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  • nojoke
    10-20 06:34 PM
    I missed on some of the conversation here
    - '92-'00 was a good economic time because of the dot com boom.

    It happened because of Al Gore and policies of Clinton

    - the repubs were in charge of the house and senate, and they helped in part to frame/pass the policies during that time.

    I thought they are in charge till 2006? So what got changed from 1992-2000 and from 2000-2006?
    - the housing sector debacle started in the clinton era, when the dems pushed the fannie may & freddie mac to lower the lending standards to give loans to the people who couldn't afford it. though it sounded like a good objective they all knew that at one point it would boomerang.

    This credit problem was caused by not only Fannie/Freddie but due to deregulation of banking and finance sector that started from Regan era. Republicans are so proud of deregulation.

    - the dems did that for their own purposes:
    1. to gain the support of the lower income/middle income population which they did.

    And for Bush to be proud of the ownership society that he bragged about in 2004.

    2. to fatten their own wallets-they changed the compensation rules so that the more they loan out the more their compensation. the dem guy in charge of the loaning agencies earned 90 mil in 6 years.


    3. the top two beneficiaries of contribution from fm/fm were guess who chris dodd & barck obama (barack got 130K in just 3 years). not to mention the favorable interest rates on their mortgage loans.

    Not True. The employees of the firm gave to obama campaign. Companies are prohibited by law from giving donations. On the otherhand
    The New York Times has published a separate list looking at contributions from "directors, officers, and lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" for the 2008 campaign cycle. That list � using figures from the Federal Election Commission � shows McCain receiving $169,000, while Obama received only $16,000.

    - the US has prospered so far because of its capitalistic philosophy. it has advanced innovation, and entrepreneurship, because innovators know they'll be compensated for their hardwork. barack recently claimed he want's to spread the wealth around which is a socialist've seen that in the communist countries (no growth, poverty, and low standards).

    FOX news talking point. He meant tax the rich to give tax break for the middle class. If you are super rich then I understand your anger.
    Unregulated capitalism will cause serious trouble. We just found that out.

    - barack has had no accomplishment at executive decision made, no major legislation (bills) introduced or passed (let alone through bipartisan efforts). so all of a sudden to assume he's going to bring change is ridiculous. hillary would have made a better president of course the press decides/controls everything now.

    It is leadership skills. Not the most experienced skill that is needed. He obviously has the skills since he defeated the great clintons.

    - look at the huge spending plan he has (free giveaways to everybody) fund that he'll tax you and I (take away whatever money we've saved).

    FOX news talking points. He said he will give tax cut for middle class. Moreover McCain's spending plan is will have a deficit of 1trillion compared to 750billion from obama's plan. Google.

    - he's ambiguous on everything...he changed his initial position on almost everything, and not just once (again according to the audience)

    FOX news talking point again. No proof. McCain said economy fundamentally good then bad, he has a long list. I don't have time

    I don't think we need to go thru all this again. all i care now is my gc, and I don't think obama is for it. even if he says he's for it, you can't trust him. he'll change his position when it becomes unpopular.

    again be rational in your thinking.

    p.s with the limited time I had I wrote all don't pounce on any gramatical errors (of course the dems like to do that).

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  • GCNirvana007
    10-12 11:15 AM
    The part I didnt understand is how come you are so stupid? I hope you carry your passport when you go to the bathroom also because a dumb ass sheep like you probably needs it.

    Mr.Bhootia - It wont take a second to type back the same.

    I mentioned about LAW and you are calling me stupid, that explains how you roll isnt it.

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  • Jaime
    09-10 03:53 PM
    By the way, here's a funny (and sad but true) anecdote. I had already been on H1-B status with my current employer for over a year when I engaged HR to start my green card/adjustment of status process. The answer I got from the HR person was "Oh, sorry, but we don't sponsor"...I was frozen! Did not know whether to laugh or cry out loud! "But dear, you already have sponsored me!" I told the poor lady.....


