fell in love with it. That was when I was single and before I had a kid. Anyway, I haven't seen a 200 in person yet, but the car it is replacing was butt-ugly.

    I liked the first Sebring convertible. It was a nice car.

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  • leekohler
    May 3, 02:39 PM
    My guess (hope) is that provincial governments will move left over the next 4 years as the public seeks a counterbalance.

    Fight as hard as you can. You're going to have to. They will try to walk all over you. Don't let them.


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  • rhomsy
    Feb 25, 10:14 AM
    Not every consumer is as tech savvy as the rest of us... same goes as to the bad loans by greedy mortgage lenders...

    That is a bunch of BS too. Greedy mortgage lenders, or greedy homeowners, which is it? I could see the argument when mortgages were difficult to figure out, but then the industry got regulated with Truth in Lending, etc. The Truth in Lending Statement is a simple one page statement, in plain english, that breaks down the loan, and the borrower's commitment, in elementary school terms. Example: you have to pay $1,985.00 per month, for the next 30 years.

    So what happens, idiots sign it, take the loan, usually take a payout too as part of the loan, and then later file a claim against the bank saying they never could afford the loan. What???????

    With freedom comes responsibility. If you don't want the responsibility of what happens when you can't pay the loan, then you lose your freedom. If the law becomes (if it already hasn't), that you can get out of loans, scott free when it goes bad, and it has to be crystal clear on the bank's part that you have more than enough $$$$ to pay the loan under all circumstances, then do you really think banks will be giving out loans to lower-middle class families. NOOOOO. They will forever be stuck as renters. They lost the ability to take the risk, if they chose, to do something different with their money and their lives.

    I deal with this crap every day. I see some moron do a refi to take money out for a business venture. The venture doesn't pan-out, and he gets foreclosed. Then he cries to the court that he never should have gotten the loan. He took a risk, and it failed. Why is that the bank's fault. Now, he and others in his position, will lose the ability to take that risk to try to better themselves. The government isn't protecting them, they are entrenching them in their current class, and making it impossible for them to advance. They've taken away their freedom.

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  • spydr
    Mar 26, 08:06 PM
    1: I believe so.
    2: Jobs, probably.

    Not an iPad. Not a publicity stunt either � they both have a need for a low key meeting so things between them don't get much worse to the merriment of Redmond.


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  • bartzilla
    Mar 22, 04:29 AM
    Really nice for the schools.

    Really irrelevant for the schools. I can't say this will change our purchasing strategy in this area either way, the discount is too small to matter really.

    It's up to innovative schools to decide whether, and how, iPads have a role in schools. They might have good uses in classrooms, libraries, labs, reading clubs, alongside computers, instead of computers, or who knows.

    Except they don't support things like Jmol. They're too big to go into a pocket, they can't be shared around like books, they'll need recharging if they're used heavily. The ipad is a lot of things, sure, but there's lots of things it isn't, too.

    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.

    I bet my students can't wait to run products like AutoCad, Final Cut Pro, Logic, Sonar and Visual Studio, on the ipad. They'll be so excited I'm sure.

    It's just a glorified web slate and note taker. By no means bad but I don't see any students where I work, or staff for that matter, rushing to get one. We may buy one or two for R&D.

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  • mccoma
    Sep 27, 01:42 AM
    gotta love Wired's stellar reporting and fact checking. I swear, page hit advertising is going to be the end of good journalism.


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  • 100Teraflops
    May 2, 08:15 PM
    Hi everybody,

    at the moment I've got an old non unibody MacBook Pro with an ACD like in the picture below. As apple has switched to the unibody models they started to put a black bezel on the the ACDs and a black keyboard to the MacBooks. What I love about the silver-only-design is, that the content on the screen is much more dominant, the MacBook and the ACD seems to fade away when you are working with them. I just wanted to know what you think about the new vs. old design.



    Well, I will voice my opinion and here it is: I like the unibody screen with the black bezel better. I like the black keyboard and the silver bezel though. :) Now, the black keyboard looks 10 times better than the silver/white keyboard. Just my .25 though.

    I am new to Apple and I am not very nostalgic about old Macs. Maybe in a few years I will like the current model more than the future model. :eek: What a mouth full!

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  • stephenli
    Oct 17, 01:37 AM
    There is no application for iPhone in the Japanese trademark database.

    Apple failed to use the name "Airport" in japan, so they changed to "Airmac" at last. Even if somebody took the name already, its nothing to affect the product release but only to change the name and launch.


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  • generik
    Oct 10, 10:57 PM
    I think the Mini and Macbook will go C2D at the same time and this will be at the same time or just shortly after the Macbook Pro. With MBP line, I would expect the slowest CPU offering to be the 2.16GHz with an option of a 2.33GHz upgrade and the 2.33 will probably be standard on the 17". The Mini and Macbook will probably get the 1.6GHz and 1.83GHz C2D chips with an option to upgrade to the 2GHz C2D. At the 2GHz mark, it's still Core 2, but has half the cache and still a notch slower than MBP offerings. MBP may also have a 2GHz offering, but it will be the 4MB L2 cache chip.

    Considering the Mini got bumped lately do you reckon that's very likely?

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  • bennetsaysargh
    Mar 12, 10:23 PM
    It's like the 2004 presidential election all over again. How much do you want to bet that more iTunes bottle caps were distributed amongst the blue states?


    haha, i wonder what the breakdown would eventually be :confused:


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  • 3D-Troll
    Jun 10, 11:31 AM
    I got a Nexus One on T-Mobile. My bill with 500 minutes (free nights and weekends) unlimited text, data plus taxes and fees comes to $65. Compare this to an AT&T plan and you pay more for just phone (less minutes). I would switch to the iPhone as soon I as can have it on my plan.


