Aug 14, 01:22 PM
...if you're selling soap.
If you're selling computer platforms though, it's a major mistake. The days of the Amiga may be long behind us, but people do still feel strongly about their choice of computer, they do become personally attached to what they got, and this isn't like the car industry where there are so many manufacturers you can do a little spoofing of your competitors without anyone feeling it's directed at them.
Car analogies are old hat so if you'll forgive me, I'll use a sports analogy instead. I don't really know sports, except to know that fans of teams tend to be just as irrational as fans of computer platforms. By which I mean the entire spectrum of fandom tends to be represented. But everyone does, in the end, whether it's a team or a computer platform, end up opinionated and either loving or hating it.
Imagine the following. You're Apple's ad agency, and you've been hired by the Reds, the local sports team. A few miles away is the home of the Blues, and in your town, the Reds make up the team affiliation of about 80% of the population, with the Blues making up the other 20%. There's a degree of rivalry between the teams.
The Reds want more people coming to their stadiums. They need increased revenue ticket sales. The only people to attract now are the Blues. The Blues obviously like your sport, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen a team in the first place, but they're not willing to consider, as yet, seeing Red team games. How do you attract Blue supporters?
If you're Apple's ad agency, your ad goes something like:
Blue: "I'm a blue player"
Red: "And I'm a red player"
Blue: "Duh. I can kick this ball, duh, look" (*kicks at ball several times, finally actually hitting it the 7th time*)
Red: *smugly bounces a ball on knee* "Red scored the highest last season, and we're consistantly the best team"
Blue: "Hey! Hey, watch this" *attempts to balance ball on nose, ball consistantly rolling off and away. Blue chases after ball*
Red: *Kicks ball up, bounces on knee, headbutts it, and catches it with one hand behind him* "We have some really skilled players"
(Ad continues ad-nausium. By which I mean it's an ad that makes you nauseous.)
Now, another approach might be to run an ad that consists of a bunch of shots from your stadium. You show some pretty good playing, stuff people will find impressive and will have wished they saw. You show the Reds most often, but, hey, there are two teams in every game. In other words, instead of taking sides based upon the team, you show people that if they come to your stadium, they're going to have a good time. They're going to see some impressive playmanship. Even if it's not their team, there's reason for them to want to go and see the next game.
Which type of ad would sway you? Which type of ad would get you to go to a stadium owned by your team's rival?
The current "I'm a Mac" series doesn't work because it appeals to fanboism, but in doing so, it also ends up being fanboism's victim. It doesn't appeal to PC owners, it just cements existing Mac user's sense of superiority. Except me. I cringe every time I see them.
If you're selling computer platforms though, it's a major mistake. The days of the Amiga may be long behind us, but people do still feel strongly about their choice of computer, they do become personally attached to what they got, and this isn't like the car industry where there are so many manufacturers you can do a little spoofing of your competitors without anyone feeling it's directed at them.
Car analogies are old hat so if you'll forgive me, I'll use a sports analogy instead. I don't really know sports, except to know that fans of teams tend to be just as irrational as fans of computer platforms. By which I mean the entire spectrum of fandom tends to be represented. But everyone does, in the end, whether it's a team or a computer platform, end up opinionated and either loving or hating it.
Imagine the following. You're Apple's ad agency, and you've been hired by the Reds, the local sports team. A few miles away is the home of the Blues, and in your town, the Reds make up the team affiliation of about 80% of the population, with the Blues making up the other 20%. There's a degree of rivalry between the teams.
The Reds want more people coming to their stadiums. They need increased revenue ticket sales. The only people to attract now are the Blues. The Blues obviously like your sport, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen a team in the first place, but they're not willing to consider, as yet, seeing Red team games. How do you attract Blue supporters?
If you're Apple's ad agency, your ad goes something like:
Blue: "I'm a blue player"
Red: "And I'm a red player"
Blue: "Duh. I can kick this ball, duh, look" (*kicks at ball several times, finally actually hitting it the 7th time*)
Red: *smugly bounces a ball on knee* "Red scored the highest last season, and we're consistantly the best team"
Blue: "Hey! Hey, watch this" *attempts to balance ball on nose, ball consistantly rolling off and away. Blue chases after ball*
Red: *Kicks ball up, bounces on knee, headbutts it, and catches it with one hand behind him* "We have some really skilled players"
(Ad continues ad-nausium. By which I mean it's an ad that makes you nauseous.)
Now, another approach might be to run an ad that consists of a bunch of shots from your stadium. You show some pretty good playing, stuff people will find impressive and will have wished they saw. You show the Reds most often, but, hey, there are two teams in every game. In other words, instead of taking sides based upon the team, you show people that if they come to your stadium, they're going to have a good time. They're going to see some impressive playmanship. Even if it's not their team, there's reason for them to want to go and see the next game.
Which type of ad would sway you? Which type of ad would get you to go to a stadium owned by your team's rival?
The current "I'm a Mac" series doesn't work because it appeals to fanboism, but in doing so, it also ends up being fanboism's victim. It doesn't appeal to PC owners, it just cements existing Mac user's sense of superiority. Except me. I cringe every time I see them.