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  • ita
    02-01 11:33 AM
    That's fine ..To show that we are in status form the last non-immigrant visa entry to 485 filing stage should we have our monthly stubs or will W2 be sufficient? I'm afraid I've some misplaced. Again thank you very much for your responses.

    >> Thank you very much for the response. I sent you a PM.
    I don't respond to Private Messages. If you have questions for me and would like to get my opinion on it, please post in forums here.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin


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  • greencard_fever
    03-15 06:13 PM
    what i am saying is how and why is it that inspite of the PD having been current as I detailed in my original post for so long during 2000-2005 for EB 2 India, why are there applicants from way back in 2002 and 2003 still waiting?

    Honestly, I thought they should have been already processed and gotten their Green cards by now.

    All I am trying to figure out is how many applicants from 2004-2005 are still in the proverbial 'PIPELINE' waiting. Unless they are done, the PD is not gonna move.

    If we can have it move conclusively to 2005-2006 regions relatively quickly, most problems are solved.

    BTW, what are the chances that the PD may become "Current" again for EB2/EB3 India over the next 40 months?


    like Name check delays and Backlog elimation of LC was done in last 2007 which might possible that quite a bit of LC with PD 2002 - 2004 was got approved and were not able to file 485 because EB2 was "U" after August-2007

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  • psaxena
    05-27 05:33 PM
    I am really laughing.... very true, there are a lot of dumbs on this forum

    The guy at Kino's was probably a dumb high school dropout and you have proved to be his match by posting it here....


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    08-15 11:03 PM
    I am wondering what part RD will paly in this new visa bulletin. In may case, I have PD of April 2002 (EB3-ROW) but RD of March 2007.

    I guess they will still go by RD and I have to wait for 5-6 months. Please correct me If I am wrong?

    That is because the quota system does not apply as well in the 4th quarter of each year. Thats the explanation previously given. EB India has to hope for the end of each fiscal year for some magic to happen.
    EB ROW, please be patient it will be all yours after Oct. 2007 for the next 9 months.:)
    Those EB India stuck in is either now or next year summer. If you don't see yours by Sep't, unless you have a PD pre go into hibernation and wake up in June or July 2008, you might find better luck at that time.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    04-04 09:22 AM
    I think this Bill will die like 2006 SKIL bill.

    I don't think so. Here is my view:

    I believe GC issue is root cause of the problem. Because people can not get GC for 6-7 years, employers (body-shoppers in real words) wants only H1 holder as they will work as slaves with them for years due to GC. This encourages them only to take H1B holders and not GC holders or citizens on payroll.

    If government removes retrogression, immediately 80% of the body-shoppers (blood suckers in real words) have to close their shops and H1 quota will be available to all.

    Common sense is not common.


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  • cps060
    01-31 04:50 PM
    Just to add further, I am on H1-B with I-140 approved too. Instate-tuition etc are not my concerns now. Just whether he can get I-539 approval or he should plan for H4.

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  • sapota
    08-15 05:39 PM
    Surprised by visa bulletin mentioning cutoff dates for EB1, EB2 & EB3 ROW & philipines instead of U.

    Does this mean EB1, EB2 & EB3 ROW cases are not backlogged ? (i.e USCIS approved all it could on July1st 2007 but still visa numbers left?)

    Or were these cases waiting for FBI check so could not use up visa numbers??

    Either way, in a month or so (after all July VB cases are entered into database, USCIS would know its true backlog). Wish it would announce such a backlog number and make realistic predictions for when cases will be approved.

    Given the recent announcement from whitehouse regarding expedited FBI checks, maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

    But hey, lets keep pushing, we dont want hope to be a mirage do we.
    Edit/Delete Message


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  • file485
    12-22 09:40 AM

    yes..the 485 was filed thru ex-employer based on future employment...

    so basically we submitted a future empl letter from ex-employer + the current employment letter with the current employer stating that I am working with the current employer with the same skills mentioned in the labor..

    the mess up was submitting the current empl.letter alongwith the G325a form which does not mention the current employer(which was prepared in June 07 before i found this job..)

