2011 calendar wallpaper desktop

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  • MacsAttack
    Jan 12, 07:00 PM
    Actually, I believe it wasn't released at MacWorld for two reasons...

    1) Time. They keynote ran about 2 hours as is (already above the average). Introducing two new software suites would easily add another 45 minutes (making the event much too long).

    2) The focus was clearly the iPhone, and Jobs didn't want anything to steal its glory.

    It makes much more sense to introduce the iPhone at MacWorld and have a separate event for Leopard, iLife, and iWork.


    Mac World

    But we got no Macs

    And both items are pitched at he US market - not the world market (need to get movie downloads onto other iTunes stores for the Apple TV to be a compelling product)

    Oh - and I don't own a mobile phone and have no intention of getting one. Just a rat hole for suckers to pour money down :D

    Have not watched the keynote. Not going to bother.

    I'd like to see a bit more commitment from Apple (the company previously known as Apple Computers) on the computer side before I consider recomending any kind of Mac to people again.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. desktop 2011 calendar
  • desktop 2011 calendar

  • BC2009
    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    Doesn't look too bad but on the other hand, the screen doesn't even look that noticeably bigger either (to the point of, "What is the point?"). And if even resizing it like that would make developers have to re-do their apps (I don't know how that works but I've heard people say with how iOS works, re-sizing would mean having to re-program apps), I'd say it's not worth it.

    (I'm one of the ones who don't want a bigger screen due to the fact I don't want a bigger phone and I don't think they could squeeze a bigger one in without sacrificing usability and/or aesthetics. Bezels are useful for giving you some area to grip. This one doesn't look too bad for my concerns but honestly, it doesn't seem to give you a noticeable increase in screen size).

    Resizing only means having to rewrite apps if the screen resolution changes -- especially if it changes by something other than a whole-number multiple (e.g. 1.5x versus 2x). All rumors indicate a 3.7-inch screen iPhone would have the same Retina-Display resolution (still maintaining over 300dpi).

    Technically their "Retina-Display" stuff is based also on typical viewing distance as well -- so a "Retina Display" iPad, iMac, or MacBook (assuming those are in the works) may not go as high as 300dpi. However, a Retina-Display iPad would like require the same pixel-doubling (2x) that was done for apps not optimized for the Retina Display until updates came that included higher-resolution graphics.

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 10:08 PM
    too bad osx cant utilise GPUs and whatnot. :( otherwise id let my 4850 have a crack - better then the CPU thats for sure!

    yeah i wish they had gpu folding for mac os x. but really, there aren't that many mac video cards

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 8 Free 2011 Calendar Design
  • 8 Free 2011 Calendar Design

  • 8CoreWhore
    Apr 29, 04:08 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    Just go Linux...

    Heck, just keep SL, and triple boot W7, and Linux. Best of all worlds.


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. march 2011 calendar wallpaper.
  • march 2011 calendar wallpaper.

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 02:28 AM
    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?

    remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?

    I would love to see you come up with something revolutionary.

    The hardware, what do you want them to do? Come out with a floating phone? They do have to make something that is relatively affordable. They can't possibly make a platinum apple phone with surround sound speakers floating around it and tag it at $20,000. You would complain anyway.

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  • dc52nv
    Apr 7, 01:50 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    my pants are ruined!


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 calendar wallpaper
  • 2011 calendar wallpaper

  • BBEmployee
    Apr 8, 02:42 PM
    I'm a current employee at Best Buy and thought I'd offer my two cents on a few issues.

    First, I don't really like Best Buy. I got a job there to work for around 4 hours a week to get the generous discount. It's particularly generous when dealing with open-box items. Even so, I am miserable leading up to heading in and I do not enjoy the time that I spend there. Thankfully, I have a good full-time job plus a lot of side work and I'm planning on quitting in the next month or so as the thrill of the discount has long worn off.

    That said, I have no problem being very open and honest about Best Buy and my experiences there.

