systems of body

systems of body. human-ody-major-systems-
  • human-ody-major-systems-

  • Unggoy Murderer
    Apr 26, 01:17 PM
    I think Apple deserves to trademark the word App or App Store. When I see App Store, I think Apple. Companies who effectively steal Apples hard work should be made to change their name because I believe Apple did make mainstream use of the word, I had never heard anyone say App before the App store.

    systems of body. Body Systems
  • Body Systems

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 12:43 PM
    Which anti-war groups picket veteran's funerals? The only group that I'm aware of is the Westboro Christian anti-gay Church.

    I don't think it's a group like that church is, but mere people gathering to picket anything military. In Santa Barbara, CA they go up and down the streets with signs saying "oppose the military", "attack a veteran", "praise there death since it's what they deserved", etc.

    systems of body. Body Support Systems
  • Body Support Systems

  • MauiMac
    Jul 18, 03:06 AM
    WOW! "Think Secret" is really putting its reputation on the line by making this ("WWDC surprise: Apple to announce iTunes movie rentals" and Second-gen iPod nano on tap for August") two statements! What are the chances of Jobs announcing movie rentals and second-gen ipod nanos at WWDC (of all places) (in addition to 10.5 and MacPros)? But with Jobs, who knows what will be announced. "One more thing"... oh and wait just "One more thing"... :confused: :confused: :confused:

    systems of body. to the ody#39;s systems and
  • to the ody#39;s systems and

  • slffl
    Nov 29, 03:30 PM
    To me the iTV is going to be Apples take on the Slingbox, and I can't wait to see it!!!

    systems of body. to other ody systems.
  • to other ody systems.

  • Irishman
    Apr 22, 09:32 AM

    21.5" (1920x1080) display
    3.5 GHz i3 processor
    8 GB RAM
    1 TB HD
    ATI Radeon HD 4870 (256MB)
    HDMI out


    That is the one I'll be getting. Why an i3 SB and not an i7 SB? I don't see Apple using an i3 in anything


    systems of body. the whole ody.
  • the whole ody.

  • abrooks
    Oct 23, 07:18 AM
    You do know that you'll be getting a US-formatted keyboard and AC adapter, yes?

    Worth it, he could end up saving several hundred pounds!

    I always by my portables in America.

    systems of body. The human ody has several
  • The human ody has several

  • moobookpro
    Oct 23, 09:24 PM

    i'm trying to put all of this core 2 duo hype into perspective. there have been rumors about new pro's for the last 2 months. at this rate, no one will ever purchase a new mac notebook.

    prove to me how a core 2 duo chip will make my EVERYDAY computing that more productive compared to a core duo.

    I stand by my point that you will be only shaving seconds of waiting for your stuff to run. a real wank...

    if you are gonna wait - macworld 07 will be the big update.

    I'll grant you some slack on a lot of the points you've made, but I simply can't sit here and read your smug comments about people waiting for the C2D without pointing out at least one thing you are missing. Just exactly how do you expect your Core Duo MBP to support 64-bit instructions when Leopard comes out? Oh, that's right. It won't. You're severely misguided if you think that won't make a difference.

    systems of body. Written Work Sample
  • Written Work Sample

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 2, 08:57 PM
    This is something people need to realize once in a while. It�s not about CPU and RAM. A Droid Incredible can have an 8 megapixel camera, and the photo quality may be not be the best people expect. An iPhone 4 can have 5 megapixels in a sensor and people are delighted with the quality!

    Specs are nice, but learning that it actually WORKS, is something other.

    My HTC Incredible came with a 73 page manual. . . I get loads of pop-ups asking me if I want to do this or that. . . They disappear while I'm trying to figure out which course of action I want to take. . . The 73 page manual doesn't mention them. That's why it's not "Magical." it's "Incredible."

    systems of body. Digestive Licensable
  • Digestive Licensable

  • Applespider
    Jul 19, 04:39 PM
    Wow, already up to 75% intel machines. So much for the stupid notion that nobody wants intel because there are still big apps that aren't universal.