Apr 5, 10:58 AM
Wow, their video reviews are a joke. Won't visit that site anymore.

Feb 4, 11:36 AM
I have only had 1 issue on OTA map pulling with Map Quest. I once took a different way then suggested and caused the unit to re-rout me automatically. However, at that moment I didn't have service (Thanks AT&T, I was in NYC...) so the app prompted saying "re-routing not available at this time" and then 1 minute later it re-rerouted me when I got service. Not bad. It does everything I want it to. The only thing I wish it had was traffic updates. I have no idea why anyone charges for this. We should get it free with our data packages...
And this is the point why it is ridiculous to pay 40 dollars for an app that if you take the wrong turn or decide to do a small deviation that you're left with no directions if you happen to be out of service.
Why would I pay 40 dollars for an app that won't be flexible when I'm out traveling when I could pay 40 dollars (or less really, last I checked Navigon was 35 for all of the US) for an application I can use anywhere and if I decide to deviate or some how go off track, it has no issue with that? And I can get an app that does the same thing as Garmin for *free* (mapquest). Any advantage Garmin has over Mapquest certainly isn't worth 40 dollars.
Yeah, Garmin might be useful if you only use it in the city. But you know what, my main reason for wanting a GPS app was for driving outside of the city and going on road trips. Sure I use it more often within the city cause that is where I go more and I happen to have it so I use it. But the biggest reason I wanted it was going places I'm not as familiar with (I'm mostly familiar with the city, it's when I leave the area I am familiar with it, I need it the most. Which is going outside the city). In my area, there are plenty of areas (like Mount Rainier) where you just aren't going to get cellphone coverage, period. Not just a small lapse, just isn't there (and no, now that Verizon has the phone, you still aren't going to get coverage in the areas like Mount Rainier, there isn't cellphone coverage period. I'm just using that as one example btw).
Garmin made a huge mistake in that choice of how to do things.
And this is the point why it is ridiculous to pay 40 dollars for an app that if you take the wrong turn or decide to do a small deviation that you're left with no directions if you happen to be out of service.
Why would I pay 40 dollars for an app that won't be flexible when I'm out traveling when I could pay 40 dollars (or less really, last I checked Navigon was 35 for all of the US) for an application I can use anywhere and if I decide to deviate or some how go off track, it has no issue with that? And I can get an app that does the same thing as Garmin for *free* (mapquest). Any advantage Garmin has over Mapquest certainly isn't worth 40 dollars.
Yeah, Garmin might be useful if you only use it in the city. But you know what, my main reason for wanting a GPS app was for driving outside of the city and going on road trips. Sure I use it more often within the city cause that is where I go more and I happen to have it so I use it. But the biggest reason I wanted it was going places I'm not as familiar with (I'm mostly familiar with the city, it's when I leave the area I am familiar with it, I need it the most. Which is going outside the city). In my area, there are plenty of areas (like Mount Rainier) where you just aren't going to get cellphone coverage, period. Not just a small lapse, just isn't there (and no, now that Verizon has the phone, you still aren't going to get coverage in the areas like Mount Rainier, there isn't cellphone coverage period. I'm just using that as one example btw).
Garmin made a huge mistake in that choice of how to do things.