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  • ak27
    01-19 09:21 PM
    Hello Members,
    I was able to attend Tri-State Con Call. These are actionable for us to increase IV membership and awareness..

    1. Meet the law members compaign. List of Congress Members is below:
    2. Media Campaign: Contact major media outlets and try to publish stories about EB Green card issues.
    3. Commercials in Theaters playing Hindi movies
    4. Distribute flayers on NJ Transit Buses, Trains and Grocery Stores.

    It is up to us to get these initiatives going as soon as we can.


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  • bigboy007
    06-19 05:11 PM
    its illegal to take color photocopies of driver licences, ONLY send b/w

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  • test101
    07-18 11:07 PM
    what is NSC phone number ? does any one know ? thanks


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  • PD_Dec2002
    07-05 04:41 PM
    nixstor, for all your efforts (and I admire them) here to promote people to join IV and contribute, check what other senior members are doing...they are driving new members (and potential contributors) away.

    See So what if the poster is using a substitute LC? Didn't logiclife quote today that unfortunately life is not fair?


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  • sbabunle
    07-02 09:46 AM
    Nobody is invincible or above the law here. If we have the right resource
    we could do that. Remember Pres: Clinton was impeached once.. As an organization our main problem is money. People often visit here to find a remedy for their proble, or to get some information. But the contributing members are very less. If we have right resources and right reasons we can bring anyone to their knees


    YOU PEOPLE understand first what i kept in the reply. I did not blame IV for doing other efforts..I am talking about facts about USCIS..So dont make fool us or yourself as IV or any other organization will not be able to attack USCIS..Bcoz USCIS is monarch..


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  • immigrant2007
    07-29 01:35 PM
    Add CareFirst - Blue Cross Blue Shield
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    All these companies take people on H1 and after an year of year an half they say they have changed policy and they can't file H1. They have big lawyers like M**** and R**** and those lawyers tell employers even if your employee is on 5th year and if you don't file GC (PERM) b4 365 days its alright.... we can send them out and re catpture time and all BS and ultimately employees suffer.... as they r in their 5th or some are in 6th year and are completely screwed up.
    We should think of taking some legal actions...

    advise forall my friends (ots free)
    don't comprise on these things on job here:

    Based on my experience here if you are good you will find your own way. Take everything in written or say no directly (it happens, no word of mouth)

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  • amitjoey
    01-18 12:32 PM

    This is what I found from other web site when I tried to get more membership to IV. These are the comments I received for the IV. How can we make people aware of our good faith effort. This is another road block we are facing. Many people will not believe that our efforts in full good faith. IV needs to put more emphasis on these issues also.

    Just opinions.


    Every time you stand out of the crowds, you will have to bear rotten eggs and tomatoes. This is no different. Anytime you do the right thing, there will be critics. Remember all of the people out there (Anti-Immigrants) who do not want IV to succeed.

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  • nomi
    12-12 10:38 AM
    We have asked an immigration lawyer this question. Someone even quoted all the sections of INA and CFR(code of federal regulations) to make the point -- that you can have regulation changed to file 485.

    The lawyer was of the opinion that you need change in INA to be able to file 485 when dates are not current. It cannot be done with administrative changes.

    Well... then I should not drop my Candian Immigration.

    12-28 05:30 PM
    For Detroit you can use
    I have already posted in miindia but we have to post for every 2 hours as their will be lot of activity in the forums and our ad may go back pages.

    07-09 07:28 PM
    1. In the first 3 quarters they are supposed to use 81%(3*27%) of 140,000 = 113400. They used up 140,000(which is not according to their regulation A).
    2. Regarding clause B, in June they could have used 14000(from June) + 47400(Remaining quota from previous months i.e 113400- 66000) = 61400. They used 74000 in June(which is not according to their regulation B).


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