    No, 75% of Macs sold in the last 3 months were Intels which given that most of the Macs are Intels, isn't that surprising.

    The OS X install base has around 940,000 Intel users and several million PPC users

    systems of body. Human Body Systems WebQuest
  • Human Body Systems WebQuest

  • FubsyGamr
    Sep 20, 01:46 PM
    Ok guys, I'm torn between two cases. First of all, I just got a case from Amazon, the MiniSuit, and I hate it! )= This was my first case for my first iPod Touch, and I was very disappointed. It is silicone/rubbery, but it is like a magnet for lint, hair, dust, and anything else I don't want to go on it. I put it in my pocket (my pockets are relatively clean, nothing too out of the ordinary) and when I pulled it out, it was just covered in lint. I tried to brush it off, but it won't 'brush off' because the rubber is too sticky. Also, the case is not snug at all, and the sides are always slipping off. Not happy. I am returning the case.

    So now, after scouring these forums, I have seen two cases that I think I will like a lot, but I am not sure which I should get. I am hoping some of you will have some personal experience and can help me out!

    The first is the dermaSHOT ( I am worried, however, that I will have the same problem with lint-magnet, because it is also made of silicone. Any ideas there?

    The other is one of the Melkco Leather Cases ( Back when I had my first iPod (it was the iPod 3g or 4g, the first to play videos) I had a case very similar and I loved it! Does anyone have any reviews/tips on this case?

    Anywho, any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

    systems of body. Systems: A Body Systems
  • Systems: A Body Systems

  • yukyuklee
    Feb 24, 10:58 PM
    nice clean setup.
    Thanks man! I got the idea from you lol

    Do I see a white iPhone 3G/3GS peeking in there?

    LOL good eyes! Yes a 16GB iPhone 3GS but it's gone to my gf... I upgraded to the iPhone4 :)

    systems of body. This is a human ody.
  • This is a human ody.

  • swingerofbirch
    Sep 6, 11:30 PM
    I think fixed pricing for movie purchases would encourage better movie production. There are crappy movies that quickly become $7 on DVD after they are released. And there are ones that stay around $17-19.

    I have one sort of off topic question: has anyone ever bought a DVD at 7-11 or Eckerd for $24.99? Why would anyone do that? It makes me sad to think people might not know they are paying three times more than they have to. Maybe I'm just too jaded.

    systems of body. developed nervous systems
  • developed nervous systems

  • mrkramer
    Mar 22, 03:57 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy. I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.

    There are a lot of people who are born gay. There are also people who were born as bisexuals and then made a choice to either be strait or gay, which probably was the case for your friend.

    systems of body. systems of ody.
  • systems of ody.

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 8, 03:43 AM
    Well, they don't necessarily need to field troops that shoot rifles. Having a ground force can mean a lot of different things, including spec ops. I think one feasible solution may be to have US troops field artillery. This might be one of those opportunites to test "smart artillery" on those trenches near civilians and hospitals. They might also try to blow up more tanks so they can sell them more refurbished M1 Abrams later. I think smart artillery is more economical than aerial bombing runs to blow up some cheap russian tanks.

    systems of body. about these ody systems;
  • about these ody systems;

  • Nuvi
    Apr 13, 02:10 AM
    PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.

    First of all we have no idea what full price of FCS (like?) suit is. Is it $300 for each app or what? Do they deliver also on physical discs and with printed manuals (we want real manuals)? If you think about upgrade pricing, the current FCS suit upgrade is around $300 so if Apple starts asking that money for each of the FCS suit app upgrades via App Store (without physical media or manuals) then upgrade to Avid MC Production Suit under $1000 is cheap option for old FCP users.

    systems of body. Body System—Body View
  • Body System—Body View

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    ^^ Ach, Miata. *shudder*

    I try, as a rule, not to drive or ride in a car smaller than myself. :D

    systems of body. 4-ody-systems.jpg
  • 4-ody-systems.jpg

  • MacLuvin
    Apr 6, 07:56 AM
    Ok I'm using a Late 2008 MBP model, 2.4 ghz IC2D , 4gig ram. But Launchpad is lagging for me big time, when I try to scroll thru my apps for instance. and when i switch windows its not always flowing. Now I know LION still has a few miles to go before it works perfectly, however I wanna know if its the same for other developers with later MBP's or does it flow perfectly?

