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  • desi3933
    12-22 12:54 PM
    I do have very different experience. I never had any issues with the indian consulate. couple of months back I have sent the papers for my daughter's PIO card. With in two weeks I got the PIO in mail.

    My experience has been very good, too.

    I had family emergency and needed visa to travel to India. Entry Visa (they don't issue Tourist Visa to people of Indian origin) was issued in 1 hour. The staff was very helpful.

    Not a legal advice.

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  • Kushal
    11-21 02:48 PM
    That's very true. Shame on us for being lazy and waiting for the right moment.
    The 16th district teams needs to be more re-united. I will talk to digital2k and arrange to meet Zoe in few days.

    I don't know how many of you have actually visited DC offices and spoken to Congressional Office staff in person (not just sending E-mails or letters). I have been there, and done that. And I intend to continue to do that for myself, my family and the community..

    Let me tell you this, if there is anything related to immigration - whether Visa recapture or increase in numbers - it will be with CIR. There was a slim chance for piecemeal legislation in the 110th Congress. There is almost none in the current Democrat-dominated Congress. This is the political reality we have to live with.

    The question I was asked by the Congressional staff repeatedly was - 'If so many thousands are impacted, why are we seeing just 4-5 coming to DC asking for help? Why aren't we hearing about from our constituents? Why is it always 'the outsiders' approaching us? Why aren't they visiting us? Why aren't they writing letters to us?'. So many questions with no answers!

    Fact of the matter is our community cannot get what it wants unless we willing to pull our butts off the couch and do the dirty groundwork. Just the 50 or so of us dedicated IV leaders cannot work miracles.

    We don't have any magic spells or potions in our pockets. We need your help to succeed.

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  • maximus777
    07-13 02:04 PM
    Thanks for sharing your story. It was indeed one heck of a journey. One question though - in retrospect taking into account the pluses and minuses, do you think it was worth it?

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  • baba2s
    11-25 04:07 PM
    Thanks Pappu and IV


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  • whattodo21
    12-14 09:17 AM
    Is IV still collecting the list of affected EAD ? I received an RFE, and have provided all the documents, and my 90 day period is coming up soon. Please help. I have contacted my congressman also.

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  • eb3retro
    07-08 06:16 PM
    good one Ron Hira..this guy for sure is an odd ball leaching around here trying to create a controversy...

    i figured u won't have a clue that this is a quote form the founding father of The United States of America - Ben Franklin.

    hey.... how would you know?


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  • sujan_vatrapu
    10-28 04:03 PM
    Sujan vatarapu you are a baby here. you just believe what ever supereme court says! it is influenced by politicians, and the so called minority community in India. So if you dont know dont argue. I never said anything -ve about athiest, I said they are denying themselves by claiming as an atheist. that is about it. When you point a finger three of your own fingers are pointing towards you Please understand that.

    exactly and it applies more to you because if someone does not agree with your opinion thats what you do, wherz the proof that supreme court is influenced by minorities? you are totally out of touch with reality and u probably are struck with 70s/80s mentality, no point in arguing with you,

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  • pmb76
    01-06 02:57 AM
    singhsa, Your friend just has to pray for Mitt Romney to be president who may solve his problem :D


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  • satishku_2000
    05-22 04:36 PM
    Guys I am planning to send this email to my american freinds , Any input to improve this really helpful before I send it out. If I write lengthy technical mumbo jumbo most people dont get it.


    Five reasons why I oppose immigration reform bill in its current form.

    1. This bill in its current form does nothing to reduce the current backlog of employment based backlog of green cards. This bill infect reduces number of legal immigrant visas from 140000 to 90000 immediately for people who are waiting line legally and been paying taxes and contributing in fields of Computers , technology , pharmacy , nursing.

    2. This bill makes things difficult/impossible of renewal of legal visas for me and my sister(both of us are on H1B).This bill changes renewal of H1B from three years to one year even if green card application is pending where as undocumented/illegal persons can renew their Z visa unlimited number of times even if they have no intention of applying for green card.