    In regards to the iPad situation, I haven't been in since this issue came up and won't be in for awhile, so I don't really know what the buzz is on this matter exactly. I do know that they wouldn't put a freeze on selling new iPad 2 stock if they regularly had it for a random promotion, if only for the very reason that many think caused the initial problem: quota.

    I'm betting 1 of 2 things happened:

    1) They did indeed get in trouble with Apple for something. Sure, it's possible, and it's the easiest reasonable conclusion. I don't know why this would be though, and I'm skeptical about the whole hording thing. And again, this is coming from someone who has access to the inventory systems and all the places that would hide "horded" iPads. Plus, I have a good enough relationship with multiple managers (ones who know the score about Best Buy in an objective world...) who would be honest about this with me.

    Generally speaking, when they say there are no iPads for sale, there are no iPads for sale. It's really that simple. Demand is real, and supply is lacking. When we have them for sale, they're in the cages, and this would occur after passing through the pre-order system. White Verizon iPads tend to be the ones most often available, usually just a couple, and they're gone almost immediately all the same.

    Another factor in the equation though is processing shipments. I saw someone noted that after an open-box controversy between two customers, the manager was able to procure a new iPad 2 for a disappointed customer when apparently there were none for sale. Well, there probably weren't. He either bumped someone back on the pre-order list to be nice to the pissed off customer in the store or perhaps a shipment came in on the truck that had yet to be processed and he worked it out with the ops team to get them to process one so he could get it out. Oftentimes the managers do actually try to make the customer happy, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. The ops guys have their procedures, and it's rarely slimy in intent so much as rooted in overall efficiency, so sometimes a shipment won't go to the floor for sales until the next day because the processing takes time. If the manager pushes to work something out in that situation, the manager is doing you a favor and pissing off some ops guys to do so.

    Anyways, on to the 2nd scenario...

    2) This is what I'd really venture to bet is the problem: the pre-order system is a huge mess. It was a rush job authorized by corporate at the last minute and handled by less-than-informed employees who were also in a rush. From day 1 it was clear that problems were going to creep up, and they absolutely have. Nobody in store is happy about it. The employees don't like telling customers that they have to wait on a pre-order list, they don't like the 48 hour pickup window, they don't like having to deal with customers pissing and moaning and crying about conspiracy theories when only a 64 GB white Verizon iPad 2 is available once in a blue moon when a pre-order turns it down. It's not fun, for anyone, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it.

    So what I'm guessing is really happening is that Best Buy is just digging out of this pre-order mess as fast as possible and skipping anything else until they get past the ramifications of a stupid decision. Considering there's little to skip seeing as supply is so low and we rarely have the most in-demand models available anyways, it's easier for them to just bow out of this for a couple of weeks and in a sense re-launch the normal sales when supplies are less constrained and they don't have a stupid pre-order process hanging over their heads. It's a cut and dry move that will allow them to gear up again in a more normal, focused way. Considering how things have gone there in the last month in dealing with anything iPad related, this might be the best decision for them.

    All in all, Best Buy is Best Buy: a brick and mortar retailer lost in an internet-connected world. Best Buy isn't nearly as evil as they are lost and longing for the 20th century. Sure, there's a lot of margin on accessories, but it's because there's more often than not no margin on anything else. They don't make much money at all on TV's and Computers anymore. If they're on sale, and at Best Buy, almost everything is always "On Sale," it's likely at cost or within a few dollars of cost. There's little margin in the shrinking physical media world either. The only departments with major products that have margin still are appliances and for certain stores, musical instruments. This is why Best Buy will likely be dead in 5 years if they don't drastically change their business model. They did a better job at adapting to the new world than other electronics chains, but they haven't done nearly enough. It's not an easy business at this point though as it has as much to do with dealing with suppliers suffering the same pinch and customers who want to have it all but don't want to pay for it.

    Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.

