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  • Diatribe
    Sep 27, 08:22 AM
    When oh when are they going to update that insanely arcane iCal "feature" on .Mac. Why isn't it easy to access my calendars from my .Mac homepage? And WHY can't I ADD an event from .Mac. So frustrating.

    And can we please for the love of God get a .Mac site optimized for mobile?

    Now THAT would be a great addition. Fully editable iCal web interface with the new webmail interface would make .mac a lot better.

    The only things missing then would be 2GB storage and a FASTER iDisk.

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  • sockdoggy
    Nov 5, 02:05 PM
    I plugged in my 2G shuffle just now and there was a software update 1.0.1.

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  • fixmymac
    May 2, 03:59 PM
    I suppose I should point out, as is inevitable, that gay men are barred from giving blood, at least in the United States.

    So, while I can't participate, my best wishes to those who can. Thank you for your sacrifice!

    This is also the case in the UK. A patently ridiculous stance, given that there is a constant message given on TV and radio that there is a shortage.

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  • weldon
    Oct 6, 12:28 PM
    Perhaps I missed part of the new Google search feature in the new version of Safari, but isn't there an already-existing (and awesomely functioning :) ) Google searchbar in there? I'm still using Panther with Safari v1.3.2!
    The new search feature is not a new Google search feature. I'm pretty sure what they mean is that you can search the text in the current page by typing and have a little find search box come up at the bottom of the window like it does in Firefox (rather than having a floating dialog box for find). One blogger mentioned it would work like spotlight and shade everything else so that the found search terms were highlighted.


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  • Kieranic
    Aug 1, 07:21 AM
    Switches to a new Michael Jackson image every 5 minutes :D

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  • igranger
    Dec 21, 06:26 PM
    Does anybody understand why Metal Gear Solid 4 was on the PS3, and then was on the Xbox 360? I feel ripped off. The Wii has a larger installed base. I feel so ripped off I'm refusing to give Konami any props. I'm just giving props to PC games. I'm not upset.


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  • hayesk
    Apr 4, 01:57 PM
    And Apple having your address, phone number, e-mail address, creditcard is fine with you? And if yes, why is ok for Apple to have this information but not for the FT?

    Email address is required to send me shipping notifications, and iTunes receipts. A Physical address and phone number is required to ship me their hardware I buy and verify which country's App Store I can shop in.

    FT needs my address for what, now? I'm not subscribing to the print edition.

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  • Komentra
    Apr 7, 04:42 PM
    I assume you have this box checked:


    Yep. I sure do. Does it work for you? I've heard it works for Apple TV and other computers but when it comes to iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch it doesn't.


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  • bozzykid
    Mar 25, 11:48 AM
    You mean like here:


    Apple should simply look at your posts and do the opposite. Success guaranteed.

    I don't see your point other than trying to embarrass another user of this forum. Unless Apple is planning on integrating more social aspects into Maps, I don't see why they need to spend resources on this. And given Apple's history with trying to create social products, I don't have much faith in them doing just that. If Apple thinks they can do it better, all the more power to them. But if they are just creating their own Maps because they don't like Google, then I don't see how the users benefit.

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 28, 03:01 PM
    Hello chaps this is what i have brought to the Folding team .. i hope it helps.

    Macbook Pro late 2009 (2.8ghz core 2 duo) Running the SMP Client
    Win 7 x86 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.12Ghz running the SMO Client
    GPU 2 client for a Radeon 2600 XT

    also currently building a 3.06ghz Pentium D machine with 64bit Ubuntu 10.10

    I have applied for and recived my passkey and I am using the macrumours team code the name i am using for folding is fiddlesticks_13

    Hope this helps :)

    P.S if anyone more technical minded than my self wnats to review any of the config files they are welcome and also is there a GPU version for Mac or CUDA Mac version I would like help with setting it up

    hey there! thanks for joining our team! every little bit helps!

    as of now, there is no native gpu client for mac.


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  • andrig
    Feb 19, 02:02 PM
    Here ya go.


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  • TwinCities Dan
    Jul 6, 09:34 PM
    Check this thread...



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  • bboyredcel
    Nov 21, 10:21 AM
    a conversation i just had with a mac specialist.