    systems of body. muscular system which I
  • muscular system which I

  • PodJack
    Oct 14, 06:51 PM
    Does anyone know about a case with an LED flash or something of the like? Doesn't even need to actually be a case, it could be some sort of add-on. I try and I try but I can't find one... Anyone with info please reply!

    systems of body. the Immune System (which
  • the Immune System (which

  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:39 AM
    So the only way to use a thumb drive or download photos from a camera or sync your iPod/iPhone is through your dock when you're at home???

    This IS the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while.

    Yeah I guess there are a lot of problems with this.

    But how cool would it be if the sides were completely clean. Maybe they could have a USB and audio output one the side that has a cover that slides over when it is not being used.

    I remember when wifi came out and there were all of these commercials about how there were no wires.

    But now there will never be any wires ever.

    I am just wishful thinking and do not actually know about the complexity that this kind of charging entails but it sounds cool if it worked.

    Oct 23, 07:58 PM
    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.

    Apple is attending, but no keynote, so I'll put my money on tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 24 for the MBPs, with the Macbooks 4 weeks later (Nov. 21), still in time for Black Friday, which will be Nov. 24. This will allow Apple to take advantage of pent-up demand for new machines by selling the higher-priced MPBs before the new MacBooks are introduced, and still have the consumer-oriented machines ready for the biggest consumer retail day of the year.

    Specs? Core2 Duo 2.16 GHz base 15" model with GeForce Go 7300 and 100 GB HD, upgraded 2.33 GHz 15" with GeForce Go 7600 and 120 GB HD, and 17" with similar specs to the mid-range model except a 160 GB HD. All with 8X DL SuperDrive and (gasp!) 1 GB RAM (single DIMM), upgradeable to 3 GB. Prices should stay about the same.

    As for MacBooks, I expect 1.83 and 2.0 GHz Core2 Duos, with (again!) 1 GB RAM (2 DIMMS), and HDs bumped to 80 GB for the white MacBooks and 100 GB for the BlackBook. Sorry, but Intel Integrated Graphics are in the Macbooks to stay, at least in the near future. Prices should again stay about the same.

    Apr 23, 11:37 AM
    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    It's a good feature because Apple has it, otherwise he would be in an uproar.

    Mar 18, 05:53 PM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....
    Everyone is buying IBMs and if Apple doesn't do something then they are dead. I love my Macintoshes but Apple needs market share to grow !

    Apple needs customers, Apple needs to start thinking out of their little 5% market share. The Ipod was a good example but you can't keep on counting on people to buy it. For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac - this is just one example where Apple is starting to make software because companies are leaving the platform.

    We need a cheap Mac to bring in new Customers. Maybe its their first Mac experience.

    NC MacGuy
    Jan 11, 07:14 PM
    I certainly hope they do in fact introduce a new thin MB - MBP. If not, his would be the second MW in a row with a huge letdown for computer users mobile or otherwise. Getting tired of itunes content crap, iphone (& in europe....), buggy leopard, appletv - junk. I want a NEW LAPTOP to replace my departed PB12". MB's too heavy, MBP's too big. The poor mini, ignored. MacPro, MB, MBP, even Imac incremental updates - I need a new computer. I HATE my MB and can't wait to dump it on someone else. If MW '08 is a hypefest for new overpriced movie rentals I will cry and stomp my feet and hold my breath - and then buy a Sony or Asus laptop.

    Jul 19, 07:27 PM
    Such short memories...

    2001-Q1 would be when the " Bubble" burst. The whole PC industry tanked, not just Apple. Motorola was also struggling to bring faster G4 processors to market, if I remember correctly.

    Ah, those were the days.

    A one page web-site, drooling capital venurists, a silly name like "", and the day of your IPO your stock was $100 a share. Set for life I tell ya.


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