    As far as the employees, the biggest shock to me after working at Best Buy was realizing that so much of the supposed employee ignorance has more to do with incessantly having to dumb things down to the most absurd of levels with customers. 90% of the people who come in are nice people who just don't know much of anything about what they're buying. You have to learn to communicate on their level and not over-complicate things for them. It's easy to get stuck in that default mode and you have to actively snap yourself out of it on the rare occasion when you get customers who can actually hold their own in a conversation about the technology. And make no mistake, it's a huge relief for most of us when that happens because most of us that work there actually are pretty excited about the technology.

    Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me. The employees actually know their stuff and are honest with the customers. They also work as a team because the management pushes it and thankfully we don't have commission to muck things up. And customers do love us for it. You'd be shocked by how often a selling relationship turns into a friendship practically at our particular store. We get invited out after work all the time. Honesty goes a long ways, and when you're helping people save money by making sure they make a smart decision for their needs, it goes a long ways. And our managers are objective enough (and not locked into Best Buy corporate brainwash mode) to know that the only thing Best Buy has to offer over Amazon is the possibility of a good customer service experience. They do all they reasonably can to ensure that it happens.

    But again, this simply isn't the case everywhere at all, and it so often boils down to the luck of the draw on management. Good managers hire good people leading to good teams leading to generally happy customers and good sales. Bad managers hire their dumb friends, play games with customers, lie, cheat, and usually they don't put up good numbers.

    At the end of the day though, the good stores and the bad stores are equally screwed because the industry is a mess, the world is changing, and Best Buy corporate utterly and completely lacks the talent and leadership to be innovative in the 21st century. They refuse to reasonably acknowledge change, they're too scared to piss off manufacturers who have lines all across the store that vary dramatically when it comes to success and quality, and they're wildly inconsistent and disorganized with their processes and as they put it, "solutions." As said, if things don't drastically change, and I don't believe they will without a major shift in leadership, they'll be dead in 5 years. It's a sinking ship. I'll be happy to be out of there.

    Again, I don't think they're near as evil and corrupt as they are just lost. When you're lost, things can get confusing real fast. Bear in mind that oftentimes when employees appear aloof, they're probably confused because corporate changes things all the time and does little to help keep us informed of these changes. Also, don't mistake conspiracy theories for sheer stupidity. Like we saw in this whole conversation, people will say some wild things. It's easy to think it from the outside. I can assure you from the inside, that oftentimes what looks like scheming and maneuvering is really just disorganization, stupidity and/or confusion due to the muddled processes and the ever-foggy way in which corporate outlines these processes.

    I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 Calendar Wallpaper For
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  • SandboxGeneral
    Apr 2, 12:03 PM
    There is no beta of Windows 8 yet so it is hard to say. MS can add million new features to make it sound good on paper and then fail it like they did with Vista. In the end, the most important thing is stability. Windows 7 is great and I really hope W8 will take it even further.

    I agree. Stability is very important and it is what makes or breaks an OS. I hope Microsoft does really well in their next OS. Win7 is a winner in my book as I use and manage it at the office while OS X is the winner in my home. As long as MS & :apple: have decent OS's to compete against each other, the hopeful winners will be the users in that we get quality software to run.


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. January 2011 Desktop Wallpaper
  • January 2011 Desktop Wallpaper

  • citizenzen
    Apr 17, 09:52 AM
    :rolleyes: there is no time available to teach this ...

    Everybody stop doing stuff.

    History's all full now.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 calendar wallpaper
  • 2011 calendar wallpaper

  • mrblack927
    Apr 21, 11:53 AM
    Nice job guys. I don't want to shoot down the feature just yet, because you obviously put a good bit of work into coding it, but I'm not sure how well it will work long-term.

    On the one hand, it will (well, should) get rid of those annoying "+1" posts. However, without actually counting towards something, it's kind of pointless. The problem is, as soon as you do make the points count towards something, (ie. hiding low-rated posts or rewarding high ones) it starts to become a competition. Being that this is a mac community, opinions against Apple will be systematically filtered out and ones in favor will be promoted to the top.

