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  • arrarrgee
    07-13 11:35 AM
    :p :p :p

    The details here
    Firstly, by investing $1 million and hiring 10 employees anywhere in the US. Secondly, investing $500,000 and hiring 10 employees in an area where the unemployment rate exceeds the national average unemployment rate by 150%. Thirdly, investing in regional centres designated by the INS that are eligible to receive immigrant investor capital. The US immigration and naturalization services (INS), United States citizenship and immigration services (US CIS) have approved over 20 regional centres.

    You're a bit confused. To get investor's visa, you need to invest either in certain underdeveloped areas (half a million will be sufficient), or you need to create a certain number of jobs with your investment/business. I wonder, however, if one would qualify by buying an expensive house and providing jobs for 10+ people maintaining your house on a full-time basis. :)

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  • dreamgc_real
    12-06 02:06 PM
    Dream Act is a moral issue and being fair to the kids who have made this country their own.

    Recapture - Legal immigrants who lost visa numbers due to bureaucratic mistakes, should not be punished. Most of the people seeking recapture have followed every law written in the books and this too is a moral issue - to be fair to the people who did everything right.

    Granted, both the dream act students and eb immigrants are in the mess, and it needs to be fixed. The only difference is that the Dream kids have been more vocal and active in getting people to back their issue than we have done.

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  • logiclife
    05-23 11:56 PM

    This is a house member. They will speak a lot of things. Plus, there is 435 of them. In the course of debate a lot of opinions will come across. I dont know if this guy from Indiana is on the conference, but the only person that really matters from the house side is Sensenbrenner. He will be on the conference. And all the provisions that are friendly to illegals will be thrown out of the bill during conference.

    Frankly, the amendments like orange card amendment of Feinstein was a waste of time. First of all it didnt even pass the senate, but had it been passed, provisions like Orange card would be something that Sensenbrenner would ask the Senators to leave it outside the door before walking to the table in conf committee.

    Cool down yaar. Let's wait for tommorow to see and hope that Frist and Reid dont start another pillow fight over the number of amendments.

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  • gcisadawg
    03-25 04:57 PM
    "contact us" gets so many messages everyday (which are first thoroughly cleared by security), that even standard acknowledgement takes days. I don't think your acknowledgement came after somebody read and understood your priority date or country limit immigration concerns.

    security clears of what? Anthrax?
    For heaven's sake, those are just text, right? I dont think we can do an attachment..


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  • jonty_11
    03-28 03:27 PM
    hi there! but what if mine's rcpt date is july 21? the last processing time was July 30, 2007??? my friend who has a rcpt date of July 19 got her gc already. Do you think they already finished processing the cases from July 20-July 30?? cause its been a month and they should finish it before they moved back because it's just 10 freakin days! right? last january 2008 they processed from april 2007-June 19 (my friend had hers already).. im so upset
    i know so close yet so far...that is the story of most no surprises...

    U r just in the last throes...hang in there...

    How USCIS works is not worth discussing...u can never get an answer from them even if u sue them.
    I know of people who got GC in 2001 in 6 months (from india) while my labor took forever...who can explain that (same state, same Company)....its just not worth the th eend of it all its still a lottery

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  • gatsat
    10-08 03:10 PM
    Hi. I am still unmarried. But i applied for my I-485 when it was current last month . My priority date iss Nov2004 in EB2. Currently it is April2004. I might not be able to get married till May2008. Would i be getting GC by then or is there chances of getting delayed. Please let me know
    Also, is there any way that i can keep postponing my application to be processed till i get married ? I filed in Augst 13th and still didnt get my receipt. Also my I-140 is in process in TSC.

    Please clarify.


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  • johnamit
    07-27 03:49 PM
    So if you run this query: select (current date - 26 days) + 180 days from sysibm.sysdummy1
    you will get "12/28/2007"

    So lets say Jan 1st to be on safe side, so this new year eve we can celebrate our independence from H1b employer. I marked on my calendar Independence day for me and lot of IV friends.