Oct 6, 12:09 PM
And i still fold. The widget says i'm #58 @ 116 days from Dreadnought.
Make that 133 days! :D Too bad Virtual PC quit on me (and deleted my whole 10 GB windoos partition), because I have 2 finished WU's from my pc @ work (firewall at work blocks the up and download of wu's from Stanford), about 500 points worth! So Red_eye, first try and come close then we see if you've got what it takes to overtake me! :D
Too bad the store is in Belgium, I thought you lived in the Netherlands, Amsterdam or something, then I would have come by some day!!
Good luck and I'll be watching you (over my shoulder!!).
Make that 133 days! :D Too bad Virtual PC quit on me (and deleted my whole 10 GB windoos partition), because I have 2 finished WU's from my pc @ work (firewall at work blocks the up and download of wu's from Stanford), about 500 points worth! So Red_eye, first try and come close then we see if you've got what it takes to overtake me! :D
Too bad the store is in Belgium, I thought you lived in the Netherlands, Amsterdam or something, then I would have come by some day!!
Good luck and I'll be watching you (over my shoulder!!).

Apr 5, 08:41 PM
I wish people would actually think before they post sometimes.
YES this connector has USB3, it also has USB2, Thunderbolt and a pretty white cable too.
What people fail to realise is that if you own a current gen/future Mac you can use the thunderbolt part of the connection, if you own an older version then it will use the USB2 part. OR if you are using a USB3 compatible PC then you can use their USB3 connection.
Its actually a quite clever design and means that the iProducts 30pin connector can be relevant for many more years to come.
Thank you- i was sitting here wondering why the hell anyone would think this was a negative development... and about to post something like what you did.
YES this connector has USB3, it also has USB2, Thunderbolt and a pretty white cable too.
What people fail to realise is that if you own a current gen/future Mac you can use the thunderbolt part of the connection, if you own an older version then it will use the USB2 part. OR if you are using a USB3 compatible PC then you can use their USB3 connection.
Its actually a quite clever design and means that the iProducts 30pin connector can be relevant for many more years to come.
Thank you- i was sitting here wondering why the hell anyone would think this was a negative development... and about to post something like what you did.

Apr 5, 12:19 PM
The u.s had the opportunity to thrive, especially after the cold war, but instead the country decided it would focus itself on wars, and therefore continue to spend more money than it could afford. This worked itself through the economy ( greed - irresponsible loans, derivatives ( which are a total con ) etc which lead to the banking crisis didn't help ), and now the u.s finds itself in the pits.
Hey, you had the potential but you decided to throw it all away...
US has several shortcomings that have converged to create this situation.

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Hey, you had the potential but you decided to throw it all away...
US has several shortcomings that have converged to create this situation.

Mar 23, 07:22 PM
:apple: should stick to their peacenik roots. No Army plz.

Dec 18, 10:43 AM
I suspect you could be taking this just a little too seriously, David.