    Essentially, there will be no incentive to have a discussion with differing opinions, and you will start to loose the multi-sided discussion that makes forums like this one great.


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 calendar wallpaper
  • 2011 calendar wallpaper

  • SgtPepper12
    May 4, 03:32 AM
    The "Only way" ?

    What, you could not use a laptop?

    And how would an iPad only owner read the CD in the 1st place?

    Yes the iPad made a nice easy to use picture viewer once you had put the images on it from your real computer at home is what you are saying.

    You could just of easy taken a laptop which read the CD images off directly onto the screen and no needed this new device whatsoever.
    Wait, what, a CD? Do you come from the 90s? Why do you need to put it on a CD? Do you even know how this works? Do you know how heavy a laptop is compared to an iPad 2? Do you know how much it sucks to "just hand over" a laptop?

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. march 2011 calendar wallpaper.
  • march 2011 calendar wallpaper.

  • macteo
    Apr 29, 04:30 PM
    I don't have AirDrop anymore!


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. Desktop Wallpaper Calendar
  • Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

  • maclaptop
    Apr 29, 07:58 PM
    Apple has sprung open a box of snakes.

    Mixing elements of iOS & OS X, is a no win proposition. It's the golly gee whiz kids, vs. the professionals.

    The kids love the look of iOS, FART Apps, and all that nonsense. Its all fun & games on mommy & daddies money.

    The grown ups who use their Macs to get things done, find some of these changes far from amusing. For us its about productivity & efficiency. It's about computing.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. desktop 2011 calendar
  • desktop 2011 calendar

  • LondonCentral
    Apr 9, 12:50 AM
    The only "Worst Buy" I am against is the one in Owings Mills, MD where they discriminated against me just because of a small disability. Pending a court case with corporate on this matter.. and I used to work for them back in 2005 and left them on a great note. Eligible for re-hire.. then tried to go back to them(Owings Mills) and the manager was very disrespectful and also discriminatory.

    I plan to have that store shut down permanently.

    What kinda bizarre court case would result in an entire store being shut down!?
    Unless there's toxic material under the damn thing the most you'll get is an apology and perhaps a little compensation. If you succeed of course. Good luck though.


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. march 2011 calendar desktop
  • march 2011 calendar desktop

  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 02:52 PM
    actually i think this is what might happen, eventually. But rather than at&t getting the same spec iphone "a" 6 months later, they will get the "b" with some improvements, then the next year verizon gets the "c" 6 months after that and so on... Where they will just keep leap frogging each other. I think the market is moving too fast for apple to continue with just yearly updates.

    ^ this.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 calendar wallpaper
  • 2011 calendar wallpaper

  • lordonuthin
    May 4, 07:04 PM
    oh man. that's not good. what flags are you using?

    -smp 12?

    yeah, -smp 12 but one core now shows minimal use. Before I restarted it it showed 4 cores with minimal usage... :confused: I'm going to try tossing the config file and see what happens. And of course it loses the wu each time I shut folding down.


    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. Desktop calendar wallpaper -
  • Desktop calendar wallpaper -

  • NAG
    Jan 11, 11:55 PM
    I would not see a problem with them going to report at macworld if anything happens in the keynote Steve would recover like he did at last years Mac World where his clicker stopped working and you are also talking about a mac event unlike CES things don't crash :)

    Actually he had a build of 10.5 crash on him when they first showed it off and he also had that camera incident (which was overblown).

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. 2011 calendar wallpaper
  • 2011 calendar wallpaper

  • aLoC
    Jan 13, 05:27 AM
    He didn't come across as too arrogant to me, if anything he was too humble. I am referring to the way he said Apple was very "fortunate" to have had breakthough products over the years. As if it was luck and not hard work. When people work hard and succeed they should take credit, not put it down to luck.