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  • balan2008
    07-07 05:46 PM
    Who ever is dependent, they have to be in the relationship with the Primary until the GC is approved. If the relationship gets broken before the GC approval, the dependent's GC will be denied. But again, if the USCIS is not aware of the divorce and no RFE's then even the dependent also gets approved. But one should always inform USCIS about their change in Status, it may be an Address Change, Employer Change, Marital Status change.
    The Primary's GC application will not be affected with the Divorce.

    Thanks for the valuable information. But we all know the I-485 process take long period of time. Mean time if I marry again, do I have to wait for the priority date to be current in order to Apply I-485 for my new wife?



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  • xbohdpukc
    03-05 02:57 PM
    I guess that's how much they value the American Dream, so let it be, I'll pay that price, no prob.

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  • matreen
    10-12 11:32 PM
    Thanks. Can someone get me USCIS contact number to get the status on receipts.....


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  • kewlchap
    04-06 01:15 AM
    Hello all,

    Anyone knows if there is a certain length of time that I need to be employed with my GC sponsor after 485 approval?

    I have heard 3-4 months, but I am wondering if there is legal time limit or if this is a "good faith" limit.

    Appreciate responses.

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  • hary536
    05-20 11:28 PM
    Dear Parshanthi Mam,

    Thanks for your advise. IF my company does not file an amendment, then will i go out of status? And if i apply for H1 transfer using the 32 hrs paycheck, then will they deny the transfer or just approve the transfer for consular processing?

    Thanks a lot again.

    1. As per Feb 20, 1992 USCIS memo, the full-time work is generally considered to be 35-40 hours per week or whatever is appropriate for the occupation. For example, air traffic controllers work 30 hours a week because of the stress. Then, in that case 30 hours would be "full time".

    2. The employer MUST notify the DOL and/or USCIS in advance by filing amended petition if the terms of the employment changes during the validity period of H1B1 petition.

    3. It is very common to file H1B amendment for changing from full time to part time, changing job location, or changes in job duties.

    Have a good day!

    Not a legal advice
    US citizen of Indian origin

    Your company must file an amended petition for the reduced hours, they will have to follow the current prev wage survey, might be a problem to get a transfer if the USICS notices the low wages, yes they might evaluate the case again.


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  • travellertvr
    03-22 01:38 PM
    I entered in the US on November 30, 2009 with H1-B visa valid till September 19, 2011, but passport expiration date was January 3, 2010. Customs and Border Protection officer put January 3, 2010 expiration date on my I-94. On December 11, 2009 I received new passport valid till December 11, 2014, but I-94 date has never been changed.

    I�ve applied for Green Card in 2010, labor certification has been approved on July 26, 2010, I-140 filed on November 16, 2010. My priority date is June 7, 2010.

    The lawyer I�m working with on my Green Card noticed that I was out of status in June, 2010. She suggested extension of H-1B visa. This was done, and my new H-1B dates are 10/18/2010 till 01/03/2013.

    According to my lawyer, new H-1B returned me back in status and working legally in the US, but it didn�t solve the problem of being out of status more than 180 days. And if I leave US now, there will be 3 year ban to enter back.

    Please advise if that�s correct and if there is any solution to this problem? If I leave US now, will I be banned 3 years to enter, even though my H1-B and I-94 now have all valid dates?

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  • CaliGC
    06-15 04:31 PM
    see the reply
    Any reason why your case was transferred to local office? Our PD is becoming current on July 1st do you recommend me taking an appointment and visiting the local office? please suggest.

    Also, please elobrate the interview information you had, and what you carried for the interview.



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  • srkumar_2k
    07-26 09:31 AM
    The Link is not working.

    Actually I am going to apply EAD for future purpose. In near future i am not going to change my current employer. If i continue to work with same employer after getting EAD, Will i be on H1B or EAD status?

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  • Sakthisagar
    06-11 11:35 AM
    Having a "current" priority date, however, does not assure that a case will be adjudicated. The CIS, despite policy pronouncements to the contrary, clearly does not process cases on a "first in, first out" basis. Indeed, there does not appear to be any rational basis for their case selection scheme. The CIS Ombudsman has accused them of "picking the low hanging fruit" - meaning that they take "easy" cases in preference to "harder" cases, no matter when filed.