Nov 21, 07:58 PM
This works in just the opposite: In the cold air, there's a huge differential, so the fan is going full bore, annoying me and all my peace-and-quiet-loving neighbors. In the warm air, it slows to a crawl as the amount of electricity generated approaches the lower limit of sustaining power for the fan. Then it stops. Then my laptop heats up rapidly and the processor dies.
This isn't a replacement for fans to control temperature--it's simply an attempt to put 'waste' heat to use. Obviously the normal array of heatsinks and fans would still exist to manage the temperatures. There's no conceivable implementation in which your computer would be harmed by the application of this additional device. The fan would hardly be necessary in the cold air, given that the temperature gradient would already be optimized.
So, we haven't been able to simplify the problem at all, and instead are gaining the (very slight) power savings from not having to run this fan off our battery power (directly) in a mid-temp room.
Well, it's not that outrageous. If it adds minimal cost and extends battery life 10% (not unreasonable with some refinement), that could easily equate to 15 minutes with current batteries. The cooling system itself is not affected, and obviously the benefit is greatest with a heavy CPU load, which in turn would maximize its impact on intensive operations which shorten battery life. In other words, this could partially offset the battery time lost by intensive computing, making it a worthwhile investment for professionals on the move.
This isn't a replacement for fans to control temperature--it's simply an attempt to put 'waste' heat to use. Obviously the normal array of heatsinks and fans would still exist to manage the temperatures. There's no conceivable implementation in which your computer would be harmed by the application of this additional device. The fan would hardly be necessary in the cold air, given that the temperature gradient would already be optimized.
So, we haven't been able to simplify the problem at all, and instead are gaining the (very slight) power savings from not having to run this fan off our battery power (directly) in a mid-temp room.
Well, it's not that outrageous. If it adds minimal cost and extends battery life 10% (not unreasonable with some refinement), that could easily equate to 15 minutes with current batteries. The cooling system itself is not affected, and obviously the benefit is greatest with a heavy CPU load, which in turn would maximize its impact on intensive operations which shorten battery life. In other words, this could partially offset the battery time lost by intensive computing, making it a worthwhile investment for professionals on the move.

Apr 27, 09:53 PM
After listening to the sound bite of Trump asking for both Obama's birth certificate and college records, he strikes me as a political opportunist grasping for straws or he is a raciest.Trump's wet dream is on election night be able to say to Obama, "you're fired".

Apr 4, 11:42 AM
A car that gets 60 mpg will do just as much 'damage' to a road surface as a car that get 8 mpg....but the 50mpg car will pay much, MUCH less for upkeep of that road than the other in a gas-tax based situation.
so a prius does the same amount of damage to a road as full size RV?
so a prius does the same amount of damage to a road as full size RV?

Mar 25, 08:47 AM
I once sat on a plane next to an intellectual property lawyer who was commuting to NYC for work from Rochester. As it turned out he had once worked for EK and was now working in the city.
When I conveyed my surprised over how strange it was that Eastman Kodak was lagging behind in digital imaging and still focused on film considering they were responsible for much of the technology behind digital imaging, he basically inferred that EK's leadership mismanaged their patent goldmine.
They mismanaged more than their patents! They were a sinking ship and the captain had his fingers crossed and eyes closed in the 90's and early 2000's. Too little too late.
When I conveyed my surprised over how strange it was that Eastman Kodak was lagging behind in digital imaging and still focused on film considering they were responsible for much of the technology behind digital imaging, he basically inferred that EK's leadership mismanaged their patent goldmine.
They mismanaged more than their patents! They were a sinking ship and the captain had his fingers crossed and eyes closed in the 90's and early 2000's. Too little too late.

Sep 17, 04:59 PM
I still don't get how everyone is saying that a glance of eye-contact is "expressing interest", it happens all the time in a lot of different places, one can hardly help it. merchandise or something....this is getting difficult, all just to shop
Based on results Bro' -- whatever it was that she thinks you communicated to her during that 2 seconds caused her to make herself scarce from your vicinity (and you stuck around a while to see if it wasn't just she went back to bring some stock out, right? Face it - you WERE interested.)
Based on results Bro' -- whatever it was that she thinks you communicated to her during that 2 seconds caused her to make herself scarce from your vicinity (and you stuck around a while to see if it wasn't just she went back to bring some stock out, right? Face it - you WERE interested.)

Apr 14, 01:28 PM
those 2 people that have voted negative (of 5 that have so far voted ) please speak up. We really like to hear your opinions on not taking your antidepressants. :rolleyes:

Oct 10, 11:41 AM
Is this an extra MacBook model in addition to the other MacBooks?
it will be called macboo and come in dingy white and instead of "moo's" we will hear.... Boos?
it will be called macboo and come in dingy white and instead of "moo's" we will hear.... Boos?