    2011 calendar wallpaper desktop. Desktop Wallpaper Calendar
  • Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

  • twoodcc
    Apr 13, 06:13 PM
    Oh yeah thanks to your help in getting the SMP client and giving the GPU client a go, I am now in the top 20 producers. Not bad considering when a few years back I had only an iBook and I was producing 48 points a day and did that for over a year!

    I don't know how long I will be able to sustain that rate though might have to drop back.

    yeah no problem.

    well just put up those numbers for as long as you can. our team can use the points, and of course for the cause

    Apr 24, 03:14 PM
    then why does Apple keep terminal which is nothing more than Apple version of command prompt.

    I was referring to the poster's comment about a hypothetical MS transition to Unix, which won't happen any time soon for a lot of reasons.

    The command line is quite useful, actually. There are some very handy Terminal commands out there.

    Here's a fun one, which might already be familiar:

    Type this into the Terminal window and hit return:

    telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

    It's been a while, I'm not sure if they actually finished it.

    Mar 4, 10:43 PM
    Ironic that a western country with one of the highest levels of unionization, including public sector unions, and all the evil evil socialized stuff such as pensions, healthcare etc. has the highest growth rate, best unemployment rate and most balanced budget. Germany.
    Kinda defeats your argument, fivepoint. Also, considering the level of unionization, Germany has in percentage points double the industrial production jobs that the US does. And all these companies are world leaders in their segments.
    Americans are diluded if they think ultracon vulture capitalism will save them, it is exactly what got them into this mess to begin with.


    What you are talking about is tested true economics where a healthy and well paid workforce lends to a stronger economy. With the large number of workers with income to burn, then the economy circulates monies and has a built in consumer base.

    But take fivepoint's theory, which for a lack of better name, is laissez-faire economics and trickle down theory. On its face it makes sense to put the money into the hands of the educated and rich, and they will re-invest it back into society creating the most bang for the buck and the fastest pace of innovation possible. However, with human nature being that people (even rich people) want to hoard, then what we end up with is a stagnate economy with no turnover. Eight years of George W. Bush and his policies show this to be pretty obvious. Anybody who believes in the old trickle down theory is falling into the trap that it can work.

    I don't think government intervention, to the point of government micromanagement is a good thing, but I don't think the liberals are out to make that their goal. We need to strike a balance where business can operate and make a profit, but at the same time have a government, though limited, who can play more like a referee looking out for the best interests of the people. And it's the people who have the responsibility to vote if they don't like the government that is in place.

    America put in a lot of wet behind the ears tea party republicans, and this two year period is their time to shine while in the House. So far, they appear to be falling on their face. But I will give the GOP a chance and see if they can deliver on their promises and I will be willing to give them credit if they make headway yet fall short. We are in a tough economy.

    But the last thing we need to do in this recession is to blow the horn of trickle down economics knowing it didn't work with 8 years of the GOP recently in the White House, and with a 12 year run mostly in the 1980s which hiked up the deficit and failed miserably in its chief election promise of reducing the national deficit and sustain a long term growth of the economy. Jimmy Carter's spending was the GOP's main talking point and when the GOP made Jimmy look like a miser, then they had to fall on diversion tactics like abortion, family values, and religion when they realized their #1 talking point was a failure in practice.

    With so much confusion as to whether a republican is represented by a pro-business/big corporation plank or more of a small-government plank akin to some tea party politicians, I don't care what the House calls themselves as long as they get results. It's early yet but the GOP has started off this year in the world possible way.

    Aug 15, 02:19 AM
    I was looking at buying a 30" anyway - it was march when they updated those right? I don't think they got updated at wwdc did they?

    Sep 9, 07:18 PM
    George didn't lie about anything under oath :o

    Except for having American's best interests at heart. And sending troops into war only if it is absolutely neccesary.

    Manic Mouse
    Sep 12, 07:42 AM
    Does anyone else think selling/running video in iTUNES is a little counter-intuitive?


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