    Applicants should not reasonably expect the CIS to adjudicate their pending adjustment of status applications shortly after their priority dates become current. Understand that when your priority date becomes current, that is just the start of the fight. You need to initiate vigorous inquiries through the CIS Ombudsman's office, the office of one of your Senators or your Congressman, and your own written inquiries and InfoPass appointment inquiries. Do not sit back and assume that they will do the right thing. Get on them and stay on them until your case is adjudicated.

    Most important of all, do not simply assume that when your priority date becomes current, your case will be approved.


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  • Beta_mle
    09-10 07:23 AM
    AFAIK, as long as the core duties mentioned in the LC don't change considerably (by more than 50%), the company can promote you anytime.

    I just watched the video on the front page promoting the rally and it seemed to say that your salary must remain within 5% of the amount stated in the I-140. Is this correct? This appears to contradict your answer. It also does not make sense. I am in this situation, I-140 approved with PD in '06, I-485 filed in July. My company gives raises of a few percent every year, and I would suppose most companies do. Surely it is not realistic for a person to stay at the same salary for however long it takes to adjudicate the AOS?

    Could someone please address this?


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  • sriramkalyan
    01-03 01:24 PM
    Just contributed $20 ..

    Will do monthly all through the year 2007.

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  • digitalrain
    06-24 08:13 PM
    Hi, I'm in a desperate situation.I am an asylee and have filed for my LPR.My asylee relative petition has been approved for my wife.
    My problem is: a have a newborn baby who resides with my wife outside US and the US Embassy did not issue him any kind of visa,since my wife went for the interview after the petition was approved.She is all set and done,but my baby got born after I've been granted asylum and couldn't file the asylee relative petition for him.The law says that babies born after the asylum decision are not eligible for derivative asylum.I read that Humanitarian Parole would be a solution for these cases,but the officer at the embassy claimed that I should file a relative petition for him ,or file for humanitarian parole here in the US.
    My question is can my wife file for Humanitarian Parole at the US embassy,or is there any other way
    I read that US Embassies abroad are authorized to issue humanitarian paroles.I think this is the mos inhuman decision I ever heard of and it's about my baby.
    I would really appreciate any help

    (This is what I found on the internet)
    FEB. 28 2008

    5) I-730 CASE or HUMANITARIAN PAROLE? What can be done for the
    beneficiary spouse of an I-730 Asylee Relative petition if she gets
    pregnant and has a child (from the petitioner, of course) after the
    petitioner was granted asylum �therefore this new child is not considered
    a derivative- but before she completes the Visa 92 process at the US
    Embassy. Does the US Embassy have the authority to parole the
    newborn child for him to join the rest of the family in the US?

    Answer: If the child was in utero at the time of the asylum grant the
    regulations provide benefit to that child as a derivative under 208.21(b). If
    the child was not in utero and the relationship with the child was after the
    asylum grant, then a I-730 petition can not be filed on behalf of this child.
    The U.S. Embassy does have the authority to grant a humanitarian parole
    and that would need to be addressed with the U.S. Embassy.

    05-24 10:30 AM
    Recently in a IIT meet and IISC meet we came across a huge number of folks in EB2 on GC wait., I was told their numbers exceed 1000 plus through the internal IIT network.. so if they consume X number just in Bay area, what about rest of US. Live happily while you are here, enjoy the weather and do not pin hopes on US. Think that you were fortunate to come here in prime of youth and learnt a thing or two..

    Honestly how many points we score really does not matter if the visa country cap is too low. Most of us, coming from India, China etc. score almost the same points and getting TOEFL is a piece of cake if you need to improve your points.

    It's pointless to break our heads calculating these points, everything is in limbo right now and the only best advise for new GC aspirants especially those coming from retrogressed countries is locking the priority date by applying LC under the old system.

    03-28 01:39 AM

    My PERM ad was placed and the lawyer said there are responses and company will have to take recruitment steps before he can file.

    Company say he has done recruitment and sent report to lawyer. Lawyer says no, I have not received recruitment report. What is this recruitment report ? Is the PERM application not strong if there are responses.

    I am really struggling between lawyer and company. Any thoughts. They seem to be dodging me after taking money. If i have some details from experinced gurus, I can talk to them. Else, they just delay after taking legal fee.

    Please help


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