Nov 14, 10:24 AM
"Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p
It will happen.
That's true, it will, and so I wonder what will be done about it when it does happen. Can airline staff confiscate your iPod till the end of the flight, will an air marshall urge you to choose something more appropriate ?
Well, the only airline I remember which had seat-back displays for all passengers was WestJet.
Sweet, I just booked a flight with them for an upcoming trip to Canada, it's good to know they were a good choice.
Most airlines that fly trans-atlantic and pacific have individual displays for everybody. In coach, most of them play the same movies and series over and over, but in business/first, most of the time you can choose what to watch, and even pause/stop the movies.
AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) is becoming increasingly popular on international airlines, however normally only in first and business as you point out.
Hopefully iPod integration will be incorporated throughout all the classes in the airlines which employ it, that way everyone will have their own AVOD for stuff they own. I see no reason to lock out more than half the passengers, when it could drive sales, touting it as a feature on that airline as oppose to another airline - without paying a premium for a higher class.
I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.
And most importantly for me, Cathay Pacific, who are partners with both of them... and I much prefer Cathay to Qantas.
Anyway, I fly a mixture of KLM / Northwest Airlines, Continental or British Airways, it would be pretty cool, though most of the time I use my ipod whilst sat in the lounge then when on board I watch their movies, they offer like 6 of them and some good comedy channels.
Generally airlines offer movies showing in the cinema at the time, your getting a movie ticket, or a few, included as a bonus with your travel, sometimes that will beat out movies stored on your Ipod that you can see at any time.
I know it would for me.
It will happen.
That's true, it will, and so I wonder what will be done about it when it does happen. Can airline staff confiscate your iPod till the end of the flight, will an air marshall urge you to choose something more appropriate ?
Well, the only airline I remember which had seat-back displays for all passengers was WestJet.
Sweet, I just booked a flight with them for an upcoming trip to Canada, it's good to know they were a good choice.
Most airlines that fly trans-atlantic and pacific have individual displays for everybody. In coach, most of them play the same movies and series over and over, but in business/first, most of the time you can choose what to watch, and even pause/stop the movies.
AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) is becoming increasingly popular on international airlines, however normally only in first and business as you point out.
Hopefully iPod integration will be incorporated throughout all the classes in the airlines which employ it, that way everyone will have their own AVOD for stuff they own. I see no reason to lock out more than half the passengers, when it could drive sales, touting it as a feature on that airline as oppose to another airline - without paying a premium for a higher class.
I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.
And most importantly for me, Cathay Pacific, who are partners with both of them... and I much prefer Cathay to Qantas.
Anyway, I fly a mixture of KLM / Northwest Airlines, Continental or British Airways, it would be pretty cool, though most of the time I use my ipod whilst sat in the lounge then when on board I watch their movies, they offer like 6 of them and some good comedy channels.
Generally airlines offer movies showing in the cinema at the time, your getting a movie ticket, or a few, included as a bonus with your travel, sometimes that will beat out movies stored on your Ipod that you can see at any time.
I know it would for me.

Mar 24, 03:31 PM
I'm already getting two iPad 2s for me & my wife & I saw this & wanted to get one for my daughter. My wife made a pretty good statement of "Do we need to go from no iPads to three in one house?"
Chalk up another version of "Wife said no."
Chalk up another version of "Wife said no."

