johnny depp kids choice 2011

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  • PlaceofDis
    Oct 23, 09:02 AM
    So this is true?? I suppose this isn't any different than Apple saying that you can't run Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware, is it?

    yes its true for running things like parallels, Boot Camp however is just fine with all editions of Vista, afaik

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  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 19, 07:55 AM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.

    Too bad for those of us who wish they would divert a little more of their attention to their computer line.

    Did I not see that 58% of the revenue came from the computers? How does this make the iPod the cash cow?

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  • Lollypop
    Oct 24, 07:54 AM
    im glad they returned FW800 to the 15inch model.

    Nice processor upgrade as well, and the 3 gig memory options are great, makes the macbook pro (i actually typed powerbook the first time around.. still not use to it) a serious condender again for the pro apps like apperture and final cut, it use to be very hard to get away with just one mobile mac without a tower for the power but the new revision really looks great!

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  • leon44
    Mar 31, 02:47 PM
    I like it,
    its a calendar, it looks like what it does, with MobileMe its the exact same calendar as the one on my iPhone and iPad, now it looks the same
    love the continuity in the calendars! if windows look different from each other it's a good thing, because they all do different things.


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  • Kirbdog
    Jul 25, 09:58 AM
    Just placed my order. Saved $8 with education discount but shipping cost 6 cause it took the price below the free shipping limit. What to do with the 2 bucks I saved by being thrifty!
    Now I will have 2 computers and 4 mouse's (1BT, 2 wired MT's and 1 BT MT). Lucky I have friends that will take my hand me downs. :)
    Shipping in 6-8 weeks in Canada, I will have forgot I ordered it by the time it arrives.

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  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 14, 08:53 AM
    They probably made a change to the app store to add items to the "list of supported devices" and the developer left his test string in there. The Mac app store and iTunes app store probably share that bit of code, hence the mention of "mac". Its most probably meaningless.


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  • kbmb
    Apr 12, 09:52 AM
    And what exactly do you plan to run on that extra horsepower? What effect does it have on battery power.

    Congratulations on being caught up with the sheep in the new CPU clock speed race.

    WHAT? Can't I send texts twice as fast? Check my Facebook page more often with a dual core?

    :confused: :D


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  • steadysignal
    Apr 12, 07:12 PM
    [citation needed]

    well done.

    it is macrumors, after all.


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  • gameface
    May 2, 02:58 AM
    I guess that'll teach him for using his real address on Playstation Network.

    I chuckled. But wouldn't it have been more advantageous to empty his bank account first? ;)

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 15, 11:34 PM
    Where's drag and drop tabs in Safari-Firefox has that.


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  • lgutie20
    May 4, 09:57 AM
    because if apple is going to say a new iphone is coming, only a fool will buy the old one at full price

    i bet a new is coming in June but apple doesn't want to see a sales drop off. anyone that asks me i tell them that expect a new one in June and don't buy the 4 since it's stone age tech by now

    Point proven by Nintendo's silly move to tell everyone about Project Cafe. Wiis weren't selling before and now they'll sell even less.

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  • zeemeerman2
    Apr 14, 05:14 AM
    Well, it is almost time for a new iMac to be released, isn't it? (Or a Mac Mini, Mac Pro, or MacBook for that sake)

    iX... At first you could think about the Roman Number 9. But as you all know, in the upper part of X, you can also find the Roman number V. So that makes 14 then. (IX + V)

    Now, the iMac shipped in 1998, while now it's 2011. 13 years of difference. Almost fourteen. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe that's a hint from Apple?

    Then you got Mac, with a capital M, and a lowercase a and c. In M you can find I, V, and I, which together make (IV + I) 5. In a you can find c and I, which totals in 11 (C+I). Then you got the c, which of course, just translates in 10.
    5 + 11 + 10 equals 26. As much as all letters in the Roman (aka Latin) alphabet.

    Which leads us to believe that we have not to count the Roman numbers, but just the Roman letters.
    M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.
    A is the first letter of the alphabet.
    C is the 3rd letter of the alphabet.
    TOTAL: 17.

    Now we all know Apple's marketing. And you know that's a hint from the name in the title: MarketingName. Big words mean more to Apple than big numbers. "This computer is fantastic" is more advertised than "This computer has 8 GB of RAM". So that can conclude that we'll have to substract the Roman numbers from the Roman letters.