    3. This bill puts more restrictions on H1B visa while awarding Z1 visa for undocumented /illegal persons with far less restrictions. Z1 visa can be self petitioned, they can work for any employer of their choice and job of their choice and they don’t even have to work as long as they go to school. H1B is far more restrictive, H1b visa holder is held hostage by employer and employer has to file the documentation for eligible candidate.

    4. This bill does nothing to lift the per country allocation of green cards for legal/merit based applicants of green cards. If merit is the criteria for green card why should it matter what nation one comes from. Amazing thing about this bill is that if you are illegal and have a Z1 visa it does not matter what country you are from, NO COUNTRY BASED CAPS FOR UNDOCUMENTED/ILLEGALS (They are no more illegal because they have Z1 visa)while applying green card.

    5. New merit based system that senate is planning to introduce is totally skewed towards illegal/undocumented people as well. Some of the key points, If you have a Z1 VISA(ILLEGAL/UNDOCUMENTED) and own a home you get some points in green card , If you are legally here and paying taxes and own a home you don’t get any points. If you have a Z1 VISA (ILLEGAL/UNDOCUMENTED) and have health insurance you get some points in green card, if you are legally waiting in line and have health insurance for whole family you don’t get any points. If you have Z1 visa (ILLEGAL/UNDOCUMENTED) and you have kids, Kids get Green card in 3 years. If you are legal and you have kids, Kids don’t get anything unless they become illegal and wait for next amnesty or legalization.

    Please call your Senator and Congressman and let them know that this bill punishes people who are following rules while awarding undocumented people. This is not a letter from anti immigrant bigot who opposes every thing based upon talking points circulated. This email is a reflection of my thoughts and what I am asking for a fair deal in the process. Please send this to as many American citizens as you can.

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  • ssss
    11-09 03:41 PM
    No FP notices yet. We havent called the USCIS till now.


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  • wa_Saiprasad
    07-04 09:29 PM
    My company paid for attorney fees. I don�t know the amount for that. My wild guess would be 4000$

    My pocket expense
    $680 - medical tests
    $75 - photographs
    $50 - mailing fees.
    $100 � Extra Day care expenses. My wife and I have wasted 2 working days for this filling, We had to work extra hours and week ends to compensate. Had to drop my kid at the day care extra hours when we were working extra hours.

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  • gvenkat
    01-13 07:32 PM
    Transit visa is the biggest fraud ever on the face of us. As a principle I NEVER traveled on Transit visa after it came in to existence.

    It's absolutely ridiculous to charge $$ for a visa where all you are going to do is take a dump in their airport.. :mad::mad::mad:

    Indians should not patronize airlines demanding transit visa. atleast people who need transit visa should not fly..


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  • gcnotfiledyet
    03-26 03:53 PM
    What does it tell you when you reach a situation where the laws and policies within individual US states start bearing resemblance to those used by medieval monarchies.

    It tells me to get the hell out of here and go back home. Pay Rs. 200 to that guy sitting outside dmv in India and get permit to drive. There is a limit to greed. If it becomes too inconvenient then I will be first one to leave this hellhole. I came here to live convenient life. If things here are inconvenient as compared to India then whats the point. You just get one life and you want to spend it struggling to get your right to drive? I sometimes don't understand myself for what am I doing here.

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  • rkanth12
    10-10 12:52 AM
    Beware of companies that have office in Ameerpet, Hyderabad. Most of them are phony companies.

    You are 200% true.


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  • wahwah
    06-05 10:28 AM
    you are correct. the new memo requires the adjudicator to approve the old i-140 first and then determine eligibility for porting. it doesn't mean that you can't port if i140 has not been approved.

    actually that is not what i understand...though we should wait for

    1. some lawyer to come up with clarifications.
    2. updates to the adjudicator field manual.

    i think this still upholds the memorandum with regards to porting off on unapproved i-140. if you notice the case they have cited "Matter of Al Wazzan" is date Oct, 2005 where as the favourable Yates memo came out in Dec 2005.

    what i understand is that they are just reiterating that porting off on unapproved i-140 is not automatic and requires that the adjudicator decide on the pending i-140 first before deciding wether the porting off is protected under AC21 or not.

    but again...i myself am waiting for clarifications from immigration law websites like and etc.