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  • steve2112
    May 1, 11:43 AM
    Somehow, I knew you would reply like you did. Again, I have a job in an actual data center as a systems administrator. Let me tell you, I know the real story. ;) And it's not just my company. Go take a look around and see how many shops use Windows to run their SAP environnements. Their peoplesoft stuff. Heck, just their lowly Oracle installations.

    And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.

    It depends on where you work. I have worked for agencies within the US government that were almost 100% Windows. Granted, we weren't running anything like SAP or Peoplesoft, but the servers virtually all Windows based. We had a few Solaris boxes scattered about, but that was about it. I guess Microsoft had better lobbyists or something.

    My current employer (different agency) is much better. Oddly, one of the components I work with is heavily...AIX. I guess IBM isn't totally dead yet.

    Edit: Bah, forgot to do multiquote

    Anyway, regarding the earlier discussion on Android vs. iOS: I don't see how Android is that hard to use. I never even looked at my user manual. It's all touch based with pretty icons. How is that difficult?


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  • Winni
    Apr 15, 03:17 AM
    As a datacenter manager ? Quite the contrary, those are 3 big data center experiences right there.

    As a product manager ? I'd agree with you.

    Let's see...

    Most successful desktop operating system: Microsoft Windows.
    Most successful server operating system: Microsoft Windows Server.
    Most successful office suite: Microsoft Office.

    Three good reasons (and there would be more like Exchange Server, Sharepoint Portal, SQL Server, Visual Studio) to also have confidence in the man if he were hired as a product manager.

    Like it or not, Microsoft still is the most IMPORTANT software company around, and they don't hire incompetent idiots either.

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  • Nym
    Nov 14, 01:06 PM
    It's not offensive, it's a point of view, I myself think that "some" religions are full of crap and tell people to live their lives in fear and in denial of our greatest joys (just look at some "religions" point of view towards sex for example).
    When I say I'm an Atheist it means I take no part in the religions game, I have no religion because I don't believe in a superior being (although I respect people's beliefs).
    And yes, I consider Catholicism (the Vatican institution for example) an hypocrisy, or do you really think you'll ever see a black man or a woman become a Pope? Probably not. (it's just an example)
    No one has the right to tell me what my opinion should be, Catholics probably think I'll go to hell for not believing in god and I respect that.
    I just like to separate myself from everything bad that's being done in the name of religion these days and throughout history (censorship, terrorist attacks, "holy" wars against the middle east, the crusades, inquisition, and the list goes on...)
    Most religions have a "beautiful" basis, but they're distorted by man, just look at Catholicism, Christ always said to aid the next man but you look at the Vatican and it's all spewing wealthiness and everything decorated in gold while more than half the world lives in complete misery, I can't pact with that.

    Edit : I have no hate for you or your country, I haven't got hate for anyone, life's too short, but you're first post (Mike) sounded like others people religions were less than yours. Maybe I got it wrong.
    And I know of course that African countries enslave their own people, hell, my own country killed a lot of natives in Brasil and Africa, I'm not saying it was only the American ones, doesn't mean I think it's right.
    And yes, the constitution was created (like any other big social change) because the oppressed started to rebel, not by the goodness of the white man. A lot of people died fighting for equal rights, the constitution wasn't handed on a plate.

    PS - I don't know half the religions in this world so I'm basing my opinion on the religions I do know and that prevail in my country.


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  • Abstract
    Sep 9, 09:46 AM
    I'd go sailing. You do claim to live in America's sailing capital.

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  • imutter
    Mar 13, 10:38 AM
    we have al iphones in my house (3) and all did fine I thought it was carrier issue rather hardware ?

    selena gomez who says album cover. WHO SAYS SELENA GOMEZ COVER

  • aegisdesign
    Oct 16, 07:09 PM
    Of course it's due soon....

    .... my Sony Ericsson P990i arrives Thursday so Apple are bound to come out with an iPhone now I've bought a new phone.

    Oct 26, 01:29 PM
    This is a very bad prescient. The universal binaries are there for a reason, Adobe is not a good Mac developer imo for this reason.

    On the other hand, the design professionals won't upgrade to Intel Macs until all of their apps are ported. Once that happens there will be a lot more incentive to switch to Intel, and in the end it will be good for Apple to really solidify the base of Intel-Mac users. I guess this is ripping the band-aid off quick and clean, but it's really not fair to a lot of users.

    Pistol Pete
    Oct 26, 02:55 PM
    whatever we just need rosetta for our PPC Macs ;)

    Jun 24, 05:10 PM
    I really hope the iPhone comes to T-Mobile USA. I am using an unofficially unlocked and jailbroken 1st generation iPhone on T-Mobile right now. The service has been wonderful.

    AT&T is horrendous. I was a former customer, and they would overcharge me every month. It took approximately 3 calls every month, lasting at least 45 minutes each, to solve the problem.

    Sep 14, 01:57 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    As soon as athere is a PC that is 3.5x more mehahertz then the most current powermac, then I am switching, even if it is in the 'wrong direction', yeah OS X is a great OS but if I cant afford the already slow-compared-to-PCs hardware to back it up, why get a mac at all. I can live with Windoze, and hope that it gets some major revisions, as long as my computer, that costs a lot less then a mac, runs faster then a mac. My rant is over. This basically sums up what I want to say:

    If apple doesnt release a hell of a good computer this Jan then I have got to say bye bye to my whole pro-mac life style, and go out and buy a faster, cheaper machine. A great OS and iApps wont make up for speed, no matter how cool they are.

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.

    Nov 14, 10:40 PM
    ... a 'Jovial Hog Raping Day'...


    Thank you for the great laugh! :D


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