    26 - 17 = 9. Nine indeed. Got it?

    9 was also the number iX, which we started with. This leads us to believe we have to be on the right track.

    Now what are those dots in between the words?

    Anyone else can further elaborate this? Thanks for your help.

    Edit: I forgot the lower case i in iX. I used it as an uppercase letter. So maybe that only counts as 0.5 instead? So that equals 13.5 with the V included. That only gives Apple 6 months to finish the new unknown thing!


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  • KT Walrus
    Apr 13, 02:42 PM
    Makes more sense to me that Apple would work to standardize AirPlay as a built-in feature of all new HDTV's, blu-ray players, and other set top boxes like Apple TV. In addition to AirPlay input to the HDTV, the HDTV would do AirPlay output from a TV connected webcam/microphone (if any). I don't see Apple trying to sell actual HDTVs, but the iPad would make a great SmartTV content controller that would replace the need for an Apple TV module.

    The existing Apple TV could just evolve into an iOS app.

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  • OneMike
    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    don't believe


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  • farmboy
    Apr 14, 09:22 AM
    Guys, which one should I get?

    I've been trying to score an iPad2 and now here comes the new ix.Mac.MarketingName, which sounds awesome! So between this and iPad2, ATV2, Air, MBP, iPhone, Mac Pro, Nano and iMac, what should I get?

    Mostly I would use this for web surfing and light photo editing, but it also needs to dry laundry and serve as daily transportation for my 8 mile commute. But, I'm worried the new ix.Mac.MarketingName requires Z-rated tires, which are quite expensive. I'm also curious whether, with the right apps, the ix.Mac.MarketingName can serve as a prophylactic or if it's better to have a dedicated device for that.

    So, whaddya think? What other ix.Mac.MarketingName rumors have you heard? :apple:

    Why would you want one? Apple is once again using outdated tech for ix.MMN�. The specs on everything else are so much better. And I'm so tired of the ix.MMN Closed Garden.

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  • Michael Scrip
    May 4, 04:08 AM
    I don't think Apple can continuously afford to do that though. Everyone can see that Android is making a stand and a strong one at that. Improving market share more than others still while some are even declining.

    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Apple sells phones... and quite a lot of them. 18 million iPhones last quarter... and 16 million in the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would kill for those numbers.

    If iPhone sales drop to ZERO... then we can talk about Apple rethinking their strategy. Until then... Apple will continue to sell hundreds of thousands of phones every day... further positioning themselves away from bankruptcy.


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  • kcmac
    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    I don't mind the looks of it. I have the iPhone 4 and after getting the iPad 2 feel like the 4 is too boxy. Love the curved sides of the iPad 2.

    Wondering where the antenna is on this mock up. Is it the entire back? What is the outline around the side view? A clear covering? Or just artwork?

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  • Keleko
    Apr 10, 07:53 PM
    Feeling a bit unmotivated today for a picture. I went for the quick and easy macro. (

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  • D4F
    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    They can always try.
    Please can we have some rumors abour iOS5 maybe?

    2 Replies
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Being a non-jetsetting 3gs user, this isn't really worth it for me. Maybe I'll get it sometime, but no rush here. :-p

    But seeing that it "Contains the latest security updates"...
    It would really be nice if small patches and updates like that were distributed through the iOS app store.
    OTA updates would be a GOOD thing.
    (Especially since Apple store employees are known for insisting iPhone users and iPad users don't necessarily NEED a computer. :-/ )

    May 3, 07:47 AM
    Looks good.

    Jul 25, 02:15 AM
    Please let this be true. I want to get rid of all non-locking connectors, and this is just what the doctor ordered...

    Jul 25, 10:07 AM
    look at the bottom of

    what's this?

    Mighty Mouse � Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    i thought apple made them :S

    Oct 18, 08:02 PM
    Those numbers are sweet but I would like to see a breakdown of each model. Also the market worldwide if im not mistaken is growing at what 10% a year yet Apples desk tops grew at 4%? If so why?
    Is the 10% growth in the desktop market? I thought 10% was for the PC market as a whole. In which case Apple's overall growth is above that.


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