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  • eb3_nepa
    03-16 04:37 PM
    Thanks beppynyc. Fortunately nothing abt legals in that "warning". Does anyone know when the PACE and the TALENT act come up for debate?

    Unfortunately this bill seems to be a total fight between Senate v/s house, Demo v/s Repub, Repub v/s repub. Like Senator Specter said, there is almost No common vision.

    Still a little confused about what the actual stance is right now with Sen Frist's bill. Are they going to go ahead with the Frist bill or is the Senate Judiciary committee going to prevail?


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  • shantak
    03-25 08:40 AM
    Hello guys,
    I want to know if IV is in support of the STRIVE Bill or not. Should we ask the congressmen to vote for it or no? Your help is appreciated

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  • Imm_Exploited
    08-24 12:26 AM
    Can you vote as a GC applicant or even a permanent resident? NO

    You would think you could influence the Americans to support your cause and vote accordingly in the elections. FORGET IT!! Let alone the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.......17th generation American citizens, even the recently naturalized immigrants don't give a crap about us immigrants. The media and the politicians just have a field time with the immigrants (both legal and illegal) and some ignorant and dumb Americans (who don't usually vote) who get easily carried away by the emotions played both for and against immigration.

    The serious voters (this has been established by several polls) however, are quite aware that immigrants are not given relief and naturalized overnight and are obviously confident that it could take around 20 years for any immigrant to get naturalized. The issues for these serious voters are: Iraq war, economy (the dwindling housing market?), globalization, gay marriage, abortion, and imports from China.

    I wish good luck for IV and all those participating at the DC rally. NO, I can't make it, I am sorry.

    Ok..., but can you tell me how they are approving cses for PD EB3'2003 or Any EB3 cases daily, when EB3 is 'U', do you have answer for this.

    Since ther is plenty of approval going on everyday.

    They are not following any PD for the last 3-months approval, I don't believe any rule they have.Now they are already under pressure , and the pressure started already.They have to clean up.I don't think they will wait untill next year June, since Election is on Sept'2008.

    EB2/PD-Sept'2004/I-140 Approved.
    I-485 - Sent July5th.
    RD - ?
    AD -?
    Edit/Delete Message

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  • angelfire76
    01-03 04:16 PM
    I am not so sure where you get the impression that being a pilot is not a glamarous job any more. If you equate airline pilot to taxi drivers, you would probabily see planes dropping from sky like raining, and I bet few would dare to take commercial airline, unless one with suicidal tendency.
    However, that relates another interesting part about outsourcing: lots of people are saying outsourcing are good and you can get anyone to do the IT job, but it really turned out that lots of oursourced jobs are done so poorly that eventually it costs more for the company.

    I don't know how he/she equated handling a machine as complex as an airplane to a taxi cab. Bad analogy. Pilots are highly paid for a very good reason. Agreed that most of the maintenance is done by the ground crew but to make sense of the ever evolving flight instrumentation panel requires constant training and a significant amount of intelligence.

    Software in certain areas has become a commodity especially coding application software which makes up about 80-85% of all systems developed. But a lot of work such as technical specification, software architecture etc. are still being seen as primarily onsite functions.

    02-17 10:13 PM
    @ Saggi13, When did u file your I-140 & when was it approved? Does your situation mean that they have started processing your case?

    07-26 12:06 AM
    I think he would want to see a locksmith to get the damaged "lever" rectified before he sees a doctor lest someone should compromise the lock and break in while he is away to see the doctor.

    sorry i couldn't resist... all in the name of humor!:D

    While a pray for your "lever"....i will suggest u see a doctor asap!!!

    And I will also prescribe you channel all the pain into some positive energy by helping IV via contributions, volunteer work...and participatingin action items...all that is very rewarding!!! and will help you from going nuts, bananas and what have you!!


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