    You are chatting with Scott C, an Apple Expert
    scott- Hi, my name is Scott C. How may I help you today?
    me- im just checking out this new applestore online feature
    me- its pretty cool
    scott- Good morning
    me- can i pre-order my iPhone here when it comes out in january?
    me- how much is that going to run, i want to order that now.
    scott- I am not familiar with the iPhone.
    me- oh
    me- you are not familiar with it?
    me- well i was going to wait for it to come out so i could buy it and use it as my phone
    scott- I am unaware of any future or unreleased products.
    me- but since you are unfamiliar with it, im going to go buy a microsoft windows phone and lock myself into a 2 year contract in which i will be unable to purchase any other phone
    i wont be buying the iPhone. :(
    i thought it was coming out soon
    but since you are unaware, im going to have to get myself an HP iPaq
    scott- There are rumors posted online about it, but I am unaware of any factual information about it.
    me- oh
    me- i heard about it on TV though
    me- im one of those people who believes everything they see on TV, not really... but i was quite taken by the iphone they showed on TV and i was going to wait because i know Apple releases the highest quality products i know of. buying the phone they made was going to be my next tech purchase
    but now i am going to go get a $400 HP iPaq and lock myself into it for 2 years
    scott- Well, it might be worth it to wait and see if Apple does release one then.
    me- oooookkkk
    me- thank you
    scott- Thank you for visiting the Apple Store. We appreciate your business.
    me- thank you for chatting

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  • NikMac
    Apr 20, 01:20 PM
    I believe the only way to get them is through the Lesson Store in the GarageBand application.

    Unfortunately they are rather larger files and will take a while to download.

    You can practice scales while you wait! :P


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  • galgould
    Apr 24, 11:43 PM
    Do people really get excited about this? I've never owned an iPhone, as I'm loyal to Verizon and at this point am waiting for the iP5, but I think black looks farrrrrrrrr better than the white model.

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 4, 11:27 AM
    I hate AT&T with a passion. Yet, I'd never switch to Verizon because I'm hooked on 3Mbps + speeds. They're the crack of carriers.

    Yup, just went from $5 Rocks to $10. :apple:


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  • coder12
    Apr 25, 12:11 AM
    A disgrace on so many levels.

    Disgrace has never been so beautiful.:p

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 12, 11:50 AM

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 21, 02:32 PM
    Jetta sales were up in November (http://wot.motortrend.com/new-2011-jetta-helps-vws-us-sales-grow-24-percent-in-november-9546.html), but it remains to be seen if they can maintain that of it was just the halo effect of releasing a new car. It iwll be interesting to see if the new cheaper-n-bigger Passat has similar success.

    Regarding the design, personally I rather like the fact that they've gone for a Shooting Brake aesthetic rather than an ungainly 4 door one. Remember, Ferrari's are almost always controversial (entirely unlike Porsche). :)

    I'll give you that...although the Sultan of Brunei's 456 "Venice" wagons managed to stay beautiful despite having four doors.

    The Panamera and Cayenne are intensely ugly.

    Oct 31, 12:48 PM
    I bet the next revision of the shuffle will be 2GB - and will remain the same form factor (if this proves popular). There currently are FLASH chips in 2GB capacity that would fit right into the new shuffle. The catch is the price... Market value on smaller 2GB chips is about 5X the price of 1GB chips right now. In other words, Apple could release a 2GB version of the G2 Shuffle, it would just cost about another $100 and there probably isn't sufficeint production yield of 2GB chips yet. But in it's new/current form, the small size and ~240 song capacity for about $80 makes it a real winner.

    This post answers my question. So it would be reasonable that one year from now a 3G shuffle could be 2 gigglebytes (reduces confusion :) )

    I would bet the Shuffle form factor would stay the same and the Nano, same thing. It is the 5G iPod which I think might see a form factor revision "next". I would think the 2G/3G Shuffle software could be upgraded fairly easily to have a doubletap change playlists as well.


    Mar 26, 12:32 PM
    No, as they are already highly compressed using some MPEG-4 codec and iPhoto can read them as they are.

    Mar 10, 05:00 PM
    Does anyone know how to capture HD footage as SD? My camera's a Canon HDV 30, got Final Cut Express HD and iMovie HD to work with.

    May 27, 10:06 AM
    Not sure if I could manage the drive to trafford centre, and the queuing...but it somehow feels a bit wrong to go to PC world at 9 and buy one from some staff who dont even care?

    Ramble Ramble - anybody else going to pc world to avoid queues?

    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Man, I never look at the finer detials


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