Sep 25, 04:58 PM
I can display a 10,000 x 8.000 pixel picture on an iPod if I throw away 99% of the data as well. But why would you want to use such a huge file for no reason? Not only would it take up vast amounts of space, but you have to process all that "throwing away" info on the fly.
The new videos take longer for you to download, use more storage space on the iPod, require the iPod to downsample at playback, and cost Apple more bandwidth.
So why would Apple do all this if they weren't in fact planing to USE the new format on an iPod? Soem may say "it's for rregular Macs", but this size is too SMALL for to build a new standard for computers. So the only conclusion I can reach is that it has to be for a new iPod to come...
Front Row? iTV?
I can display a 10,000 x 8.000 pixel picture on an iPod if I throw away 99% of the data as well. But why would you want to use such a huge file for no reason? Not only would it take up vast amounts of space, but you have to process all that "throwing away" info on the fly.
The new videos take longer for you to download, use more storage space on the iPod, require the iPod to downsample at playback, and cost Apple more bandwidth.
So why would Apple do all this if they weren't in fact planing to USE the new format on an iPod? Soem may say "it's for rregular Macs", but this size is too SMALL for to build a new standard for computers. So the only conclusion I can reach is that it has to be for a new iPod to come...
Front Row? iTV?

Apr 14, 08:02 AM
Since the iPad data payment can't be tied to a pre-existing AT&T or Verizon cell phone plan, I just don't see much advantage to getting a Verizon iPad unless you live in an area without AT&T service. Thoughts?
Not true. I just added a fifth iPad to an AT&T Wireless Postpaid account, and I fully expect to add more (on that's on order right now, probably more to come).
SOOOOOO much easier than dealing with the prepaid nonsense, with individual usernames, passwords, and credit cards required for every two iPads.
Not true. I just added a fifth iPad to an AT&T Wireless Postpaid account, and I fully expect to add more (on that's on order right now, probably more to come).
SOOOOOO much easier than dealing with the prepaid nonsense, with individual usernames, passwords, and credit cards required for every two iPads.
Apr 5, 10:52 AM
I don't think apple would go 128gb now.. There launching cloud soon, which is the future.
Apr 9, 07:19 PM
I didn't realize assisting in procuring abortion for child prostitutes counted as reporting to the FBI
Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.
People are a nation's greatest asset.
Unwanted people are far from an asset.
Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.
People are a nation's greatest asset.
Unwanted people are far from an asset.
Apr 24, 11:39 PM
Honestly, if they offered an 8GB RAM option, I'd be sorely tempted to go from my current 2009 i7 iMac and 11.6" 4GB MBA to a maxed-out 13" SB MBA + 27" monitor. I would probably also have to move from my current FW800 OWC RAID to something with Thunderbolt, since I'd need something that could daisy-chain with the monitor.
I know that I would lose the top-end performance of the iMac, but it would be worth it to jump to a truly next-generation, all solid state laptop. I need the RAM to run Aperture and Photoshop CS5 together effectively, but I think I could live with everything else. I'd really love to get down to one computer that is decent when hooked up to a 27" monitor, and also very portable for the limited traveling that I do. The C2D MBA is fine for my travel needs, but not good enough for my day-to-day use at home.
I could go with a 15" MacBook Pro, but I really prefer the forward-looking MBA design and weight, and the price is more attractive on the MBA once you start looking at SSD options in the MBP.
Do I think they'll offer the 8GB option this year? I suspect not, but we may then see it in 2012.
I know that I would lose the top-end performance of the iMac, but it would be worth it to jump to a truly next-generation, all solid state laptop. I need the RAM to run Aperture and Photoshop CS5 together effectively, but I think I could live with everything else. I'd really love to get down to one computer that is decent when hooked up to a 27" monitor, and also very portable for the limited traveling that I do. The C2D MBA is fine for my travel needs, but not good enough for my day-to-day use at home.
I could go with a 15" MacBook Pro, but I really prefer the forward-looking MBA design and weight, and the price is more attractive on the MBA once you start looking at SSD options in the MBP.
Do I think they'll offer the 8GB option this year? I suspect not, but we may then see it in 2012.
Sep 26, 03:46 AM
Apple is right to sue IMO, what does the Pod in Podcasting refer to? The iPod of course!
If not for the iPod, Podcasting would have no meaning.
If not for the iPod, Podcasting would have no meaning.
Mar 27, 10:23 AM
$3.60/gallon here in Evansville Indiana as of yesterday afternoon
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